1) And we have no bars, we have no gates, we have no prisons to separate man from their victory. For when they desire their victory more than they desire the manifestation of materialism and human ideas they will have it.
-Mighty Victory with Morya: 9-3-1961 at Woodstock, Ontario, CA via Messenger Mark Prophet
2) Man is linked with his body; his physical body becomes a prisonhouse. His sense of limitation is an enclosure that forestalls communication with higher octaves, that hinders the movement of his being from higher expression. Man is drenched with emotional substance, he is drowned in self-pity. His ordinances are established by a sense of separation from his fellowmen whom he often regards as but pawns in his personal schemes. Thus he breaches the covenant of unity.
Mastery is achieved by the emulation of cosmic princliple….The Law evolves in man as he becomes fixed to the practical aspects thereof. Recognizing that he cannot defraud it he sees it as a pearly bridge transcending the deepest chasms….The bond is a strengthening one, and those who understand Hierarchy as a chain of light will be raised.
-Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 13:39 (portrait by N. Roerich)
3) Note well that it is the very bottom of the (South American) continent, and this ought to tell you that you are dealing with the base chakra of the entire hemisphere. And therefore the onslaught in the misuse of sex and pornography, child abuse, incest and those things which are rampant that have to do with the base of the spine are also involved. War itself is the misuse of the Mother-light. Let all realize then that if they (fallen ones) can sufficiently drain the light of the base chakra of the Earth in the Middle East and here and there at other points that they will be able to seize the life of a nation and turn it to death. And this is what they have been seeking to do from the beginning.
-Archangel Michael: 4-11-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
4) To this day the “scribes and Pharisees” denounce those who dare to acknowledge their own heritage as sons of God. Jesus’ claim to his divinity was based on the understanding that he, being created in the image of God as were all men in the beginning, possessed all of the attributes of God Himself--not in quantity but in quality even as every drop of the ocean contains the essential nature of the whole.
Jesus knew, as few men before or since have known, that he was the Son of God; he never claimed that he was the only Son of God, but those who heard his words who had not reached this higher understanding refused to claim their own divine Sonship. While some rebuked him and his declaration others fell down and worshiped in him that which they were not able to realize within themselves….
Human consciousness or the carnal nature has rejected the Christ since the Fall of Adam and Eve. For the lesser self, or the prodigal son whom we may think of as man in the state of becoming the Christ, by the power of freewill chose to abide in the consciousness of limitation rather than that of limitless expression which is gained when one submits himself unreservedly to the will of God….
All men share in this oneness (of Life) and have within themselves the essence of the divine nature--God individualized as the mighty I AM Presence of every son and daughter and the Christ individualized as the Holy Christ Self of each one. Without God and the Word, the Christ that was with Him in the beginning no manifestation was made--no man was created without being infused with a portion of God and a portion of the Christ. (Later however some advanced fallen ones cloned mechanical man.)…
To decree or to command the energies of life is the prerogative of the Christ-identity or higher Self of every son and daughter of God. The human self, being imperfect and incomplete, has not yet been given the authority to utter fiats of creative direction and thus he must always decree “In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my own beloved Holy Christ Self.” 
-Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, in The Science of the Spoken Word, S. U. Press, 1983, chapter VI
5) And fear begets excessive self-concern…They do not see themselves as that yo-yo that goes back and forth between the influence of the Fallen One and the influence of the Christ….And at that moment many make the decision to stand at the point of self-doubt and therefore to be certain in their self-doubt--if that were conceivably possible--that they themselves will not be duped, will not be tricked, will not be cast out, that they will be the first to declare that Christ is not the Christ but in fact the position they have espoused is truly the real one.
Well, beloved hearts, it is a tragedy but it has occurred again and again.
-Archeia Mary: 4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles (portrait by Hawkins)
6) Long long ago souls of light stepped forth from that city (the City of Light on Venus) to descend into these octaves. Blessed ones, these were volunteers. Many of them came to Earth and they remain in the annals of Earth’s history the great lights, the innovators, those who have opened a door that none other could open. For they did carry in their causal bodies a dispensation of the Lord God to deliver to a people not merely an intellectual idea or a plan for human improvement but a molecule of light which when delivered through the individual to certain herts would initiate and expand a new culture, an age, an awareness of government. The most fundamental of these dispensations, beloved, is that of freedom itself. Time there was after the descent of souls of Earth to the darkest depths that none knew or perceived the meaning of freedom nor had a desire for it.
Blessed hearts in some quarters of the Earth today there are those who would rather be told what to do, as cattle, than to have to think of how and what to do each day. They have become conditioned, almost as computers, to being tied to a vast mind that is the anti-Mind, fully content then to be daily filled by that mind to perform functionally their duties and responsibilities. They fear the cutting of that umbilical cord whereby they might be responsible to their own life and well-being, direction, self-determination.
-Nada: 6-28-1987 at RTR, Montana (portrait by Hawkins)
7) Only remember that you are made of sunbeams; you are made of Sun-center energy. You are made of cosmic fire of Elohim in the beginning with the Word. Therefore I break the boundaries of limitation! I shatter the old matrices of mortality! -Helios: 7-4-1991 at RTR, Montana
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