Friday, March 23, 2018

World Council Churches, "free trade", Institute Policy Studies

    In studying the history of the Fabian Society in the British Museum in London, I was struck by the awesome progress of the tiny band of unknowns who went on to bring some of the most important politicians, writers, teachers, economists, scientists, philosophers, religious leaders and publishers into the Fabian Society's orbit, while the world seemed never to notice its existence. Why the profound changes that were coming into being were
not cause for alarm can be explained.  Every single move made by Fabianists was cloaked in the mantle of "reforms" and the Fabian technique of equating "reforms" with                   "beneficial,""just," or "good" was the key to their success. 
  The same things held good for American Socialists.  Every major move made 
by the Socialist Fifth Column in Washington is disguised as "reforms," that are 
going to benefit the people.  The trick is as old as the hills, yet voters fall for it 
every time. Roosevelt's "New Deal" was lifted straight out of a Fabian Socialist 
book of the same title written by Stuart Chase  as a genuine "reform" of the system.              -Dr. John Coleman:  One World  Government; see
          The drug-trade is controlled by the Committee of 300 from the Top dow    The drug-trade started with the British East India Company and was closely followed by the Dutch East India Company.  Both were controlled by a "Council of 300."  The list of names of            members and stockholders of the BEIC read like something out of Debretts Peerage.        BEIC established the "China Inland Mission," whose job it was to get the Chinese peasants, or coolies, as they were called, addicted to opium.   This created the market for opium which the BEIC then filled...   
  The trend in making huge profits out of drugs was carried over into the 1960's by such    "legal" drug death-merchants as Sandoz, the makers of LSD, and Hoffman la Roche,            manufacturers of VALIUM.  The cost of the raw material and manufacturing of Valium   to Hoffman la Roche is $3 per kilo (2.2 pounds).  It is sold to their distributors for $20,000 per kilo.  By the time it reaches the consumer, the price of Valium has risen to            $50,000 per kilo.  Valium is used in huge quantities in Europe and the United States.   It is possibly the most used addictive drug of its kind in the world.      -Dr. Coleman:       Committee of 300, see
         One of the principal leaders in this revolution is the World Council of Churches (WCC), the religious arm of the United Nations.  WCC activities have resulted in far-reaching changes in the political, religious and economic life of the nation.  The WCC has always known that religion does not stop at the portals of the church. 
  The Federal Council of Churches (FCC), forerunner of the WCC, had as its plank to penetrate and permeate civil government, particularly in the field of education and labor relations.  Mark Starr, the British Socialist appointed by Roosevelt to a number of government posts, was used by the FCC to visit factories and distribute the Fabian Society's publication, "What the Church Thinks of Labor," a thoroughly Marxists diatribe against capitalism.  The FCC was run on radical Socialist lines according to the methods laid down by Sydney and Beatrice Webb, its founders, and its membership of the Third International shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FCC/WCC was, and is, anti-Christian. 
  The FCC/WCC were run by pagans for pagans as its past history reveals, and as we see it today.  One such pagan was Walter Rauschenbach who visited with Sydney and Beatrice Webb and then took their ideas, plus what he had learned from reading Marx, Mazzini and Edward Bellamy, to the Second Baptist Church in New York.  Instead of the Gospel of Christ, Rauschenbach preached the gospel of Socialism according to Marx, Engels, Ruskin and the Freemasonic-Socialism of Mazzini.  
  The FCC/WCC claimed a membership of twenty million, but research proves  that  its 
membership was and still is, considerably less.  As to the financial support the FCC received and the WCC receives today, research shows that it came from many pro-Communist


