Sunday, July 2, 2017

we direct you to join together to defeat the evil forces, for they are cunning

  Now we say, we are determined to save planet Earth and we will not leave you to your own childish devices.  For there are so many vices and devices that the fallen angels put upon the children of the light that we must stand side by side with you and guide you home all the way.  And we will give you each one your inner compass so you will not be led astray.  Furthermore we will guide you unerringly if you will only listen and obey our words:  “Go not this way but go that way.  Go not here but go there.”...
And so we have established a base far from Earth, beyond this solar system.  Here we bind fallen angels who have no right to corrupt the children of God or the civilizations of this world.  Yes, for many the time is up.  Nevertheless it is the Law: we must have your calls daily if we are to cast out the fallen angels.  And it can definitely happen if you call upon us with such fury and such determination that no devil will dare to cross your threshold.  Therefore call to us, the seven archangels.  Command us!  Send us!  For we can multiply ourselves millions of times. ...
Therefore because you are on your way to your victory we direct you to join together to defeat the evil forces, for they are cunning.  Beware of them because they have fooled you before, else you would not be in this room.  On the contrary you would be in the octaves of light but for the fallen angels who enticed you here and there and finally caused you to be cast out of Maitreya’s Mystery School.
Yes, this is why we speak of Evil.  It is because Evil incarnate has caused you to fail and to fall many times over.  For you did not recognize these individuals as evil because they pretended to be your teachers and mentors, et cetera.    -Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst:  3-29-1997 at RTR, Montana

I have decided then this day that on the side of right and might and beauty and perfection and divine loveliness and all those cares and considerations for which your heart years, the ascended angelic beings should become your guardians--the guardians of liberty for and on behalf of mankind because they are evoked.  I am referring now to the ascended masters and the angelic hosts; I am referring to them all.  You need to evoke the power and presence of the masters in your lives, and you need to evoke the presence of the angelic hosts, these ministering flames of fire that are very much a part of heaven.    
       -Divine Director:  1-2-1971 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
by Raphael

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