Saturday, March 31, 2018

Stand steadfast in your own pure divinity

       …remember there is no nation that is free of the intermingling of the seed of the tares among the wheat.  I speak of the wheat in this nation.  It is a developed wheat, a developed seed of Christ because of the intercession of the Great White Brotherhood.  When you travel abroad you will see the absence of this, and especially you will discover their non-forgiveness of America herself.
  Beloved hearts, there are people who have a national consciousness of hatred of America that has been programmed and indoctrinated in them but only because of their vulnerability.  Their vulnerability not to forgive this nation for whatever wrongs committed, real or imagined, must therefore be exposed.  And the vulnerability of an individual to fail to forgive another is the vulnerability of the absence of forgiveness of oneself or even the recognition of the necessity to confess before the living Christ, the Holy Christ Self, and to ask for forgiveness.  The people then who are convinced that they are right, who do not know Christ the Mediator, whose pride exceeds all desiring for grace, have thus not understood that the threading of the eye of the needle of the soul unto the Cosmic Christ consciousness is in the act of forgiveness…..
  Thus though the human may be vulnerable the Divine is not.  Stand steadfast in your own pure divinity; affirm it for one another.  And let the people of God rally close to our representative that this activity and church and nation unto God might go forward in all the holy purposes ordained.
  Courage of the heart is a rare gift in this day.  And you yourselves have seen that that quality was essential to your staying power even in this service here.  Courage is the sign of the coming of age of the heart.  The age of the heart is truly the age of the descent of the Messiah within you, even the second coming of Christ.  I, Zarathustra, anoint you.  And with me always is Melchizedek and Oromasis and Diana who lead the fiery salamanders and adepts of the sacred fire for the cleansing of the earth….
  Blessed hearts, it is very difficult for those whose bodies are interred (rather than cremated after passing away) to afterwards perform the necessary rituals at inner levels to liberate their light and consciousness from that earth-focus.
  It is important that there be forthcoming in the revolution in higher consciousness a true understanding of the sacred fire as the nexus of the figure-eight through which all must pass.  Thus the trial by fire comes in the physical, the mental, the emotion, the etheric bodies.  And all must pass through that sacred fire.  That which is placed in the flame then is liberated to return to the Great Central Sun of the I AM Presence to be recharged and sent forth for the new birth of that soul.  The consuming of the physical body has its corresponding effect upon the astral body that is demagnetized even by the physical fire, thus it hastens the disintegration of the astral sheath that may wander about a a discarnate, disconnected and yet affecting others with a heavy sense of oppression and emotion….
  Beloved hearts, the children of this nation are taking suicide as an out because they see no purpose in life, because they have not been given the path of Jesus Christ to go to the highest mountains of the Himalayas to find their reason for being and to be of some value and service to their community.  What they are being taught today does not give them the value of their spiritual beings, their divine beings, but only of themselves as humans.  And no one can live and value himself as a human and survive in this age:  one’s survival depends upon one’s acknowledgment of oneself as a fiery spiritual being, truly a Spirit-spark and a continuum that has always lived in the pat and shall always live in the future--except by freewill that one choose to cancel out the self through the denial of the light and the God and the truth in that very place of identity.  
             -Zarathustra:  3-31-1985 at Royal Teton Ranch via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
     When the soul does not interact with the light through the etheric body then all spiritual activity of the seven chakras ceases except in the body of the Lamb himself at the level of the individual Christ Self.  Those who are not the lively stones, those whose temples have not been quickened by the Holy Spirit, those who acknowledge neither the Father nor the Mother nor the manchild have no light in them, and indeed any light that is in them is darkness.  That which remains of the activity of the spiritual chakras is the transfer of the impulses of life to the corresponding nerve and glandular systems conducting the energies of life necessary for the cerebral, sensorial, motor and autonomic functions of the physical body.
  The function of the chakras of individuals who give no personal adoration to the personal God is at the level of the astral plane.  Their chakras are cesspools.  Taking in the entire gamut of the mass consciousness they experience it, take part in it and release it with their own added momentum back to the astral sea….
