Today is the Lord's day, today is the Day of the God-Self. The ages have not marred the power of Him who has said "I AM the same yesterday and today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). Therefore be assured of a kindly response to those efforts which are made in hope, in faith and in charity, for the greatest masters function in this domain. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 13:9
The brothers and sisters of our Lord must go onward mindful of Him, realizing that the best fruit of good example to the errant ones is fervent devotion to the unwavering principle of His love....The cup of cold water given in the name of Christ is the elixir of hope to a world maddened by blackness and despair. -Kuthumi: Pearls of Wisdom 14:16
and with the speed of light the consciousness can reach out and pass through dense substance as easily as the swimmer cuts through the water with his arms in motion....
Contending that God is not and expounding and expanding upon their doubts they (men) never seem to realize that the energies that they use, if properly directed toward a higher faith, would produce the miracles of alchemy; and these tangible manifestations of the divine power would utterly convince them as to the rightness of the divine plan and ideal. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 13:9
Now the Hierarchy summons all, for those who will may be called this very moment. Enlistment in the service of the Hierarchy is not always spectacular. The tip of the iceberg may scarcely reveal the immensity of its master plan. Through faith interconnection remains and the blessedness of contact is realized....
Perceiving what high hopes we hold we say, let these hopes not be dragged into the inferno of man's human desires and the stain of dust. Instead let the arrow of aspiration fly higher still. -El Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 16:1
-Kuan Yin by Ruth Hawkins
-scientist Roger Bacon, by Gordon Ross, 1941, in Great Scientists
Whereas the men and women of great vision who have evolved in the known world and realized only in smaller segments the hand of Opportunity—extending as immortal Life in the realm of God—have derived therefrom incomprehensible happiness. This happiness floods the world today and inhabits a strata within the atmosphere and within the heart and consciousness of mankind. -Archeia Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 9:12
There have been many instructors for the seeker upon the planet down through the ages, but no mentor has greater power to bestow than your divine Christ Self. Mankind have become so accustomed to statements of truth that they are somewhat recalcitrant in their thought and feeling worlds—they fail to be moved by the divine impulse that is inherent within the grains of truth we release. This is indeed a pity. For the sake of the individual so asleep I desire today to bid mankind to awaken to the great golden flame of Christ illumination that is within themselves. A meaning that is merely accepted and not assimilated cannot produce the genius-touch of God’s intent so vitally alive in Nature and myriad cosmic manifestations of which mankind are scarcely aware….
The greatest masters are governed by Law, and Law is actually the bond or bounds of Life which reflect the higher intelligence of God….Healing love is cosmic Law in manifestation, presenting the masterful hands of opportunity to those who are sensitive to the internal harmony of the universe. -Kuthumi: Pearls of Wisdom 9:16
by Hermann Schmiechen, 1884
in Prayer & Meditation, 1978
To mine the treasures of heaven is to draw forth the jewels of God’s perfection from the consciousness of God that is within man and then to raise them up as Jesus taught, not to be hidden under a bushel….
The Buddha and the Christ both taught detachment from the self, knowing that this is the way of emancipation. It is a means of placing oneself upon the altar of change whereby the Holy Spirit, as the intermediary of God’s transcendent power and virtue, can purify mankind and wash his robes white in the Life of God….
Precious ones, material values cannot be held if the spiritual undergirding of any society are not maintained….
The lists of God require the fullness of dedication and a willingness to pursue understanding without rancor or bitterness. Personality does not enter in, stature does not enter in, wealth does not enter in, but only God and God’s truth must be taken into account. -Kuthumi: Pearls of Wisdom 9:17
Men must develop—out of the seed flame of Almighty God and his internal reality planted right within the forcefield of the body temple—the necessary determination to enter into their freedom….Freedom comes about as the result of God’s Laws acting in the domain of the individual and expressing through him those righteous acts which attune him with the power and victory of his own God Presence, the I AM in every man. -Mighty Victory: Pearls of Wisdom 11:33
So often men think in terms of high and low as though the soul--fresh from the hand of God--could be reduced to the ashes of their thought, burned out and empty, or as though they could become so exalted that men could not touch their feet. In this wise it is the will of heaven to convey to everyone who will listen upon the planet the reality of the greatness of God that is within themselves.
