Thursday, January 20, 2022

Maitreya’s Banner has never waved over selfishness, greed or any consciousness unable 

1)  The chelas will forgive me a smile as I behold the credulity of some, the skepticism of others and—somewhere in between—the vacillation of the many whose conscious yet at times personally distressing alternates between faith and doubt reveals an adulteration whose very lukewarmness renders ineffectual any aid we send in reply to their anxious requests.

  Salvation—if it could be compounded and reduced to a crucible, would long ago have been bottled and marketed under divine guidance!  Thus would grace have been made equally and easily available to all, which it really is—minus human factors!  If one could chemicalize divine love then perhaps this could be, but in all spiritual honesty, my chelas, I cannot conceive of the Holy Spirit limiting mankind quantitatively or otherwise to one gram or many of its vital energies so needed to produce in heavenly simplicity a God-man by and through the forthright action of the limitless Christ light expanding in every heart, whose open door is God’s invitation to enter and abide!
   To bandy around words of holy origin, thus attempting to give credence to human ideas, is but human error which those who can love God impersonally should easily see through!  Any worded expression unless accompanied by a release of  divine energies occurring within the heart is but a blatant—at times humanly subtle—hypocrisy practiced consciously (and at times unconsciously) by many who are still unaware of the glorious universal standard which we raise!
   In this connection let me say emphatically that Maitreya’s Banner has never waved over selfishness, greed or any consciousness unable to include divine possibilities of the Godhead for other lifestreams in their thoughts.  

  To claim the protection of the Brotherhood is to rest serene in one’s own God Presence I AM—yet those who deem themselves insecure, uncertain or entertain feelings of a vindictive nature for imaginary wrongs often feel the need to attack other avenues of light or channels which were not of their own choosing.  These, I say, who are so lacking in scruples do not hesitate to confuse the faithful with idle tales calculated to control and direct the thinking of seekers in their own favor.  Because the fiat of the day is truth, and further for love of those chelas who look to me for guidance, I charge you by all that is holy—look to God who does not serve as the author of confusion but the disseminator of all light and love together with heavenly peace and understanding!  In the day of human battle when the path of decision seems difficult—for roses seem in abundance and thorns well concealed—know as ever I AM the path of righteousness, peace, understanding and love.  Ponder this and subsequent letters of guidance, for I AM directing you wisely and well!  The light of God does not fail and I AM that unfailing light and love!
   Those who know the meaning of real love understand that the Great White Brotherhood has many avenues through which to express its many beautiful activities, and refuses in the holy name of freedom and liberty to be limited in its approach to planetary assistance by mere human ideas of the self-styled elect!
   As I have intimated before, the Brotherhood has only within the past few months and years begun to externalize through the Summit Lighthouse some of our most hopeful ideas and plans for humanity.  Our great hope is to create a haven of such light that no human quality can ever enter in or abide.  Wise men will understand its “live and let live” policy as being of our making.  They will not foolishly deem its attitude Pollyanna or weak, seeing rather that in unity with God, truth and the Ascended Masters’ way there is strength victorious! 

   As a potent, expanding facet of the Brotherhood the Summit Lighthouse is one of our greatest avenues.
   The wise chela also will certainly realize that to sustain such a goal great service, cooperation, harmony, energy, decrees and constancy will be needed.  Also wise ones know that some peril is involved, for it is and has long been an earthly trait for men to attack that which they did not personally create or bring forth—or that which does not seem to them to serve their own personal ends.  We are presently forming a magnificent diamond heart—not carelessly or hastily but with tests and perfectionment not hitherto known upon this earth.  Saint Germain’s golden age shall be glorified in its attainment, and for this Mother Mary calls without ceasing!
  There is a somewhat acid test useful to the chelas who can accept the wisdom present in heart simplicity:  it lies in the childlike act of placing the laurel wreath of pure gratitude as a credit for all virtue upon God—when all around would place it on your own human head.  Believe me, I know and advocate humility and simplicity in pinning your faith on your own I AM Presence alone—who is big enough to include all in his heart of eternal love and light!       I AM victoriously yours,    