  The oil in the lamp of the chakras of the virgin souls of both men and women is the return current of the adoration unto God….One cannot wait forever and a day, my beloved, for the tides of astral aggression to cease pounding the castle walls.  Let the soul retreat into the interior castle, there to greet the King of kings and Lord of lords.  His light will shut out the dark if you let it….
  Every love you share on earth is intended to be a transparency for the divine love and the divine lover who often stands just outside the frosted windows of possessive love that exclude the greater elf for the lesser self.  My beloved, I will be very frank with you.  The desire to know God through the path of love takes tremendous determination.  It requires the diamond will that is determined to have God and no other.  It is a determination to fly straight to God, straight as an arrow clean that parteth the air, that will not be deterred or distracted here or there.  Teach your children to set goals in life and to fulfill them, for they are all in spring training for the winning team of overcomers who overcome by a devotion that shuts out every force and forcefield of anti-devotion.
  Now you can test yourself, my beloved, with this simple test.  Set aside an hour when you will give ten minutes of pure devotion to God through uninterrupted meditation with your Lord in the interior castle.  Let it be the meditation upon the whitefire sun of your I AM Presence and upon the bluefire sun of Sirius.  This will be a meditation of the polarity of Alpha and Omega in heaven and in earth as the whitefire sun is in Spirit and the bluefire sun is in matter.  Discipline your mind’s eye to see through your third-eye chakra and to behold only the whitefire sun and then only the bluefire sun.  Next behold the twain engaged in the cosmic interchange of the cosmic t’au-chi.
  Behold the whitefire sun whirling in clockwise motion, transferring the energies of life to the bluefire sun as it whirls in counterclockwise motion, returning to the Great Central Sun the blurrier momentum of the blue Mother of Sirius.  This is a very natural visualization inasmuch as your soul has already beheld the twin spheres of Alpha and Omega as the archetypal spheres of the Father/Mother God sealed in your own causal body.  This is also the visualization for the union of the whitefire bodies of twinflames and one with which you are also familiar, for it is an exercise given to you and your beloved twinflame in the meditation room of the Royal Teton Retreat….And measure your own self-discipline as you exclude from your third-eye consecration all other thoughtforms or mere mortal distractions.  Let the  flow of the heart for this ten-minute interval be undivided in its acceleration of pure love unto the being of the whitefire/bluefire suns.  Let the attention of your soul within the chakra of solar awareness be thoroughly engaged in entering in to the twin vortices of the Holy Spirit.     
(by Ruth Hawkins)
                          -Sanat Kumara: Opening of the Seventh Seal, 1979, chapter 36
        In the name I AM THAT I AM ELOHIM, Saint Germain, Portia, Guru Ma, Lanello, Padma Sambhava, Kuan Yin and the 5 Dhyani Buddhas, in the name I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, aum Vairochana Akhobhya Ratnasambhava Amitabh Amoghasiddhi Vajrasattva aum
  I invoke the magnification of the original Word with Brahman who is the true Judge and I confirm the judgment already rendered by the Cosmic Council upon thee aliens and all fallen angels pronounced through Enoch upon the Watchers for their violation of space and of time and of sacred body temple of sons and daughters of God and souls of light.
  Inasmuch as they have done it unto the least of these my brethren, the Keepers of the Flame of planet Earth, so they have done it unto me!  I declare this day then the karma is tenfold upon them for their violation of the Office and Being and Flame of the Goddess of Liberty as she does stand the Cosmic Mother of this humanity and of these lightbearers of the Sun.  Thus as they have done it unto one so it shall be counted unto them that they have done it unto the Goddess of Liberty tenfold.
  For the Goddess of Liberty declares and I with her:  I AM that life and I AM that threefold flame of Liberty within every beating heart.  Therefore in the name I AM THAT I AM these violators of the genetic seed of the Christed ones of Earth will not be allowed to tamper with or to borrow the sacred fire and thus perpetrate for aeons their robotic creation by even a microscopic portion of the Liberty-flame which itself is a part of the genetic code of the light- bearers.

  By the authority of the Goddess of Liberty I AM clothed upon with her mantle and I ratify the judgment of the race of mechanization man and the godless and the feelingless and the heartless who have succeeded in existing by borrowing the science of the Divine Mother and of Sanat Kumara.  And with the Goddess of Liberty I say:  “You have no power!  The days of your misuse of the sacred science of the Divine Mother are done!” 9x)          
(atop Pike's Peak, 1973)
                   -Messenger E C Prophet:  7-2-1988 at RTR, Montana    

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