Such greatness is not intended to be a challenge to all souls but an acclamation of peace and goodwill and a strengthening of the bond of heaven and earth. -Archangel Jophiel: Pearls of Wisdom 13:49
LAHORE, Pakistan, March 28 (Reuters) - Pakistan has decided to launch a paramilitary crackdown on Islamist militants in Punjab, the country's richest and most populous province, after an Easter Day bombing killed 70 people in the provincial capital Lahore, officials said on Monday.
Sunday's suicide bombing at a public park was claimed by the Pakistani Taliban's Jamaat-ur-Ahrar faction, which once declared loyalty to Islamic State. The group said it was targeting Christians.
The brutality of the attack, Jamaat-ur-Ahrar's fifth bombing since December, reflects the movement's attempts to raise its profile among Pakistan's increasingly fractured Islamist militants.
At least 29 children enjoying an Easter weekend outing were among those killed when the suicide bomber struck in a busy park in the eastern city of Lahore, the power base of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Pakistan is a majority-Muslim state but has a Christian population of more than two million.
when men and women commit suicide they often terminate the anchoring-point of their twin-ray in the world of form. Since this point of contact was intended to be an assistance to their counterpart,...the individual must realize then that his thoughts, his actions and his deeds are affecting not only himself but also his beloved one, even if that one is ascended! -Messengers M & E C Prophet: Path to Attainment, 2008, p. 11
269. No coercion whatsoever should obstruct the path, but it is permitted to give a torch to everyone on a long journey. Enlightenment alone can help one to comprehend freedom of choice, therefore enlightenment is the affirmation of being. -M: Fiery World 1933 425. People are unwilling to imagine that their earthly life is shorter than the very briefest stop of a railway train. The worthy wayfarer, in a short night's lodging, is concerned not with troubling his host, for his consciousness is directed toward the goal of his journey. But travelers of the Great Path often think only about the night's lodging, unconcernedly forgetting about their destination. -M: Fiery World 1934 20. Touchiness is not suitable for a longjourney. This does not mean that we seek only supernal perfections. We merely forewarn as to what load should not be taken along. One should succeed in being fortified with joy and in testing it in diverse circumstances and in all kinds of weather. One should not torture and torment oneself, but one should make tests in order to ascertain the measure of one's bodily endurance. -Morya: Brotherhood 1937 147. It is impossible to exclude from the rainbow even one single tint. Likewise it is impossible to take away one single link from the Teaching of Life. The rainbow manifests a full spectrum, and the complete Teaching of Life likewise equips for the journey on all paths. --Morya: Brotherhood 1937
Freedom is on the move and those who will not move with its tide will be left behind, high and dry upon the shoals of human consciousness, apart from the great ocean of infinite love and light for which they shall one day certainly thirst. Separation from God is the original sin, and it is the sin against the Holy Ghost for which there is no forgiveness. Only when the separation is ended by man’s self-determined reunion with God can the great givingness of God once again bestow upon man his own rightfully earned and divinely decreed just portion. I have no intention of creating an atmosphere of fear or torment for any, but I wish to amplify the need for extending the power of freedom over the earth. Surely if you open your eyes you can see that all of human cleverness is now arrayed in a determined and concentrated effort to battle for the minds of men. World chaos is amplified in every greed-motivated deed perpetuated by those who would unabashedly rob mankind of their birthright. -Saint Germain:Pearls of Wisdom 8:40
The wages of sin is the death of right aspiration, motivation and exaltation….
