Therefore I, Saint Germain, say not only is Saul judged in this hour--and he is judged--but every Saul that reigns in the earth by the acclamation of the people, by their wickedness going after the idols--each and every one is judged, from heads of state to the heads of the military to the governors to the mayors to those who raise their hand of tyranny East and West in the economies.
These idols shall fall this day! They are bound by the hosts of Sanat Kumara assisted by the twelve legions of the archangels, and you may find the fulfillment of prophecy upon you....
Blessed ones of the immaculate fire, the fire is indeed immaculate around you in this hour. But the kings and the presidents and the rulers have utterly betrayed their God....
Beloved ones, we are concerned more for the passing of the tests by the lightbearers than we are for the judgment of the dark ones. Therefore our angels go forth for the binding of the Brotherhood of the Black Raven and the false hierarchies of the nations that there be not upon the children of the light those burdens of their own programming and inner controls of unceasing black magic that has been practiced against the light within their hearts since the coming of Jesus Christ and before....
Beloved ones, we are concerned more for the passing of the tests by the lightbearers than we are for the judgment of the dark ones. Therefore our angels go forth for the binding of the Brotherhood of the Black Raven and the false hierarchies of the nations that there be not upon the children of the light those burdens of their own programming and inner controls of unceasing black magic that has been practiced against the light within their hearts since the coming of Jesus Christ and before....
Blessed ones, we send lightbearers and you must beware of those who creep in who are the seed of darkness and not require so long to perceive that the seed of darkness will destroy the lightbearers and cannot remain. Therefore I raise the sword of Sanat Kumara and I place that sword before you. This sword then becomes a new standard within the Community. And the standard is equal unto all--whatever the source, whatever the seed. Let them meet the standard of obedience to the Lord God and the true love of the desiring of the heart and let them not be indulged. We will not have two standards in this Community and therefore have the division between the inner and the outer--the Alpha, the Omega. For the Father and Mother will not be divided....And the unity and the love and the perception of truth must be upheld....
Blessed ones, the Council of the Sun has seen, lo, in two hundred years how many thousands have now rallied to the Wonderman when there were scarcely a few. And those few in those days in their response did not have the subsequent dispensation of the science of the spoken Word to make their word and life count as you do. -Saint Germain and Portia: 10-13-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles

-Portia, by John William Wright, 1846
-Portia, by John William Wright, 1846
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