Wednesday, July 5, 2017

the willingness to be molded by the spiritual God-flame that surrounds you

1.       The Presence, you see, will never use harshness of Spirit and you should not either in dealing with mankind, for the energy so disqualified and sent to any part of life will return to you in kind amplified with great momentum--therefore it is clear that a momentum of love is always best, for it brings back only a positive blessing to assist you and all life to the victory of your own ascension.     -Mighty Victory:  Pearls of Wisdom 3:2

 2.   Victory is attained by seizing the hand of your Mighty I AM Presence and commanding those conditions that are not a part of your victory be permanently eliminated from your world.  Your victory is won in the acceptance of your real identity and the willingness to be molded by the spiritual God-flame that surrounds you with the pressure of its victorious acceptance of life.  What do you think the difference is between the ascended masters and yourselves, beloved ones, insofar as the Mighty I AM Presence is concerned?  It is merely a matter of outer conditions acting.  Ascended beings do not have outer conditions acting, for they have mastered those conditions and they have become the victory of the Mighty I AM Presence.  Beloved ones, you have but to lay aside the so-called sin and the weight that does beset you, those conditions of unhappiness that are densifying, stultifying and distressing….

Beloved ones, I tell you, in the outer world you would never be able to perform the service to cause each electron, each cell, each molecule, each organ of your body to function according to its God design until you were able to raise that body in the victory of the resurrection, the victory of the transfiguration or the victory of the ascension.  It is necessary for mankind to receive a very special wisdom, and this wisdom must be released to their Holy Christ Self.  When it is released to their Holy Christ Self that wisdom takes hold of the four lower bodies of man and produces its perfection automatically.  

But man must understand that he must have his heart purified by the radiance of the Goddess of Purity and the purity of his own Mighty I AM Presence before this great law will act out its great pageantry of completion within his life.  This pageant of the fulfillment of the divine plan is a glorious and wonderful experience whereby his own Mighty I AM Presence, active as the Father principle of all life, places His loving arms around man’s head and neck and crowns him with a wreath of victory….

As I look forward to the days of the coming year I am counting, as is the Brotherhood, upon the vigilance and the diligence of the students of this activity and allied movements to maintain constant intercessory prayer for and on behalf of their brothers here upon this planet that peace upon Earth may become a reality, that religious peace occur with the religions of the world, that political peace occur within the family of nations, that the disintegration with the human psyche be nullified and that man become an integrated being--body, soul and mind in perfect balance.  Beloved ones, if you will take the V of my name Victory you will notice that it has three points, two upper points and a lower point.  You will recognize the need then to have a balanced action of the threefold flame to attain your victory.                    -Mighty Victory:  12-31-1962 via Messenger Mark Prophet
3.    And so you see what mastery is required of those who would hold the balance for a mandala of so many forces and forcefields and integrating spirals and energies that crisscross throughout a cosmos.  this is the meaning of divine direction.  For the consciousness of divine direction holds within itself an awareness of cosmic cycles, cosmic moments when out from the Sun come forth sons and daughters of light to be born, to be victors, to ascend, to liberate a planet and a people and to rescue the downtrodden, to set the captives free.

There are those among the cosmic beings which I represent who are entirely responsible for focusing the Cosmic Christ consciousness of divine direction.  And we must have the accuracy of the timetable of a cosmos available to us d therefore we must contain it within our own consciousness.  When you call to me, when you call to the Great Divine Director I would like you to know that there are many cosmic beings who answer to this call, for they serve in the mandala of this divine direction.  And so you see, cosmos is interdependent and we are all complements of one another’s victory….

We champion their (many various beings’) rights as God does and as you ought to also.  For only in manifesting a stand—whether to the right or to the left of God’s Law it does not matter—will individuals understand the rightness or the wrongness of that stand.  It is the same with karma.  Until you take the contemplated action you do not have the return of karma which is the instrument of the Lord’s teaching and never of punishment….

And you see, Hierarchy must select the most qualified this day among all who have come to this city, for it is the key that we will give--the key to the city, the key to the capital of the United States of America.  The key is the key to the incarnation of God, the key is the key to the initiation of the spirals of the Mother’s consciousness, the key is the integration of the flow of Buddha and of Mother.  The key is to the next 100-year cycle and to those who will come to power and who will take embodiment and who will help to uplift this nation through the light of the teachings of the Mother-flame within you.

