There is abroad in the Earth a level of self-destruction that is based upon Self-denial. And that level of consciousness is no good, nor does it portend Good for any man or woman. There is a level of the consciousness of Serpent, of the Liar and his lie, embodied by the masses. From the top levels of the fallen ones to the lowest level of those who embody their lie there is a permeation of society within a level of untruth that prevents the rays of light from penetrating even into the subconscious strata of the mind and soul.
I have come and come again to announce the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Truth is its fulcrum; the all-seeing Eye of God is its capstone. Therefore we look to levels of Truth and we say, they are found wanting. Thus by cosmic decree and in consultation with that Cosmic Council and the Four and Twenty Elders (on Sirius) we have determined--WE the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood who stand before you through my flame--that the levels of Truth must be intensified in Earth and in all people, a truth that will become a fiery vortex throwing off into the night error and the embodiment of error by those who also are engaged in denial of the Real Self.
This acceleration, which is accomplished even in this twenty-four-hour cycle, is brought forth by the turning of a great cosmic wheel which some of you will perceive even as I speak. And the turning of this wheel of Life is for the tightening of the requirement of the law, the law which states that every soul must embody some portion of truth, some morsel of that light in order to endure and to survive....
In order for there to be a revolution at all and in order for light to triumph Truth must indeed be raised up....
Let none fall! Let not the light of Mother fall within you! Let the revolution of the Mother unto the higher consciousness of Her children begin anew, accelerate anew...
O children of the Sun, O children of the Sun, I speak to you! I take you in my arms, I embrace you and I give you a little shake--and then a mighty shake to awaken you from a long, long sleep. Thus the sleeping serpent shall rise. And there shall come, before this age is through, a people of light and avatars and children who will lead the armies, holding the hand of the Cosmic Virgin. As we come nearer to the hearts of God's people so the blessed Omega Herself draws nigh.
-Pallas Athena: 8-17-1980 at Camelot, L. A.
-Pallas Athena at Louvre, Paris
In this hour you must garner and steel what you have received. For if you lose this light it shall not be returned to you, and by cosmic law you may also lose the opportunity to be initiated in this manner by the presence of seraphim. -Justinius: 5-14-1988 at Sepulveda, CA via Messenger ECP
Life is a polarity, "as Above so below"--as in heaven so on earth, as in Spirit so in matter. Each side confirms the other and so the worlds are sustained. Self-denial in either sphere cuts the spinal cord, and God is dead in man and man is dead in God. -Messengers M & E C Prophet: Lost Teachings of Jesus, 1, 1986, p. 303
2. Many legends tell how wishes were fulfilled, but they do not speak about a basic condition, about the main character being in a quandary, a situation with no way out; and this condition sharpens desires until they become immutable. Even a small detour takes the edge off the arrow of immutability. -Morya: Heart 1932
Let none fall! Let not the light of Mother fall within you! Let the revolution of the Mother unto the higher consciousness of Her children begin anew, accelerate anew...
O children of the Sun, O children of the Sun, I speak to you! I take you in my arms, I embrace you and I give you a little shake--and then a mighty shake to awaken you from a long, long sleep. Thus the sleeping serpent shall rise. And there shall come, before this age is through, a people of light and avatars and children who will lead the armies, holding the hand of the Cosmic Virgin. As we come nearer to the hearts of God's people so the blessed Omega Herself draws nigh.
-Pallas Athena: 8-17-1980 at Camelot, L. A.
In this hour you must garner and steel what you have received. For if you lose this light it shall not be returned to you, and by cosmic law you may also lose the opportunity to be initiated in this manner by the presence of seraphim. -Justinius: 5-14-1988 at Sepulveda, CA via Messenger ECP
Life is a polarity, "as Above so below"--as in heaven so on earth, as in Spirit so in matter. Each side confirms the other and so the worlds are sustained. Self-denial in either sphere cuts the spinal cord, and God is dead in man and man is dead in God. -Messengers M & E C Prophet: Lost Teachings of Jesus, 1, 1986, p. 303
2. Many legends tell how wishes were fulfilled, but they do not speak about a basic condition, about the main character being in a quandary, a situation with no way out; and this condition sharpens desires until they become immutable. Even a small detour takes the edge off the arrow of immutability. -Morya: Heart 1932
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