Tuesday, February 15, 2022

this light of God that cannot fail that we ourselves are

    How generous is the Heart of God!  Yet how many have failed to concede this fact because they see Him only through their own eyes and through the limited aperture of their own mind. Hence they see only the limitations of those eyes and of a mind that holds a focus of limitation and never relinquishes it–no, not even for a moment.    

                     -Archeia Mary:  Pearl 15:41

  The aperture through which men behold the frail stream of mortal life is too narrow to permit full viewing.  And thus men sho uld not expect too much of  themselves, even when they pursue the path Godward, until they have expanded their spiritual faculties beyond the dimension of their own opinioned progress to where the voice of God can clearly be heard saying “Come up higher!” 

                            -Kuthumi:  Pearl 9:1

Seek to erase them if they will, the impact of the Christ-man, the dimensions of the Cosmic Man flow forth a love-tide which can never be stemmed and cast the magic spell of Christmas through the apertures in men’s hearts and minds      

                   -Meru:  Pearl 9:50
   Wherever there is an aperture of light, a pinprick, let us bore a hole.  Let us expand it!  Let more light flow. Wherever there is opportunity of inspiration and unity let hearts unite here and there on this or that subject.     
               -Saint Germain via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on November 1, 1981, Pearl 24:52

   Therefore Omri-Tas and I call for the widening of the apertures of the minds and the hearts of these souls who need your sponsorship before they may be ushered into the Royal Teton Retreat.  We say, let their eyes be opened through your violet-flame decrees that they may walk the spiritual highways of our God and win their victory, even in your day!   
                -Saint Germain:  3-10-1996, Pearl 39:22

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 Let us then bring a new and fresh simplicity into man’s conceptions!  The eternal creation of the universe sprang fresh from the Great Central Sun which is known wherever illumination’s flame pulsates; whereas it is called by mankind “Sirius,” the “Dog” Star, it should be translated “Sirius,” the “God” Star! …
    From the Incas of Peru, the Aztecs of Mexico to the land of Chaldaea and Egypt, unto the heights of Araratthere are infinite ties denoted by finite arrangements which speak of the mystery of Christ as spanning ages….
   For this is the seed of God, the star of divine life which is within every man.  This is the hope to spur a manifest change in nature back to original purity and pristine beauty of its God- design….with its magnificent tie with the God-flame, which is the mainspring of that creation, blazing in the heart as  threefold flame—all spell the wonder of the finite in the infinite.  Thus is possibility recognized within the hearts of the faithful, possibility of cosmic achievement, the passing of man over the desert and waste places of life until he comes to the Promised Land….
    There by the great alchemy of God in man light bursts forth, the aurora borealis, turning the night sky into the day of hallowed redemption; and that day draws nigh to every man as the aurora of the golden age is born again below and gleams ever so brightly in the grandeur of the Father’s many mansions.
    I AM a Brother of Illumination’s flame,  

               -God Meru:  Pearl 9:50
   For the outer name of the activity is of no consequence because it is the light of God itself that cannot fail.  And it is this light of God that cannot fail that we ourselves are and that we ourselves put into the activity that will determine its success.
  …a large number of lifestreams who will be able to make their ascension much more quickly because of the light that shall have come through the I AM Activity, the Bridge to Freedom and the Summit Lighthouse. Bear in mind therefore that the capstone that is placed on the pyramid must have its place, even as the cornerstone of the pyramid must be the foundation upon which it is builded….
    And you are the light of God, which cannot fail, as you externalize that light from your own mighty I AM Presence, which I now charge forth into your beings!  Peace, be still.
               -Godfre:  via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on August 7, 1958 in Philadelphia  


   Thus the light of the Holy Spirit flows through the aperture of Selfhood.  And in those moments when selfhood is aligned with the mind of God we press through light—an extraordinary light.   

                  -Saint Germain:  11-6-1980, Pearl 23:46

    As you know, the holding of any quality of God as virtue and as point of attainment and as the aperture to every other point of attainment requires a diligent mastery of every force opposing that quality.  Thus if you would increase in love, as you have been taught before, you will have to master the momentums of anti-love that beset not only your person but the planet itself.  For you see, you would be manifesting more love tangibly and physically, mentally, spiritually and in the emotions in this very hour had you already overcome the momentum of anti-love Cwhich even now is besetting your being!    

