Friday, February 4, 2022

cracking the Klaus Schwab and company code

1-20-22       At 6:03 of video (at link below) EU president 

    von der Leyen (b. Oct 8, 1958) said: “Trust as you said, Klaus, is essential for citizens to embrace the green and digital transformations”.   Klaus Schwab stepped in at 22:45 to highlight:  on the European Chip Act,  “Ir’s a very important step to create sophistical brain for digitalization and to have it to some extent located in Europe,” said Schwab during the WEF session of January 2022.  At 27:04 von der Leyen spoke for the next minute on mRNA vaccine development in Africa via BioNTech before continuing on green energy development in Africa.


 The New World Order, Great Reset and the Great Narrative are all terms we are hearing a lot more of.  Through the use of mainstream media outlets we are being fed propaganda-laced information telling us how things will be in the future.   Through the use of technology, these “world leaders” are trying to talk us into believing their rhetoric.
    The problem is that many of us are so focused on the hustle and bustle of our daily lives we are only half-heartedly listening. Now is not the time to be complacent!  We need to start listening now before it’s too late to change the path these people have laid out for us.
    The Great Narrative is actually a plan for the future where everything is simplified.  This simplification will be the death of our society and lifestyle as we know it.
   Schwab and his group of peers have created a storyline that simplifies the world.  This storyline includes reducing the global population by well-over half, shutting down industries across the globe, and creating a hierarchy where they are the ones in control.  The elite few would be in complete control of the masses, forcing us to live the way they see fit, giving them the power and using us to do their bidding.
   Klaus Schwab is an economist and engineer from Germany.  Strongly affiliated with the Bilderberg Group in the past, he is one of the elites who have been pushing for the New World Order for many years.
   Since the introduction of COVID the members of the World Economic Forum (many of which are in the top 1%) have been putting together the Great Narrative so they can ultimately achieve the goals outlined within the Great Reset.  Even TIME magazine is getting in on the act.  The main sticking point is that while much of this is being made to sound good, the reality is we lose everything we have worked so hard for.
     When Schwab talks about “self-centered” people, he isn’t referring to the wealthy.  No, he, in fact, is referring to us. We are the ones who work every day to earn a living and put food on the table for our families.  We create a small fraction of the carbon footprint of the elite, yet we are the ones who are “self-centered.”…The world for Schwab and the WEF is quite simple. They have the money and we don’t.  They want to make sure they maintain that status quo so the easiest way is to push technology and do away with industry.  That might seem fine on paper, but in reality it will lead to chaos, mass confusion and a level of unrest across the world that will quickly get out of control.  If you truly want to simplify the world, eliminate th e (power/monopoly) elite and their status of superiority….
 The goal of the WEF is to “deindustrialize” the West for the good of climate change. The problem is the West is not the problem. The ones who are most guilty of influencing climate change are the elite….
    They lack transparency on every level yet still demand “do as I say, not as I do.” Their ultimate goal through the Great Reset is world domination, even though they claim they are only fighting for climate change.  They want to change the climate alright.  Just not in the way they want us to believe.

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