Tuesday, February 8, 2022

tides of truth impel the progress of eternity

  Let not the mercy of God be forgotten!  For mercy is a bond of great strength that is often overlooked in the marts of the world, in the teeming cities with all of their kaleidoscopic movement and even in the forests wild where the fate of creatures great and small is meted by the weapon of the hunter.
  We are concerned not only with the realm of outer manifestation but also with the inner realm of the heart where man’s peace is found as an extension of God’s peace–if the hardness of the world has not already destroyed therein the tender ministrations of God’s love. And it is to the remnant of the children of God upon earth that we dedicate ourselves and to the preservation of the tender mercies of our God.   
                                                     -Kuan Yin  Pearl 15:5

Hail, Mighty Splendor of the Flame!
   Light descends from fiery heights and hearts of men are renewed by the fateful power of truth.  I greet devotees of truth from the Temple of Truth where the lightning of His Mind flashes forth to cleave asunder the real from the unreal and to infuse  souls of all mankind with swiftness of the swift sword of His immaculate design.
    The sacred Word God delivered through our trusted Messengers is a lamp unto the feet of those who weary not in well-doing.  And so I come to deliver a message of truth to mankind, using the Pearls of Wisdom as a forum to reach souls of both the quick and the dead.  “There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.”  There is a mighty tide of light that is now approaching Earth.  Originating in the heart of the Great Central Sun it rolls down the channels of galaxies, overflowing cosmic riverbeds, inundating all life with the fires of rejuvenation, of resurrection and rebirth.  The tides of truth impel the progress of eternity and ongoingness of the heart’s love of mortals and immortals while stellar glories proclaim the infinite expansion of God’s consciousness in man ascended and man unascended.
    As I spoke to the men of Athens from Mars’ Hill, so I stand upon the Acropolis and I address multitudinous facets of the Mind of God individualized as His glory in manifestation in man.  I appeal to the consorts of truth throughout the galaxy and I say:  let truth as the mighty emerald ray be intensified this day by dedication, by consecration, by purity of  immaculate design held with a fiery will in heart and mind, in hand that thrusts the sword of sacred Word and in hand that extends a cup of cold water in Christ’s name! 

   This is the hour when truth strikes to quake erroneous concept and to cause those who have aligned themselves with error to come out from caves of their dark, dank ignorance and face the Sun in her zenith wherein the morning stars sing together and sons and daughters of God shout with a joyous shout for fulfillment of the fiat “Let there be Light!” and for acclamation of the heavenly hosts “And there was Light.”
   Truth rings out and truth proclaims the fiat of the Law. This is the law of transparency whereby man through purity becomes transparent in the sight of God—transparent in readiness for thundering and crashing of the mighty wave of light that shall descend upon the dark ones and their night.  This is the law of congruency whereby man through purity becomes congruent with Image of Christ and stands to inherit the momentum of cosmos as the mighty wave breaks upon the shores of Being and unleashes the foaming effulgence of the Sun.
    Legions of truth are on the march–north, south, east and west–across lines of latitude and longitude.  Onward the soldiers of light!—they march with cosmic purpose to challenge by the power of the all-seeing Eye of God the mistaken ways of mortal men, the unchanneled strivings of earthly ones, the ignorance superimposed upon the children of God with malice aforethought by liars who lie in the name of the Liar.
   The dispensation of Hierarchy to open the way for mankind to walk in the footsteps of one who recently gave his all to the nobility of truth and who in honor performed a mighty service to the Brotherhood enables me to invite all who espouse the cause of truth to come in their finer bodies to attend temple training and classes in truth here at the isle of Crete where crystal ray merging with emerald fires solidifies in the four lower bodies of man the blueprint of the City Foursquare, the geometry of diamond shining Mind of God and cosmic cube that is the foundation of all spiritual building.
   As John the Baptist went before Jesus, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching baptism of repentance for  remission of sins, so I declare for the record that he who was called Mark, the author of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, was in this age sent before the face of the Ascended Hosts as their Messenger to proclaim the climax of the two-thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ:  the message of his Second Coming.
    His voice was also the voice of one crying in the wilderness of the twentieth century when mankind, toiling in their revelries, in their love of money and of sensual pleasure, could find no time to hear the message of the Prophet sent forth to prepare the way of the Lord’s hosts, to make straight paths of consciousness of mankind that they might receive the Son of God descending from on high as out of a mighty cloud of witness and of fire.  He appears to those who make ready for the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  As it has been spoken before of those who have scored a victory for truth in the world of form, so it is spoken of our Messenger “Thou art My beloved son in whom I AM well pleased.”
    When you come then to the Temple of Truth be prepared for the reception of Lanello, our newly ascended brother of truth who by attainment wears the robe of our retreat and lectures in our halls, teaching and preaching as of old after the gospel of Jesus the Christ who taught his disciples to become fishers of men.
     If you would be fishers of men, if you would carry the sword of truth and wear our robe, then come and be initiated and receive a just portion of the fires of truth.  For our God is a consuming fire, and He shall consume in this hour all that is allied with error and that defiles Image of Holy Virgin.     I AM and I remain defender of truth,
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                                       -Hilarion: Pearls of Wisdom 16:14 (4-8-1973, 40
days after Mark’s ascen sion)