-El Morya   Pearls of Wisdom 3:34


2)  That deceitful ones come seeking to enter in and to entice the noblest orders does not mean that the principle of rejection should close all doors.  Even traitors have been trapped by God’s love.  Be truly illumined; thus the shaft of righteousness shall be a two-edged sword.      
   Hastiness in construing the words of the Lord does not guarantee accuracy nor does long pondering.  Sometimes the fires of the heart must be contacted….
   Jealousy is the root cause behind most conflict.  Who else desires to provoke save the provoker?   -Morya:  Pearl 14:52

3)   Without fear of the Lord
 There is no repentance,
And without repentance
 There can be no forgiveness.   

                          -Archeia Mary:  Pearl 18:44


4)  I walk the earth through you.  I pray through you. I love through you.  And I give to you my God-determination not to stand by while the spoilers come in and spoil the great dream of Saint Germain and Morya for the victory.
     This is a movement of lightbearers who are not content just to see the vision or just to know God’s love. It is a movement of souls who dare to be, with Jesus, the one who enters the temple and puts out the money changers and overthrows their tables.///
Do not despair when you are acquainted with details of information that make it seem as though all is lost, for this is the plot of the fallen ones. It is they and not the parents of America who are the paper tigers.  And they can be shot down by a bolt of blue lightning called forth from the heart of any one, any one of you who determines to be that dauntless revolutionary for God. ...
Can you not see, then, the plan unfolding?  A diamond point of light for each one of these nations, a diamond point of light consisting of twelve disciples and the thirteenth, who may hold the forcefield of the messengers in the center of the mandala—this is our vision of the victory. Against that forcefield, the hordes of the fallen ones cannot stand as long as that forcefield is kept in harmony and in the dominion of the causal bodies of Christ and his apostles, of the Buddha and his devotees.  

                -Lanello:  6-29-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 53:5
5)  But when God has chosen to infuse that body with light, then the mystical body of Christ could once again be the repository of infinite graces and gifts….
   We come to call the elect of God, especially those who are disillusioned with structure and outer organization who have found that the purity of the way has been compromised in many of the world's great religions, as the fallen ones, as wolves in sheep's clothing, have entered into the temples to seize the power of God and misuse it to capture souls in the tyranny of human will.,,,
   It is not that the ascended masters are against any church, but it is that sometimes church becomes no longer equipped to defend souls entrusted to her care against the darkness that is abroad in the land….
   And the greatest crisis of all is when a soul is betrayed by one who wears the garment of the priest or the nun, for the betrayal of that soul may cause the setting aside of the divine plan for many incarnations.    …
   When you withdraw commitment, you see, then you become vulnerable to the ways of the world and the downward spirals of the world.   
       -Out of the love of Saint Francis and Clare:  7-1-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 57:14


6)  For until and unless the lessons of the path of the lonely ones become multiplied body by body, soul upon soul, into a collective unity that never forsakes God-individuality but requires the sacrifice of the unreal self upon the altar, the world will never know the true meaning of freedom. 

            -Sanat Kumara:  7-4-1978 at Camelot, L.A, Pearl 40:20


7)  know that the fallen ones who separated out of the company of the Lord’s hosts did go forth to nullify those centers of light.  And therefore they are called “the Watchers,” for their original assignment was to keep the flame of the immaculate concept for all life.    

      -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:  1-3-1982 at Camelot, Pearl


8)     But surely God Himself does stand in the day of the appearing of all who misunderstand or will not understand.  For they also must fulfill their own mandates, and we must fulfill our own—our time, our space, our Buddhahood, our Motherhood, our Fatherhood, our Childhood.

 -Gautama Buddha:  12-31-1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 27:4


9)   In this hour of planetary change do not make decisions hastily, else you will find yourselves off-track….Still the evolutions of Venus descend to Earth and still you do not listen and you do not hear.   

         -Archangel Michael:  8-10-1997 at RTR, MT,  Pearl 40:44

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