Monday, March 7, 2016

Happiness is a nebulous thing unless it is tied to the great motors of Universal Life

…the gates of the old religions of the world are mainly so prescribed with human opinion, error and immovable dogma as to seal the possibility of advent.  The travail of bringing forth progressive spiritual revelation is intense and often our messengers have to reckon with many forces of shadow which seek to thwart the holy cause.         -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 8:36
It is not difficult for people to accept that accuracy in the keeping of records on earth is essential to good business practices.  The very law of energy-conservation demands that accurate markings be made upon the akashic record of all that men do….The great law of Immortal Life demands that righteousness in the use of energy shall be performed by every man, yet when ignorance flourishes this is almost impossible to accomplish….
To lift the level of mankind’s existence religion and society must be willing to pursue together true happiness where it can be found.  Happiness is a nebulous thing unless it is tied to the great motors of Universal Life….
Woe betide the individual who is content except that contentment be founded in the security of divine truth.  It must be remembered, precious ones, that the tired, the poor and the huddled masses of this Earth yearning to breathe the air of freedom have long sought the fulfillment of a dream….The decay of moral values then has not come about so much as the result of neglect by individuals as by a spiritual bankruptcy on the part of the progenitors of each recent founding generation….
Pay homaged attention then to the great God-flame that burns within your heart         
-Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 8:37


-Keeper of Scrolls, by Auriel Bessemer, ~1971

-old English illustration of boy Jesus approaching the Isles


 -Saint Germain & Mother Mary, from Prayer and Meditation, 1978

March 8/9, 2016 total solar eclipse across Indonesia culminates over Midway Isles ~4 p.m. Hawaian Standard Time (~6 p.m. PST).  Sun/Moon opposite Jupiter, square to Saturn.
Republican primaries on 3-8-16:  ID, HA, MS, MI--which are by polling considered close.
Clinton has already bought her nomination through superdelegates.     -R.

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