  As David prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched for it a tent and gathered all Israel together to Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the Lord unto His place which he had prepared for it, so it is well that you should honor the Lord this day–first within your heart, the altar of being upon which blazes the flame of the Most High God and then in your mind which is the tabernacle of witness for the Christ who “before Abraham was, I AM.”   For the mind and mind’s eye is the seat of the Logos out of which proceeds the power of the spoken Word that is the foundation for all creation….  

   God desires this day to secure the stronghold of His consciousness and His flame in devotees of sacred fire across the planetary body.  As those who have espoused the cause of truth submit their hearts unto God and purify their body temples as His holy habitation, so will the Presence of God, the I AM that I AM, be strengthened upon earth and secured as the dwellingplace of the Elohimic race.
     At the appointed hour when the dust of man’s own chaotic and cataclysmic consciousness settles, when the Divine Woman shall have brought forth the Manchild who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron and when the remnant of Her seed shall have put down the dragon with his seed, so then will the sign be given unto the king of Israel, unto the one who holds the key to the incarnation of God upon earth, that the son of promise shall go forth to build the temple for the ark.

   Then shall he remember the words of his father:  “And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy Father and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind:  for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts:  if thou seek Him, He will be found of thee; but if thou forsake Him, He will cast thee off for ever.  Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary:  be strong, and do it.”
   Even so shall the City Foursquare as cosmic cube be lowered into manifestation as Thy kingdom come because it was first held as archetype of the inner building of the habitation of the Lord within the mind and heart of the remnant of My people Israel, who in every age are those who have chosen God-reality as the Promised Land of all that is real. And because they have chosen reality, God has chosen them to be the people who should manifest His reality and the seed of His Christ.
   Thus the Lords of Karma have this day instructed the Mother of the Flame to stay the building of the sanctuary until all be fulfilled that is required of her lifestream and the sure sign be seen in the sky and certain sound be heard in the ear and the vision of the new heaven and new earth be revealed before the saints.  

  This is the testimony of the Lords of Flame that the Word of Hierarchy be promulgated for the expansion of the teachings through hearts illumined by the Law, hearts consecrated by sacred fire and hearts united in service to our cause.  Let none forsake the establishment of the golden age through this activity or the building of the temple foursquare within.  Let none forsake the Messengers whom we have chosen before the foundation of the world nor question their motives which are pure in the sight of the Lord.
     For the light shall surely come, and all that has been given by  devotees for the pearl of great price shall be multiplied for  expansion of God’s kingdom upon earth.  This is the Law and the prophecy, and it shall be fulfilled. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
     Therefore, children of the One God, bless the Lord and rejoice in His name.  In the words of David:  “Blessed be Thou, Lord God of Israel our Father for ever and ever.  Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty:  for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all.”    I remain your advocate before the Court of Sacred Fire as you invoke Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays and watch the grain of sand take on the luster of the mother-of-pearl within the heart of the oyster.
    I AM a being of perfect love 