I AM come then to charge the Earth with my flame of God-victory, a victory such as never before has manifested upon Earth! I AM determined, as are all the great ones, that though the Earth may reel from the recoil of its own karma the remnants of the righteous who keep faith with their God-Presence, entertaining concepts of victory for all and acting to hinder no man but only to unify the bands of the elect, shall find themselves about God's business 24 hours a day, waking or sleeping. The consciousness of soaring victory shall be theirs--like unto the Father they shall not fail! They are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, they are the brothers of illumination. -Mighty Victory: Pearls of Wisdom 9:4
The Promised Land, abundant with fruit and flower, is one in which the verdure is developed from the great eternal springs of christly manifestation. Each man on earth is intended to be one for whom the desert will bloom as the rose. It is ever unfortunate when individuals become so short-sighted as to fail to recognize that they are the keepers of their own gate to progress. -Saint Germain:Pearls of Wisdom 9:5
The Middle Way is the way of attainment wherein men seek to understand themselves and to hold consort with the Deity--to rent in twain the veil that divides them from the Infinite One--in order that they may better serve mankind and provide helping hands that are blessed with the powers of light. -Jesus Christ: Pearls of Wisdom 9:15
-in Prayer and Meditation, 1978
Fear rules the night and hope rules the day. Let those who can relinquish their hold upon tedious patterns of fear and hopelessness, of defeat and of doubt. Let courage mount, and in this age let the yoke of tyranny be thrown off by hearts that can meet Life with joy and the clasp of eternal friendship! -Jesus Christ: Pearls of Wisdom 9:19
3-26-16 Then there is also the advantage of being able to locate the reactor underground, providing more security and protection from natural hazards, such as high winds. ... some of the designs use a “breeder facility,” which helps to reduce the waste output. Design features such as this combined with an increase in knowledge surrounding SMRs should help to avert public fears over safety. ............................................................... so, what's a breeder reactor or breeder facility that this article above nicely glosses in?
In contrast to most normal nuclear reactors, however, a fast reactor uses a coolant that is not an efficient moderator, such as liquid sodium, so its neutrons remain high-energy. Although these fast neutrons are not as good at causing fission, they are readily captured by an isotope of uranium (U238), which then becomes plutonium (Pu239). This plutonium isotope can be reprocessed and used as more reactor fuel or in the production of nuclear weapons. Reactors can be designed to maximize plutonium production, and in some cases they actually produce more fuel than they consume. These reactors are called breeder reactors.
......................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of being I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of being I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of being This is the mantra that resolves the flow of energy--intense energy, fiery core energy even at the nucleus of the atom, even in the core of the nuclear power plant, even in the process of fission and fusion....And therefore once again we do call forth the sons and daughters of God to make a more than ordinary sacrifice to come forward, to be counted, to lead the people and to defend the precious sheep against these inroads of satannic insanity that will not cry halt to the dangers of nuclear energy and all other dangers imposed upon this generation--through chemistry, through pesticides, through incorrect uses of medicine, through all manner of substances which have been fed to the blessed women who are with child and whose children and children's children will yet suffer from the intrusion upon the body temples of those substances that are not in harmony with the light of Alpha and Omega.... Thus this condition in Harrisburg (3 Mile Island power plant) is given as a warning, as a solemn warning unto the people of Earth in every nation: Let not your greed for power or your desire to use such means of energy cause you to overlook the very fact that you do not now possess all of the necessary power to control these is therefore the vote of the Great White Brotherhood...this day that such nuclear power plants ought not to be installed and those that have been installed ought to be shut down. -Lord Himalaya: 4-1-1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet
The Second Coming of Christ is antedated by the fulfillment of the prophecy “One shall
be taken and the other left” (Matt. 24:40). For when one is taken and another is left it denotes that the world llieth yet in wickedness and that only the few have accepted the kingdom. But when the Second Coming of Christ comes to the quickened world it will be because the nature of the divine has become understood as a priceless gift of freedom to every man.