Precious ones, we have hope.  We have hope this day, for we have seen your consecration, we have seen your determination, we have seen your love.  I come representing the Lords of Karma, therefore you may count my words as the words of that body of seven beings who determine the flow, by God’s grace and by God’s direction, of karmic cycles in Terra….

Keepers of the Flame, we will also commit our causal bodies, as you have laid your lives, your fortunes and your sacred honor upon the altar of Saint Germain.  So we also will place upon that altar a multiplication factor that is as the white stone of alchemy, the very philosophers’ stone, that stone that is the action of the Mother for the multiplication of Mater.  And you will see how the Lord God will take up this substance, will consecrate it and will use it now, even now for the victory.          
-Great Divine Director:  7-4-1976 at Washington, DC via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
4.  Again and again the master plan of the ages has been brought forth.  And in a moment, a moment’s hesitation, a moment being off guard supply, light and the projects of the Brotherhood have been lost.         
(-Polish Rider by Rembrandt, 1655)
-Saint Germain:  7-4-1976 at Washington, DC via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
5.   Devotees of truth do not allow ignorance of the law of truth to go unchecked in their presence. They fight for truth, they live for truth, they count not the cost. They pay the price, for they know that without truth there is no standard, no mediator midst relative good and evil, no plumb line to separate the Real from the unreal….

The crystal ray is an energy emitted from the whitefire core of the Central Sun that is used to complement the action of the all-seeing Eye of God under the Elohim Cyclopea.  Thus it is Virginia, in the full feminine complement of the fifth ray, who wields the devastating action of this light of the Maha Kali, the Universal Mother, whose dazzling crystal light strikes terror in the demons who have sought to enslave the youth and the little children to their astral darkness and death….

Because the Messengers have always been willing to pay the price for the delivery of truth, because they stand and still stand in the face of mis­understanding and the maligning of their very motives and mission, and because in the face of all of this the chelas stand staunch and true, loyal to the light and in defense of the cosmic honor flame within the community of Camelot, we yet have a mouthpiece, we yet have a movement of lightbearers that can turn the tide.  And we will stand firm on the power of our own press, in the printed and the spoken Word, to vindicate the light and the lightbearers and to free God’s children everywhere from every form of tyranny over mind and heart.           
                               -Pallas Athena:  Pearls of Wisdom 23:10
6.   Realize then that your right to be and to express freewill is always by grace.  And the grace is afforded moment by moment by moment by the freewill of the Lord God Almighty.  It is not something that is yours to keep by right but by grace.  And grace is always contingent upon the state of consciousness of the individual.      
                                     -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 23:51
7.   And these forces are determined to create chaos and world confusion and cataclysm and war.  But they shall not pass when one Christed one is raised up to become a central sun that ye all might also know the living truth as the necessity of the hour.  Walk then as children of Truth, as initiates of Pallas Athena and the sword and the shield of Truth…(defending) the individual and the Community against all enemies whose case must be founded upon error or the lie or the murderous intent.  Let them then be judged for the motivation of the heart, and by their own fruits let the law act…..

Blessed hearts, the fire infolding itself is surely the greatest shield.  Comprehend then the message of Good Friday as world forgiveness….Consider then the absence of forgiveness for instance in this people of Iran and Iraq whose original seed has been lost in the intermingling of the rebels against God and the laggard races.  Understand that the reason for war in each and every instance, the reason for terrorism and the killing of brother by brother in Lebanon is due to the absence of forgiveness and grace.  

Beloved hearts, understand this message of living fire, understand the message of the God-flame.  Realize then that forgiveness as a quality of the heart benefits the forgiver more than the forgiven….Do you understand then that when you fail to forgive you cannot overcome within yourself the scar, the wound, the limitation, the psychological problem that was the result of the encounter of discord that resulted in nonforgiveness?…

Then understand that you can be free only as you free all life.  And this freedom is a freeing in the very solar plexus, in the feeling world whereby you no longer separate yourself from any part of life and you see all life as only God:  God in manifestation, God as Christ, God as Krishna, as Vishnu-Brahma-Shiva, as the Universal Mother….