                                             -Nada:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:17
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    Sons and Daughters of Liberty,
  Thy heart in the Great Central Sun is known and the Book of Life does reveal thy inner name.
    I am called the Maha Chohan which means simply “Great Lord.”  I am the teacher of the Lords of the Seven Rays, and the one who does hold the chalice of the Holy Spirit as an office in the ascended hierarchy of Light.  Thus I bring to you a gift of the Holy Spirit from my heart and etheric retreat over the isle of Sri Lanka.
    Blessed ones, the universities of the Spirit, the etheric retreats [of the Great White Brotherhood] are open. Your sponsorship by the ascended masters and careful instruction set forth by Saint Germain in  Keepers of the Flame Lessons provides you with a very simple and accurate method of meditation for leaving the body before retirement, as one does pass into sleep, to go consciously to our retreats and to study and to return with the memory of what is given.   Blessed ones, I come, for the Lord God has sent me to you and to America to deliver the Spirit of His Presence as an impulse of light, as an inner knowing, as a sacred breath that is wafted over the nation.
   Angels of the Holy Spirit are summoned. Therefore they come to quicken, to give new life to a people.  For it is also prophesied in the vision received by George Washington that Divine Intervention will be the key to the saving of a nation.
  Thus prophecies of these times are written. And in that writing there is, as you have been taught, option of freewill.  Therefore, beloved, understand that Divine Intervention comes not alone from Above but through your own hearts as you understand yourselves to be divine intercessors on behalf of a people.
    We pray “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Yet, beloved, there are some in this nation and in government who do know what they do and are aware fully of that which could come to pass.  Why do they not speak out? How dare they not speak out in this hour of the trembling of the cup of destiny!
    Blessed hearts, even so the Spirit Most Holy is a chastening rod upon those betrayers of my people. Know well then that they have no power saving the power the people give to them by their ignoring of the first responsibilities of a free people in a republican form of government.  Thus let this democracy in this republic be a flame that is not quenched by neglect. Fan the fire of freedom, I say, by the Holy Breath that God gave thee at thy birth!  Remember this land, beloved, thou who dost remember the God- star Sirius.  Remember well that this land is so consecrated to God- government for the turning around of worlds and all mischief making of ten thousand years of the betrayers of the living Word.
    Ye are a people endued with grace, a people of a calling from ancient times and the Ancient of Days. This is your hour of victory.  I say to you, act in time and claim that victory!  For if ye defend not a land so consecrated by ascended hosts to the Law of Liberty, how can you receive again thy native Sun, the God-star Sirius?  To what place in cosmos shalt thou return, O people, having lost the best gift of God?
    O understand, beloved, this is the testing-ground, and the souls of a nation are being tested.  Aye, they knew the testing a hundred years ago, knowing the violation and the attack upon the wholeness of Alpha and Omega, but in this hour they sense not the danger.
     Let the few be the sparks that fly.  Let the Holy Spirit quickened in you now, beloved, be that power of God that does empower you to speak, to be heard and to have angels and wind of the Spirit in your sails to deliver a mandate, as one voice does rise up from the din of the pleasure cult and madness of the times, one voice of ten thousand saints and a million and a million again that does cry out unto God and demand of this government:
   Peace, protection, defense, strength, integrity and living light of a people that shall no longer be hid but be upon the mountain of God as an ensign not only to a planet but to a cosmos, that lightbearers whose destiny is come have taken their stand and determined to defend a nation, a planet and all people by the living sword of Peace!
   Remember he said “I came not to send peace but a sword.”  That two-edged sword out of the mouth of the Faithful and True is the power, beloved, to cleave asunder the real from the unreal.
   I command the hosts of light, let unreality be banished!  Let it collapse now!  Let the living God appear as sign of the age and coming of that star of destiny that is your own Mighty I AM Presence and causal body.
    Beings of the elements, I summon you.  Angels of  living fire, I summon you. Where the defense is not present place thy bodies. Seraphim of God, place thy spiritual bodies of light for the defense of all who trust in Him.
   O would it be that they would hear the call! And yet even those in the churches go the way of the Liar and his lie, espousing causes that ought not to be espoused, betraying the original principles of freedom.
     I AM in the heart of the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit is in my heart.  So, beloved, witness my love for you and for Saint Germain.  I come then with a company of saints and angels who have vowed to defend all who will raise up that hand and heart, who will look to the hills and who will say:  “Saint Germain, I come, for God has called. I can do naught else, for I have seen the vision and I shall act upon my vision.”
    Blessed hearts, angels have formed a very large circle of fire around this city.  It is as a solar ring. There is a grid of light within this ring that can be filled in by your calls and prayers and dynamic decrees and devotion.
   Therefore, beloved, understand, the freewill of God has sent angels to form a grid of light and a circle of fire.  Let freewill of a people who are yet free fill in that grid with light and create here a focus of the Great Central Sun Magnet to magnetize the light, protection,  new age and defense of freedom that is required if a free people shall remain free.
    Therefore in the living Spirit I AM I remind you that every spiritual adept who has entered the courts of heaven has had to secure in the physical what he would earn in cosmic dimensions.  Earth is your proving- ground.  America is your destiny.  This state and city is the cross of time and space meeting Infinity where you, beloved, are to realize the universal sonship of every lightbearer.
     I commend you to a destiny which you are capable of fulfilling.  No challenge has ever been given a people or a planet or a group of initiates that they could not fulfill in God—heart, head and hand one.  Therefore with hands clasped and with the Spirit of cosmic truth I commend you to ingenuity of heart and  contact with Universal Light.  May it be said of you that you were the spark that did ignite a movement of victory and a golden age of peace. May it never be said “What might have been...”  But let a free people know that eternal vigilance is indeed the price of liberty.  Now is the hour to pay that price!
I bow to the light in your heart that is the potential for Godhood.

                 -Maha Chohan,  delivered by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 24, 1987 at Indianapolis, Indiana, Pearls of Wisdom 30:57

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