When this miracle of Christ-love is produced in the world it will be because the students of alchemy--whether known by that name or any other, whether in the churches or out of the churches, in fact whether in the body or out of the body--are expressing universally the radiance of the Christ-design. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 13:13
And in this age of materialism and neglect of the oneness of mother and child let the protective arm of the blessed father give comfort and strength to both. Let the Holy Family and your family be the sign of the Aquarian age. Let tenderness be the mark of your being, your speaking, your interchanges with children and adults alike.... How shall this world be healed unless some say: I will turn this thing around! I will invoke the violet flame and the Holy Spirit!...I have no greater calling than to restore to every part of life the gentle communication of the (Divine) Mother: "I AM here, I have returned, I AM with you, I AM not far off." -Archeia Mary: 2-27-1993 at Chicago via Messenger E C Prophet
With a sense of the completeness of divinity I wish to tell you tonight that there is a golden thread woven through every circumstance of your lives which is not always apparent because it is under woven between other threads and it seems to disappear for a moment from your view. But nevertheless that golden thread of perfection is ever-present with each of you and it assists you in finding--if you will pursue it--the way back home, the way back to the victory, the glory, the purity and the power of the Cosmic Christ and of the Buddha. -Maitreya: 2-10-1962 at Boston via Messenger Mark Prophet -Maitreya, Museum of Oriental Art at Rome
Y ou cannot say to the world “You must paddle your own canoe.” If you have a desire to assist your fellowmen it must be implemented by right action today. -Goddess of Liberty: Pearls of Wisdom 9:13
The power of faith to alter a way of life for a nation, a state or an individual continues to be “the spark that God begot,” the spark of cosmic confidence that knows no bounds to possibility wedded to effort….
Flash right through, O faith so bold!
Let not the pains of death now hold
The soul and aspirant dear
That seeks each pathway now to clear
And fetters break, the earth to shake.
To make the dusty world awake
And work more wonders God has taught--
The mighty golden light He brought -Archeia Faith: Pearls of Wisdom 9:14
in the millions of years during which the Earth itself has undergone recurrent change the consciousness of the people in their dealings with one another has remained primitive....Through the "sifting as wheat" process the forces of deception seek to enlarge upon the inadequacies of the world's religions. By pointing out their supposed failure to meet the crises of the times the dark ones anticipate that men will throw all religion, good and bad, out of their lives....How determinedly the dark forces have spawned the Machiavellian ideas that men must control other men and their outward destinies.... We seek to create forums of understanding. -Archeia Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 13:18
Glastonbury/Salisbury area
Holy Thursday 2016, Ashland, OR
northern California
-Ray Abel & John Gilbert: for Midsummer Night's Dream
..."mere mortals"--you can hear, even in the expression, the old leftover consciousness of the Nephilimwho subdued their mechanization man and caused them to bow and scrape and to consider the gods as a holy terror, as tyrants, as givers of favors, as controllers of life and destiny through their genetic engineering and all manner of advanced science. ...the battle rages for life, and those who follow the stream of death continue to attempt to misuse the strain of life....Beloved ones, to take the seed of God which is the seed of Christ and to commit it to the form of that animal (mice) which has come directly out of the astral creations of the Nephilim gods is surely to subject the Almighty and His light to the generation of the wicked, to the animal form.... Realize then that the souls of the people do recognize your light and your coming (on a rescue mission). Realize that their leaders will not..... Fortunate are we then who come out of the East to raise up the West that we are freely depicted. Now it will take but a heightened awareness through our Teaching, through your own souls, for individuals to realize that we are real and very near and that we help those who will make the call and expect deliverance. -Kuan Yin: 12-11-1981 at Summit University, Camelot, Los Angeles
A sort of wild laboratory for sick monkeys at Lake Victoria on an island there:
A peculiar procedure used by Ugandan monkey trappers might explain why MARV was imported to Europe (1967) by healthy looking animals. When the trappers found sick animals that could not be sold, they transported them to an island in Lake Victoria, leaving them there to die or to survive. When they did not have enough monkeys to complete a shipment, they rowed to this island, trapped some healthy looking animals, and included them in the shipment. Since cases of human infection have shown that MARV can persist for some months in sequestered parts of the body, such as the testes or anterior eye chambers, some healthy looking animals might have had MARV in their organs. At least 2 laboratory workers had acquired infection from contact with monkey kidney cell cultures.
