The veil that hung in the ancient Hebrew temple between the holy of holies and the holy place is symbolical of the veil of the divine Mediator that guards the perfection of God from the imperfection of man. This is the veil that is sanctioned by God to protect the altar of the sacred fire in the most holy place where only the high priest, the Christ Self of each one, may enter. This veil prevents the penetration of the holy of holies by those whose consciousness is yet to be raised for the ritual of entering into the Christ mind.
There is another veil that separates a man from his God. It is an energy veil that is a forcefield of mortal thought and feeling which mankind weave out of their own discord. This veil has become a wall of partition between the evolving soul consciousness of man and the great God-flame that focuses the life energy of the Real Self within the heart.
Thus man has barricaded himself from the mercy seat and the ark of the testimony of his own Christ-identity. And this energy veil has for centuries effectively deprived him of the truth of his own being and of the Presence of God. Therefore it is man himself who must rend the veil of his own mortal consciousness--of which he alone is the author--ere the wisdom of the Law can be imparted....
Many of mankind's recurring experiences have been undesirable, therefore in the awareness that so-called evil can befall them men are apprehensive about their future. They question whether they will attain success and whether they will be able to retain success once it is meted out to them. The memory of past failures then keeps alive in the present the records of fear. Understanding the Father's true plan is ever beneficial in eradicating fear from an individual's world. ...
Truly it can be said that there are islands of dense substance, or psychic pollution, located within the consciousness of mankind. Under certain conditions, always accompanied by an outburst of emotional energy, these islands--again, conglomerate globs of fear and the compounds of fear--rapidly unite with the mainland of negation in the mass consciousness of the world, at the same time amplifying the momentums of negation within the world of the individual. This results in a great inrush of tides of unhappiness caused by an intensification of these qualities and conditions which are quite the reverse of the heavenly plan.
-Maitreya, in Science of the Spoken Word, S. U. Press, 1983, chapter 3
The creative power of the universe that emanates from the highest source is given to the earth beneath in order that man may learn through the alchemy of meditation to change, as your beloved Gautama has indicated, the dust of his world into the destiny of the Eternal. The stars are his portion as is the magnificent God-flame within your heart. The miniature sun of illumination within is the golden pot at the end of the rainbow of light's extension into your world. Where light is there God is, daubing the many colors of the pure white light into a kaleidoscope resembling Joseph's coat of many colors....
When it comes to synthesizing into action the rays of love and power, the pink and the blue, there is born the radiance of the violet flame. Also called the royal purple it shows aborning within the consciousness the sense of the mantle. God has caressed and blessed the individual. Now he must wear the mantle of diplomacy, the robe of tact and of judgment. He must mediate as best he can for lesser men, for those who have not yet advanced to his level of attainment. Whether man, angel or master he must serve the cause of freedom delivering men from the bondages they themselves have created.
No thanks must he expect but only the holding in grateful heart of the feeling of gratitude for more service in order that tomorrow he may give in greater measure that which he has given in lesser measure today. Saturday--the day to pause and consider the ritual of freedom. Transcendence then is the nature of the light....Let us aspire! Let us lift up our heads, for our redemption draweth nigh. From Wisdom's fount may we drink.

-Kuthumi: Pearls of Wisdom 11:17 (by Schmiechen, 1884)
Your thoughts must become chalices into which God can pour the truth about Himself, and when that truth is known within the framework of the relative as more and more upon Earth aspire toward their ascension they will find that removing veils is a joyous experience. We do not deny that it can be difficult, for men have often identified with the veils they have created. -Kuthumi Pearls of Wisdom 11:18
-gateway to Taoist temple in China
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