came from many pro-Communist organizations like the Laura Spellman Fund, the Carnegie Endowment Fund and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. 
  The FCC set the stage for the plague of homosexuality and lesbianism, not to mention "free love" without responsibility (abortion) that has descended upon the nation.  The FCC was, and the WCC is, the staunchest supporters of homosexuality and lesbianism, and were strongly supportive of so-called "constitutional" protection for these groups.  Homosexuality is not mentioned as a "right" anywhere in the Constitution of the United States, and is, therefore a prohibition.  "Homosexual rights" are a figment of the overripe minds of Socialist legislators and certain Supreme Court Justices. 
  In this the WCC was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), who tried to twist and squeeze the Constitution to create non-existent "rights" for those who chose the homosexual way of life.  As we shall see in the chapters on law, courts, and the Congress, anyone of standing who protested the acceptance of these non existent "rights," soon found themselves in trouble....
                                                      "free trade"
  the Constitution of the United States expressly forbids the transfer of powers from one branch of government to another.  This happened all through the Free Trade Wars and is still going on.  The slow, often unnoticed surrender of the legislative to the executive branch of government is what has sapped the strength of the defenders in the Trade Wars.  Such actions are unconstitutional and tantamount to sedition and treason against the American people. 
  The surrender of powers that belong exclusively to the legislative branch of government began with the Payne Aldrich Tariff Act, and the misshapen creature began to grow like the green bay tree. Although the Payne Aldrich Act did not achieve its first goal, it was more than successful in its second; the transfer of legislative powers to the executive.  It gave powers to the President, forbidden to him by the Constitution in that he could now control Customs duty rates on imports. 
  The House delivered a mortal blow to the very people it was supposed to protect, and allowed "free trade" to rob our workers of their jobs, as manufacturing facilities unable to meet the cut-price, dumping policies of foreign made goods, were forced to close down. 
  That treason and sedition was committed by those who accepted the Payne Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909 as "law," is today apparent in the NAFTA and GATT agreements.  The United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 10 clearly placed matters of trade in the care of the House of Representatives. Section 10 strengthened


control by the House over trade matters.  The powers of the House were not and are not transferable!  It is as simple as that.  Any and all "laws," "executive orders," presidential decisions on matters of trade, international agreements, are null and void and must be wiped off the books as soon as government is returned to We, the People.  We shall see the huge damage wrought by presidential usurpation of trade powers as we continue. 
  The Payne Aldrich Tariff Act is typical of the way in which Fabian Socialism acts, always disguising its true intentions behind a facade of lies and more lies.  As I have said before, the American people are the most lied to people in the world, and the Payne Aldrich Tariff Act was the high point of lies at the time.  Put forward in the House as a tariff protection measure, the real meaning of the act was the exact opposite:  it was one giant step forward for the enemies of the American people, the "free traders" and their City of London allies — or is masters a better description of their association? 
  The Payne Aldrich Tariff Act ostensibly transferred powers to the executive, a transfer that could not and should not have taken place without a constitutional amendment having been passed.  Since this did not happen, every trade agreement since 1909 is ultra-vires.  If we had a Supreme Court that was not in the hands of the Philistines, we might have been able to turn to it for help, but cannot. 
  Since the days of Brandeis and "Fixer" Fortas, the Supreme Court has become a Socialist-packed court which has no ears to hear the pleas of We, the People.  With passage of the Payne Aldrich Tariff Act, the United States suffered a grave reverse in the Trade Wars, one from which it has never recovered.  The Payne Aldrich measure was Socialist "gradualism" in the best traditions of that dishonest political entity. 
  These sneak attacks on the people of the United States came at a time of our relative innocence.  We knew little about Fabian Socialism or of its modus operandi.  The book, "The Case Against Socialism:  A Handbook for Conservative Speakers" is a guide to the dirty tricks Socialism uses to get its legislation passed and there is no greater dirty tricks Socialist player than President Clinton. 
  The people of this great United States have been bamboozled by their leaders — beginning with Woodrow Wilson — into believing that such a thing as "tree trade" is beneficial for all nations.  They will tell us that it was the brainchild of Adam Smith and that David Ricardo, the Socialist's favorite economist, refined the bounds and meaning of free trade.  But it all just so much smoke and mirrors.  The mythology of "free trade" is so ingrained in the minds of the American people that they believe it really is beneficial! The leadership of the nation, starting with the President on down, has grossly misled the people into this terrible trap. 



  Americans lives have already been ruined.  Millions live in despair as this relentless war continues to plow under our people.  "Free trade" is the biggest single threat to the infrastructure of the nation — a greater threat than any nuclear attack could ever be. 
  Just a few statistics:  seven hundred and fifty thousand American steelworkers have lost their jobs since the Committee of 300 unleashed Count Etienne Davignon on this particular battlefront in 1950. 
  A million and a quarter of the best paying, stable, industrial jobs related to and relying upon steel products, were lost in consequence of the death of the steel industry.  This was not because American steel workers were not good workers; in fact, given the old plants some had to work with, they did very well against unfair trade practices.  But they could not compete with "free trade" imports that undersold U.S.-made products because foreign governments heavily subsidized them. 
  Many of the foreign steel mills were even built with "Marshall Plan" money!  By 1994, a total of forty million Americans had lost their jobs due to "free trade" attacks on their factories, textile mills, production plants. 
  America grew to be an industrial giant and in the 1880s was leading England as the world's No. 1 industrial nation.  This was entirely due to the protection provided local industry by trade barriers.    ...  
  What are the goals of the secret elite group, (Committee 300/Club of Rome/Tavistock/Bilderberg/Skull and Bones, Illuminati)?...          1)  A One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary-system under their direction.  Not many people are aware that the One World Government began setting up its "church" in the 1920's/1930's, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

2)  The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.

