1) Listen, my children, to the words of the Initiator, Maitreya. For I will speak to you of a simple idea which unfortunately appears complex because the children of men prefer to think of themselves as mature adults. Yet although they sometimes act like children they cannot always find in their hearts the needed simplicity which the Great Law requires of them to become as a little child that they might enter into the eternal kingdom.
I am therefore about to discuss the efficacy of decrees--not only in the removing of fear but also in the removing from the consciousness of mankind every discouraging and disparaging condition which they may ever have to face. For the Word of God is power: it is the divine decree which man gives in unison with the voice of the Eternal One who proclaims the eternal Law of his being.
-Maitreya: Science of the Spoken Word, 1983, chapter 3
2) Mankind’s indoctrination with the Luciferian spirit of rebellion is no part of the instruction of the living God. The force of rebellion is chaotic and robs man of his peace. How glorious it is when mankind pursue the outworking of the harmony of inner spheres in their lives and in their associations with others. Then they are able to clear the way before their own advancement in life and to perceive the universal intent as it manifests perfection’s die. Thus are stamped upon the human image those aspects of the Divine that carry man back to his own Eden of perfection, at the same time propelling him forward in those adroit manifestations of life that show forth the self-mastery of the adept….
In the past many among mankind have sought to develop their spiritual powers long before they developed their spiritual wisdom. When people do this it becomes necessary for the Karmic Lords to fling them back upon the shores of life until such a time as they are able to follow the prescribed path. Therefore I urge you, one and all, not to overlook at any stage in your development the use of the violet transmuting flame….
By commending yourselves unto the Good Shepherd of Righteousness, by commending yourselves unto the Laws of infinite perfection manifesting in your finite realms you begin the process of correctly using the highest Laws that are outworking perfection so beautifully in our sphere. May I extend to you divine felicitations upon the path even as I pray that you will ever keep open the doorways of mind and heart to the unfoldment of both the universal will and the universal purpose. Thus a God-star born in your heart as a miniature forces of the Great Central Sun will become the diamond-shining mind of God through the impartation of those points of awareness that are so closely identified with the cosmic compass of universal purpose. I am striving with you for your development upon the pathway of devotion and service to the causes of the Brotherhood and the one Cause of God which we seek to glorify.
-Sanctus Germanus: Pearls of Wisdom 15:26
3) The blueprint is a mathematical formula, a precise pattern patterned after the Cosmic Egg. The blueprint of life contains, as the seed contains within itself, every characteristic of the Spirit that the soul is intended to anchor in the world of matter-form. And all that is required for the physical outpicturing of the matrices stored in the etheric computer, in the mental faculties and in the emotional body must be anchored in the seat-of-the-soul chakra, in the seed and the egg and in the chromosomes and genes.
Other aspects of man’s spiritual nature and of the blueprint of life are anchored solely in the etheric body and can be released into the form and form-consciousness when the fervent desire of the soul to transcend its limited mode impels the descent of the grace of the Holy Spirit, imbuing the form with the flame of that Spirit and superimposing upon the atoms and molecules of selfhood the glow of higher being. Those then who would espouse the Mother-flame and fulfill the mandates of the flame here on earth must be prepared to reinforce by the will of God anchored in the will of the individual mind, by fervent and holy prayer, by fiat, decree and invocation, by affirmation and visualization all that God holds in store for the lightwaves of a planet.
This can be accomplished through meditation upon geometric forms, the structure of crystal and the harmony and rhythm of classical music. By listening to the sounds of nature with the inner ear the mother is able to perceive with heightened soul sensitivity the structure of all things living. Inasmuch as all that exists in and as matter-form was fashioned by the Creator after the designs of the Spirit, the meditation on perfect forms prepares the soul to make the leap from matter molecule to Spirit molecule. That leap is a necessary part of holding the immaculate concept, and that leap made daily in consciousness will one day be the giant leap of the soul into the arms of the I AM Presence through the ritual of the ascension….
The eternal fiat spoken by Jesus as he descended into form--“Lo, I AM come to do Thy will, O God”--is a perpetual mantra that conducts the energies of being into the perfect matrices of life.
-Archeia Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 17:51
4) God wants us to affirm our being as His and His as our very own. It is our fiery destiny to be one, i.e., to share in His universal oneness. This we accomplish day by day by confirming his Word--I AM--in our mantras. The science of the spoken Word is the means to our soul’s union with Spirit….For God’s energy enjoys the mighty work of making you whole, and He wants you to enjoy a fruitful life as you strive to set all life free.
-Messengers M and E Prophet: Science of the Spoken Word, 1983, chapter 18
5) When you feel condemned and unworthy as though you are unable to accomplish anything that is worth being present in the Lord remember Kuan Yin, remember mercy. Call forth the fires of mercy and say: In the name of Jesus the Christ, in the name of my own Christ Self, in the name of my own beloved I AM Presence I call upon the law of of forgiveness. O God, I desire to make peace with Thee this day. Forgive my wrongs and injustices, my iniquities, my selfishness and sin Forgive me O God and give to me opportunity to right every wrong, to requalify all that has been misqualified, to transmute that which has not been the perfection of the fulfilling of the Law.
When you have called upon the law of forgiveness, when you have gone to the Christ Self who officiates as the priest at the altar of your heart then be at peace. Know that the flame of forgiveness comes and is sustained by your own effort to right every wrong.
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