The people who are convinced that they are right, who do not know Christ the Mediator, whose pride exceeds all desiring for grace, have thus not understood that the threading of the eye of the needle of the soul unto the Cosmic Christ consciousness is in the act of forgiveness….

If ever there is an initiative in this nation to stand for the people of Poland or to stand for the people of Korea or ofTaiwan or for the oppressed, you will find that the children of the light who desire to stand for freedom nation by nation are overcome by the fallen ones in leadership positions who refuse in any way to compromise the business-as-usual concept of the economy and international trade for a principle that must be fought for and won for the protection of life.  The answer lies as always with the individual…. 

And no one can live and value himself as a human and survive in this age; one’s survival depends upon one’s acknowledgment of oneself as a fiery spiritual being, truly a Spirit-spark and a continuum that has lived in the past and shall always live in the future….Blessed hearts, I am determined by the sacred fire that not one of you shall be left without the anointing of the sacred fire of my angels….May your path in the inner octaves of light be clear.
                                 -Zarathustra:  3-31-1985 at RTR, Montana
8.   If you would like to read the Book of Life this day from the Lords of Karma of the abdication of America’s destiny, you will see how the power elite have made a karma and debted it to the United States and to the common people who share the uncommon light of their Lord.  You will see how, by not protesting, these people have accepted the karma of the fallen ones and how America is compromised by their evil deeds.  Under the domination of the power elite America abdicated her role as defender of the oppressed, as the home for the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” when she turned away Jewish refugees from Hitler’s holocaust and left them to almost certain death….Many Americans were unaware of the murder of millions of Jews because the media did not report it.      
                      -Messenger E C Prophet:  1-4-1988 at RTR
Prophecy is edification, exhortation and comfort.  These three give us enlightenment by the Holy Spirit.       -Messenger ECP:  10-14-1991 at New Orleans
9.  The Lords of Karma, myself as one, are confronted with quite a dilemma as they review the records and see what percentages of the humanity of Earth have slipped down the ladder, the ascending ladder of Being, and have fallen back many rungs with no liberators in sight to pull them up and show them what is the right way, what is the wrong way and what is the way of eternal life and how to walk in that way.

There are so many people on Earth who do not even contemplate, much less desire, the path of eternal life!  The prevailing tendency on the part of Earth’s evolutions  to become accustomed to the things of this world can only lead to the cessation of opportunity for forward spiritual progress and ultimately to the death of the soul.

This condition is brought on by the attitudes of parents and teachers or by tremendous travail and horrific suffering.  The hopelessness that comes across the faces of abused children of every nation who become castaways tells a tale of the tragedy of souls.  These are they, beloved, who do not have the spark of striving and do not believe in themselves.  They do not believe that they can conquer the odds of life and karma or that they can get beyond their roots.  So I tell you, you need to pray for the souls who are the strongest that they will recognize the mission that is upon them.  And pray for the souls who must follow them that they be delivered from the stupor they are in as a result of the medias’ bombardment of their senses and as a result of the food they eat that destroys the potential of the human body to be a vessel for the flame of immortality…

The eternal truth of God that the Manus have vouchsafed to mankind has been watered down and altered to the point where it has no relevancy to the age of Aquarius.  And the husks people are fed leave them wondering where is Truth and Her spokesmen.    
-Great Divine Director:  Freedom 1994 at RTR, Montana via Messenger E C Prophet
10.   A second paradigm-shift is from a vertical or top-down approach to a flatter or more horizontal structure and function….Just a few years ago the saying was that people often spend much of their life trying to climb the corporate ladder only to discover it was leaning against the wrong wall.  This points to the need to be mission-focused.  But today the most successful organizations are those without much of a corporate ladder to climb, organizations where employees are contributing team member and where individuals make up the heart of the organization…If we had everything within ourselves we would be mighty proud of ourselves, too proud to bend the knee….

A key component in starting off on a new life-cycle is greater emphasis on planning and the formation of a mission and a vision.  You have to have a work that is your passion.           
-Messenger E C Prophet:  6-30-1997 at San Diego  

-Shasta from east side

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