And so you see the true meaning of the colored Easter eggs is that mankind should paint their auras with the colors of the causal body of the Cosmic Christ and therefore take part in the ritual of the resurrection. And the Easter egghunt is to teach the children to look for the secret ray, for the causal body, for the whitefire core and to have the joy of the discovery of the Christ consciousness, the proving of the Law. -Maitreya: 10-14-1973 at Santa Barbara via Messenger E C Prophet
......................................................................................................... Appealing to that pride which the Luciferians had already implanted in the children of light they make them come into this mass hypnosis, they draw them in by the magnetism of pride. This has happened over and over and over again. Civilizations have risen and fallen as the result of the Luciferians entering into the top echelons of government and only slightly perverting the true philosophy of the Christ and of Almighty God. The philosophy of the Luciferians is an ultimate individualism but it is an individualism that excludes the Christ, that excludes the merging of the Christ-flames of all for the good of the many. -Messenger E C Prophet: Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, 1976, p. 251
-M & E Prophet, 1961-2
............................................................................................................ The sons and daughters of God and their children are a distinct race of the I AM consciousness, and they are called the I AM Race. It was to them that Moses spoke when he hurled to them his fiery fiat to break the hypnotic spell of the Watchers and their slave race: "I have said 'Ye are gods and all of you are sons of the Most High!' " -Sanat Kumara; Opening of the Seventh Seal, #37
-SK by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985 ..................................................................................................................
3-8-16 Why big business is expected to get involved in marijuana sales:
"That's certainly the lesson of history. In the 60s and 70s, big tobacco was interested in the business and now there's evidence that alcohol firms are getting interested too. This is a potentially a gigantic business for them. At the moment, it's still a taboo, but that won't last for long. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, we start seeing Marlboro marijuana cigarettes. Though they deny it at the moment, I wouldn't rule it out for the future."
In Colorado, Washington, medical marijuana dispensaries too are heading into the recreational market, and Oregon is likely to follow suit.
Silicon Valley billionaires are preparing to swoop down and take advantage of weed’s “green rush.”
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WASHINGTON – Some of the richest men and women in the world met secretly recently in New York to conspire on using their vast wealth to bring the world’s population growth under control.
9-13-08 Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion, it has been revealed. The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside, they claim. Fanatics told a meeting of young Muslims on the anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity, that it would then be easy to impose Sharia law on the population, the Sun newspaper reported. Speaking at a meeting in London, Anjem Choudary, right-hand man of exiled preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed, said: “It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside.”
islamic centre. He added: “We do not integrate into Christianity. We will ensure that one day you will integrate into the Sharia Islamic law.”
2-15-16 Radical Muslims plan to destroy the Christian West through waves of immigration into Europe and the United States, and ever-escalating attacks on Western mores in what is called “civilization jihad,” said former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).
Young male Islamists are being sent into Europe to establish a “rape culture,” she said, and France already is a “religious battleground” where hundreds of Christian establishments have been attacked. “This is intentional and it’s meant to destroy Western Christendom,” said Bachmann.
3-17-16 "UK's Muslim population doubles every 10 years"
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3-22-16 From January 2000 to the end of 2015 China closed 1,200 merger and acquisition deals in the United States worth a combined total of $63.3 billion. Already this year, announcements have been made of Chinese intentions to purchase Hollywood’s Legendary Entertainment Group for $3.5 billion, large construction equipment manufacturer Terex Corporation for $5.4 billion, General Electric’s appliance division Haier for $5.4 billion, Fortune 500 company Ingram Micro for $6.3 billion, and what would be the largest acquisition of a U.S. firm by a Chinese company to date, Starwood Hotels & Resorts for $14.3 billion.
It would seem that the way to overtake a country may not be with planes, guns, and bombs, but rather with the almighty dollar.
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TPP to ease scrutiny for foreign takeovers of Canadian companies
10-20-15 Already, the noises coming out of Washington DC appear to be that American politician are ready to sell-out their country by signing on to both the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in exchange for campaign contributions and others various and sundry bribes from the billionaire class seeking to secure a new epoch of monopolies. Will Washington do what Europe is attempting to do – just implement it, even if the people do not want it?
