Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The mystery of Christ-regeneration

 This is not because that one is limited.  Nay, it is always because from other systems and worlds there do come the antichrists who have inverted that very light and pit themselves against the plans and projects of the avatar of the age. So has it ever been with beloved Saint Germain.
    Therefore false-hierarchy impostors of that one, as the anti-Christ and anti-force of freedom, have yet remained in embodiment, pitted against every move toward a world congress of freedom—of which, as you very well know, the United Nations has become the perversion inasmuch as major decisions can be vetoed and denied by those powers, such as the Soviet Union or Red China, that have at their helm the forces of anti-freedom themselves… and there is an absence of realization as to just how deadly a tonic fear itself can be.  Fear breeds self-concern and overself-concern and also a mountain of indecision . And also fear breeds a preoccupation with endless details of little consequence or import save to take up one’s time and attention, preoccupying oneself from the realities at hand….
   How well it is therefore that you have perceived the necessity of binding the forces of anti-will at each point of the apertures of consciousness on the cosmic clock. For thereby you will see the new day and the new ray of the will of God that is for that day—a mighty blue ray that is tinged in violet, almost an indigo.  That particular blue is a special quality that I give to the very heart of Saint Germain, whereby the alchemy of the blue-flame will of God is present in this very admixture of my palette.    

          -El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet October 8, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:53
     As you know, the holding of any quality of God as virtue and as point of attainment and as the aperture to every other point of attainment requires a diligent mastery of every force opposing that quality. Thus if you would increase in love, as you have been taught before, you will have to master the momentums of anti-love that beset not only your person but the planet itself. 
               -Archeia Charity via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 29, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:47

     The mystery of Christ-regeneration has escaped the age by and large, but it lingers and is nourished in the hearts of the comparative few who understand the meaning of devotion to the uttermost--devotion to a purpose that does not yield one inch of ground to the Adversary of infinite purpose.…what man must understand is that God does not blunder. Therefore man must learn to decipher the engrams of God’s thoughtforms and consciousness for and on behalf of himself individually so that man may outpicture the life that was his immortal destiny from the beginning, that is his immortal destiny now and that will be in days to come the fullness of the life of purpose that God holds for each one.… this very day in the address of Holy Amethyst, who was, as some of you know, the angel of comfort who appeared to the Christ in Gethsemane’s garden and assisted him when he “sweat, as it were, great drops of blood.” …
    [Two angels] did carry him high up and out of danger while the atomic substance of the atmosphere was ignited by the Word of these great Master Presences who came forth from the Karmic Board to render judgment in the name of God to the cities of the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah. What of them?  They were manifestations of the One, as were the gentlemen who came of old to Abraham and spake unto him the words of promise saying, “Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac.” And Sarah laughed by the tent.  And the Lord spake unto her out of the voice of the Master and said, “Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying shall I of a surety bear a child?”  And she said “I laughed not.” And he said “Nay, but thou didst laugh.  And this thing shall surely be.”  And it was. A nd the child of promise was born.  But what thoughts filled the heart of Abraham when he was sent to the altar to offer this son of promise unto God? 
    What of that moment?  What did he think when he raised high the dagger to strike a blow to the son of his heart?  He stood ready and willing to obey. But has God required it?  Did God require it?  I tell you, nay.  And so the sacrifice of identity men make, the sacrifice of self-reign that men make, consecrating themselves to God and His will, is not at all an act of desolation or of death.  It is an act of consecration to life and life’s purposes.
    God will restore the reins of life to the individual who has demonstrated his willingness to achieve victory, who has become mature enough in consciousness to deserve to hold the reins.  It is an act of mercy indeed that God Himself stands ready and willing to assist each lifestream in attaining his victory and accepts the sweet surrender of his soul and rejoices because of his consecration and devotion to God’s purposes.…
    But they stand ready to rebuke the child of flesh who is attuned to the cadences of the Spirit because the individual who directs to them the word of truth does not uphold the tenets of the faith that they were taught from their mother’s knee.
    But what of the Cosmic Mother?  What of the eternal truth?  What of the fruit of the Spirit?  What of immortal life?  They do not recognize then that holy truth is not always readily perceived through the apertures of life manifestations.  They do not realize that behind the appearance world is an invisible world of cosmic promise, and the life that stands behind the veil is more real and transcendant than all life standing here on the mortal side of the veil….

   However there is a reason and a system of reason which men can learn which is far above the reason of mankind.  It is the a priori reasoning of the soul of God.  It is the reasoning of the soul withinwhich is not limited by the dimensions of  senses and very easily goes forth into space and comes back with an answer.
   These are the arrows of light that fly through space to a cosmic goal and return unto the individual who sent them forth as boomerangs of light, conveying an essential message to the soul that shows the individual how he may obtain his victory through hope. And hope is a consecration of God’s Law, for hope when it is properly identified also enables man to objectify that which he had hoped for….
   It is not a case of self-deceit or a case of mortal reason.  It is a case of divine reason becoming encased within the human heart and expanding the flame thereof until a new and fresh start can immediately be commenced with every downfall.  The moment you fall down, the moment you feel a sense of weakness or oppression, the moment a cloud of darkness appears in your mind, the moment you feel that you are not expressing the fullness of the Christ at that moment and not another you should seize the opportunity to assert the power of your divine victory….
   Make men proud of all that is of light and of the glory of God that they may come gladly and willingly into the fold, not thinking that you are deceitful people or foolish people deceived by peepings and mutterings of some strange spirit but guided by the clarity of the vision of the living Christ that has arisen within you with healing in his wings and the vision of hope to a world that waits for the sunrise of its victory now and forever!
   I thank you because I love you.  And I trust that when my voice ceases to speak and my vibrations cease to activate your hearts as they are now doing you will realize that just behind the veil of Be-ness I stand!  And you can call to me and I will answer in the moments when you need me.  Victory to the world in the name of the living Christ!  In memory of the Master Jesus drink ye the cup of his consciousness, of his Spirit.  Go forth in emulation of him and be lights everywhere you move.  So shall God be glorified not by one son but by many and the hearts of the captives shall go free.    [The holy breath sounds.] 

       -Mighty Victory, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Good Friday, March 24, 1967 at Colorado Springs, Pearls of Wisdom 42:52

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