3)  The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.

4)  Control of each and every person through means of mind-control and what Brzezinski call "Technotronics" which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski's Red Terror will look like children at play. ...
6)  To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises.  This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where, faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. ...
5)  To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.

6)  To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local-institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.

1)  Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them....
3)  Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.  Much of these goals, which I first enumerated in 1969, have since been achieved or are well on their way to being achieved.  Of special interest in the Committee of 300 program is the core of their economic-policy, which is largely based on the teachings of Malthus, the son of an English country parson who was pushed to prominence by the British East India Company upon which the Committee of 300 is modeled....
  The only way we can fight-back is by exposing the conspirators and their multiplicity of front-organizations.  We need men with experience who can formulate strategy to defend our priceless heritage which, once lost, will never again reappear.  We need to learn the methods the conspirators use; learn them and adopt counter-measures.  Only a crash-program will stop the rot which is consuming our nation.

                                -Dr. John Coleman:  One World Government, 1998
       Since 1854 at least six members of the Lord family have been initiated into The Order of Skull & Bones.  In 1854 George Deforest Lord was initiated into The Order.  He became a New York lawyer.  Together with his father, Daniel Lord, the law firm of Lord, Day and Lord was established.  Today, one of Lord's clients is the Samuel Rubin Foundation. Samuel Rubin was a registered member of the Communist Party.  The Office of the Samuel Rubin Foundation in which Samuel Rubin's daughter Cora Weiss was president, is located at 777 United Nations Plaza, which is known as the 'Church Center to the United Nations.'...The Rubin Foundation is one of the Communist financiers for the radical Institute for Policy Studies which has infiltrated itself thoroughly into the American government.
  The history of the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) goes like this:
In 1960 James Jeremiah Wadsworth, a member of the Order of Skull & Bones (initiated 1927), and Arthur Waskow set up the Peace Research Institute.  In 1963 this organization was incorporated by Marcus Raskin, a staff member of the National Security Council and an aide to Skull & Bones' McGeorge Bundy (initiated 1940).  Co-Contributors were:  Arthur Waskow, David Reisman, Michael Maccoby and Council on Foreign Relations member James Warburg.  Grants came from the Samuel Rubin Foundation and the Stern Family Fund.  Samuel Rubin was himself a member of the elite Comintern of the Communist Party, founded by none other than Lenin himself.  Billionaire Armand Hammer assisted Rubin in making the fortunes which helped launch IPS.  Philip Stern, an IPS trustee, was the president of Stern Fund.  The executive director of the Stern Fund, David R. Hunter, was previously an official of The National Council and the World Council Of Churches.
  Here lies Skull and Bones Order's tie-in with the Clintons.  Hilary Clinton funded the IPS and other Communist organizations when she was Director and Chair of the Board of Directors of the New World Foundation in 1987-1988.  Hillary had funded and praised The Order's pro-Marxist IPS which the FBI had investigated for murders, espionage, terror bombings and kidnapping.  Bill Clinton has now appointed many known IPS members to high government posts and one of his closest friends and advisors is IPS-Marxist Derek Shearer, a top economic advisor. Another top IPS-Marxist appointee is ANTHONY LAKE, now Clinton's National Security Advisor. (4)     (4)   Dr. James W. Wardner, Unholy Alliances, 1996, pp. 124-5
  James Wardner recorded:  "Dr. Walter Rauschenbusch of the Fabian Society wrote in 1893:  The only power that can make socialism succeed, if it is established, is religion.  It cannot work in an irreligious country.  Speaking of Rauschenbusch, Major Edgar Bundy, in his book, Collectivism in the Churches, said, 'Socialism thus was his first concern.  Religion was only a means toward achieving socialism.'" (7)    (7) Unholy Alliances, p. 153.    
  Unholy Alliances documents that the National Council of Churches (originally the Federal Council of Churches) was vital to Rockefellers' plan for a One World Religion:

  The Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America was used routinely by the Rockefellers to further their personal interests in church circles.  Rockefeller donated to the Federal Council's Department of Church and Economic Life and promoted the concept of an international church.  This is how 'ecumenism' got its beginning as Rockefeller became the most important financier of liberal and ecumenical Protestantism.       -Barbara Aho

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