             -Archeia Charity, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 29, 1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles County, Pearl 46:30
   But in this day and from this time forward it has been decreed by the great Karmic Board that as the Divine Manchild descends there shall be greater preparation made, greater receptivity by the vessel that must contain it, that must not be shattered.  For we are at the cusp of an age, beloved ones, and only by the mercy of God is the regeneration of man able to come forth now at this hour through manifestation of the Christ, to receive and to take it to the point of the pinnacle of praise, the summit of each one’s identity.  And therefore no more shall there be [with impunity] the slaughter of  holy innocents, the destruction of light from heaven.
  On the contrary  descending light shall shatter the earth, and where  earth is not prepared to receive him it will have to move over.  And the elementals have sworn upon the altar of Almighty God this day that they would see to it that proper preparation of the earth itself should come forth for the descent of the light of Holy Spirit….
   Nevertheless if it were not for the presence of the quality of mercy on earth, the very bones of mankind would crack by weight of oppressing karma of his own creation.
    The cohesive power of divine love that is the core of divine mercy, beloved ones, is that essence of God which has held Earth intact, which has kept this blessed planet in its track around the mighty Central Sun of being, which has kept the tiny electrons in their traverse across the miles, around the core of the fiery atom that is the heart of God…. how the quality of mercy, with all of its blessed essence of the triune being of God, could be so unnoticed among the hordes of China and those who would take over the planet by force.  For those angelic hosts of light who hold the immaculate concept for planet Earth, it is often difficult to understand how mankind, who actually live in the presence of the arms of God, can ignore the feeling of His love even as they do decry and defame His very name, taking it in vain and blaming the Creator for that which they have done.…    
    There have not been enough pillars in the temple; and therefore cresting the wave of the future the mass sea of humanity do not provide the raw material of that crystal quality of Christ which can bear the incoming weight of the burden of light itself.
    Mercy is the only means whereby this age can be saved, beloved ones.  And together with the quality of divine illumination there can be a mighty work accomplished in the thirty-three years which remain before the turn of the century….
   Beloved ones, you cannot conceive in your time-space consciousness how long we have stood with the evolutions of this planet only to see them repeat over and over again the same mistakes, the same lust for power, the same defeats.  And you would think that the very halter of the Law would teach men.  Is there something wrong with the adjudication of that law upon this planet that men have not come to the feet of their Creator?…but the hardness of men’s hearts, the crustations of centuries that have become almost totally insensate to the outpicturing and manifestation of that law. Hardened sinners they have become, sturdy egos that are able to withstand the tide even of their own karma….You would be appalled to see the records of those who have taken advantage of mankind over and over again….    
    And in the society of the West where competition and success are the earmarks, mankind do not cleave to the Law but they justify all gain in terms of the goal of pleasure and satisfaction of temporal longings of outer consciousness.  There is such a warped sense of values that true values of the Spirit are ignored as they descend….
   And remember even a blowtorch when it is applied must be held sometimes seconds and sometimes minutes before it can achieve the breaking down of substance.
    Beloved ones, there are many arts that must be learned by you ere you go forth to contact the world at large—the art of not giving up, the art of getting into the consciousness of men through apertures that they have left open where they are not on guard to refute the Word of God. You must be able to read the record as Jesus did when you see approaching you one who needs the Law but knows it not.  
             -Kuan Yin, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 21, 1968 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 59:11

     “Nature is the aperture into infinity.” -Archeia Mary, dictation of Oct 7, 1976 at Pasadena. Astrologic chart for that dictation:
  Sun at 14 degrees 37 minutes.  In 45 years Sun progresses 45 degrees forward, meanwhile moon progresses at rate of 13.18 degrees/year forward 593 degrees.  Subtract a circle of 360 degrees and one gets 233 degrees forward.  The natal moon of 10-7-1976 chart was at noon at 10 degrees Aries.  So by progression  moon went to 29 degrees Scorpio by Gemini 2021 and the Sun also reached that point by Gemini 2021.  Voila, a new cycle unfolded.      

                      -R., Siskiyou County, CA

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