The push-back against TTIP in Europe is obvious, as millions have already assembled against what is clearly a bureaucratic sell-out of national sovereignty.
As global policy makers continue to merge with the interests of multinational or transnational corporations to achieve their goals, we could view the TTP or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) as having zero national loyalty to any existing nation state or its set of laws.
If only free enterprise was the standard of economic commerce, instead of the state-fascism that has developed over the years of the “Free Trade” ruse that has destroyed real competition from the financial environment.
Central planning failed miserably in the old Soviet Union, now we are supposed to believe that a corporatist negotiated arrangement with the full backing and force of government bureaucracies is a superior method for prosperity.
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3-5-16 Government Takeover Of Turkey's Largest Newspaper Sparks Protests
The patriarch and his family have only two goals: accumulating wealth and concentrating power. Violence and ideology—the pillars of a totalitarian state—become, in the hands of a mafia state, mere instruments. The distinction is particularly meaningful because all the states the model describes are post-Communist. Where the state used to own the entire economy, now it seeks simply to control the most lucrative businesses and skim off the top of the rest—and eliminate those who refuse to pay.
Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters: Defense minister Sergei Shoigu and then-deputy prime minister Igor Sechin with President Vladimir Putin, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 21, 2012 Mafia states murder people, just like the Mafia does—but they murder only the people who are immune to coercion and blackmail: journalists, for example, or defiantly independent actors like the opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, shot dead a year ago in Moscow. “But these murders, and even imprisonments, are on a much smaller scale than in traditional dictatorship because they are not necessary,” says Magyar. Most of the time, coercion will do the job—and mafia states, unlike some others, are pragmatic and do not murder for the sake of it.
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3-7-16 No one knows why this explosion in the Zika virus has occurred, but there is one theory of particular intrigue.
Prior to the Zika outbreak, an English biotech company known as Oxitec released genetically modified mosquito hybrids into the environments of the Cayman Islands, Malaysia and Brazil. The project was executed with the hope of eradicating the Aedes species mosquitoes that were causing people to contract terrible diseases such as Dengue Fever and Chikungunya, the same species of mosquito that transmits the Zika virus.
Traditionally, biotech companies employ a strategy known as the Sterile Insect Technique when attempting to stifle the population growth of a particular pest. This technique involves exposing male insects of a particular species to radiation in the laboratory then releasing them into the environment to breed. The corrupted males then create sickly weak and sickly offspring, dying at an early stage. However, this technique does not work with mosquitoes because the males are particularly susceptible to radiation sickness, dying before they get a chance to mate. This is where Oxitec took over.
Oxitec injected male Aedes species mosquitoes with a gene that produces a protein which shuts off other cellular functions within the insect. After the males mate, they pass on the gene, dying along with their defective offspring. Although Oxitec had humanity’s best interest in mind, is it possible that these field tests have led to the reemergence of a once forgotten viral strain? The answer is unclear, yet still raises further points of discussion.
on perhaps a better note:
3-20-16 The new trade negotiations - TTIP - sound dull. It combines the US and EU markets to make the process of fleecing the sheep simpler and cheaper for the wolves. Standard procedure, you may say – and you would be right.
But what is interesting is that any pretense at democracy has been dropped from the propaganda song sheet.
The Telegraph summarized TTIP thus: "The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a series of trade negotiations being carried out mostly in secret between the EU and US. As a bi-lateral trade agreement, TTIP is about reducing the regulatory barriers to trade for big business, things like food safety law, environmental legislation, banking regulations and the sovereign powers of individual nations. It is, as John Hilary, Executive Director of campaign group War on Want, said: “An assault on European and US societies by transnational corporations.” ......................................................
The time has come where we should sharpen our wits, determine that we shall not fight one another but seek the glory radiant in the heart of the elect. Is this glory not one? How can it then be divided against itself? Who are the dividers of men, they who seek to conquer for Satan? The men of power and control are everywhere; men seek the occult that they may control others….But the rod of Aaron, the rod of Christ, will swallow them up.