Surely if you open your eyes you can see that all of human cleverness is now arrayed in a determined and concentrated effort to battle for the minds of men. World chaos is amplified in every greed-motivated deed perpetuated by those who would unabashedly rob mankind of their birthright. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:40
The wages of sin is the death of right aspiration, motivation and exaltation….
I AM come then to charge the Earth with my flame of God-victory, a victory such as never before has manifested upon Earth! I AM determined, as are all the great ones, that though the Earth may reel from the recoil of its own karma the remnants of the righteous who keep faith with their God-Presence, entertaining concepts of victory for all and acting to hinder no man but only to unify the bands of the elect, shall find themselves about God's business 24 hours a day, waking or sleeping. The consciousness of soaring victory shall be theirs--like unto the Father they shall not fail! They are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, they are the brothers of illumination. -Mighty Victory: Pearls of Wisdom 9:4
The Promised Land, abundant with fruit and flower, is one in which the verdure is developed from the great eternal springs of christly manifestation. Each man on earth is intended to be one for whom the desert will bloom as the rose. It is ever unfortunate when individuals become so short-sighted as to fail to recognize that they are the keepers of their own gate to progress. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 9:5
The Middle Way is the way of attainment wherein men seek to understand themselves and to hold consort with the Deity--to rent in twain the veil that divides them from the Infinite One--in order that they may better serve mankind and provide helping hands that are blessed with the powers of light. -Jesus Christ: Pearls of Wisdom 9:15
Fear rules the night and hope rules the day. Let those who can relinquish their hold upon tedious patterns of fear and hopelessness, of defeat and of doubt. Let courage mount, and in this age let the yoke of tyranny be thrown off by hearts that can meet Life with joy and the clasp of eternal friendship! -Jesus Christ: Pearls of Wisdom 9:19
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