-Lake Siskiyou
-Castle Lake Creek
As long as there is a fire on the mountain so long shall hearts endure in a flame of hope--a hope that yet casts forth a light and a fire all-consuming to devour all Death and Hell that would array itself upon the nations....
I remind you then of the great teaching given to the Messenger: for every black magician that is taken there must be a Christed one, one in whom there dwells the living Christ to fill that vacuum, to fill that vacancy lest the very vacancy itself become--as in physics--a means for the undoing and the imbalancing of a planet. Nature abhors a vacuum; it will either be filled by the Christed ones or an even greater evil....
One must displace matter where one is! One must enter into infinity, for in the infinite sense of Life you can lose nothing in the fight but only gain sphere upon sphere of integrity, integration with Krishna’s heart!
-Saint Germain: 1-4-1988 at RTR, Montana
You ought to know yourself by the term deliverer, for then you understand that you deliver the Word and the teaching and the alchemy and the sacred fire by your heart chakra even as your hand will take the hand of souls who are moving in the way of righteousness and lead them to the consciousness through the head of that true understanding of the Law which is the only liberation from doctrine and dogma. For souls of light may have the awareness of the teaching of Jesus, but without the consciousness and the fullness of the mind of Christ and the fullness of teaching the points of the Law that are necessary are not conveyed. And again and again even the sincere are fooled by their own ignorance of the Law....
But overindulgence cannot be considered or tolerated in the midst of the battle or the hour of the victory. For in that very hour there is the demand for the summoning of greater strength and greater resources. And I tell you that every victory that has ever been won has required this summoning of forces--whether it be Christ on the cross or George Washington on the Delaware or any others who have won the victory for mankind--I tell you that in that hour there is no time for dalliance or sloth or indulgence. It is the moment of the summoning of an extraordinary will. And when the individual son and daughter of God has summoned that will then that will and that summoning becomes a magnet invoking all of the forces of the Great Central Sun and the hosts of the Lord.
If there is not that extreme circumstance that demands the summoning of the forces, then there is not the alchemy whereby there is brought out in the individual those resources, those energies that have been held in nuggets of gold in the whitefire core of being for thousands of years until the hour when there would be required that coming forth of the most precious energies of a lifestream--the great genius, the staying power, the moving force.
This then is the hour for the sustainment of that energy and that consciousness. This is the hour to look and see how this Word of God can be disseminated for the great contact of the age. I tell you it is contact, and this is the battle that we face. For all of the hordes of darkness and the fallen ones have arrayed themselves against the hosts of light and the chelas in embodiment and the children of God to prevent the necessary contact.
-Saint Germain: 4-24-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet

- Russia-Ukraine border with potential directions of Russian attacks (source: Royal United Services Institute) 9-8-16 https://www.memri.org/reports/russian-military-expert-russia-creating-three-strong-army-groups-border-ukraine-capable
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