Appealing to that pride which the Luciferians had already implanted in the children of light they make them come into this mass hypnosis, they draw them in by the magnetism of pride. This has happened over and over and over again. Civilizations have risen and fallen as the result of the Luciferians entering into the top echelons of government and only slightly perverting the true philosophy of the Christ and of Almighty God. The philosophy of the Luciferians is an ultimate individualism but it is an individualism that excludes the Christ, that excludes the merging of the Christ-flames of all for the good of the many.
-Messenger E C Prophet: Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, 1976, p. 251
The sons and daughters of God and their children are a distinct race of the I AM consciousness, and they are called the I AM Race. It was to them that Moses spoke when he hurled to them his fiery fiat to break the hypnotic spell of the Watchers and their slave race: "I have said 'Ye are gods and all of you are sons of the Most High!' " -Sanat Kumara; Opening of the Seventh Seal, #37
-Grizzly Peak, Cascades
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