Monday, January 24, 2022

hour of the crystal ray

1)    I tell you, beloved hearts, by way of your own personal self-assessment, that the fire you kindle in the giving of your dynamic decrees has brought about more to stay the hand of the fallen ones than any other effort on the planetary body--bar none!  You must, once and for all, come into the sense of commeasurement of the power of the Word through you! and become more scientific in the use of your seven centers which are the all-powerful, all-knowing forcefields of God….It is because the etheric body and the physical mesh, because the physical is allowed to hold enough light to magnetize and begin the figure-eight spiral with it.  You have already begun this.  
  The vast majority of the people on the planet have not; and because they have not, they are on the other side where the physical body literally magnetizes the entire death body of the Nephilim, the entire collective consciousness of the karma of death….
  Do not allow yourself to in any way be intimidated upon the knowledge of the vastness of the lie!  And do not become the worshipers of those who ensoul it!  Above the plane of their vibration, I tell you, there is the level of the mind of Christ, your own infinite mind, your own inner being who declares unto you, hour by hour:  Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh to you….
  Let all then pluck away from consciousness those fine hairs that are residual of self-assertion—that which is capable of being offended or irritated or angered or aroused emotionally.  That is the asserting self that considers itself to be God!  And it is “god” in the Nephilim sense of the word. It is the most dangerous condition of the human consciousness anywhere upon the planetary body because it is the omnipotent one psychologically speaking—the soul that has tasted the blood of the gods and no longer will submit to the Great Guru….
  And you must be the one who shatters the density that allows you to sleep when you ought to rise up and take dominion over this planet!  The crystal ray emanates from our causal body also.      
  The crystal ray has many properties which I shall not describe. Suffice it to say that inasmuch as all matter is crystal, in the true definition of the word, the crystal ray is the ray by which the seven rays penetrate matter.  The crystal ray may take on the properties of any molecule and, by conforming to its pattern, deliver into the space between its particles, into its whirling energy sphere the properties of the spiritual divine counterpart….
I seal you in the hour of the crystal ray, the hour of the crystal ray, the hour of the crystal ray.

-Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, via Messenger ECP on 1-3-1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 40:20
2)  The emphasis upon intellectual development to disregard and neglect of soul and heart and spiritual senses surely has brought the pall upon civilization that you see in the very streets of this city and throughout the world….
  So I make that commitment to all of you [to come when you call] as long as you submit your call to the will of God, as long as you remember that when you invoke a Guru, whether an ascended master or an ascended lady master, you must be ready to take the answer to your call as God gives it through us.  You must be waiting for that answer and know that the will of God is good and good for you and [that it] will lead you into all prosperity and righteousness….
  You can have all things from God from the Great Central Sun if you will crack the formula.  You will never crack it without love and without forgiveness and without the joy of the Lord in doing a service that will render benefits to life rather than glory to your human ego.  You can rest assured that when you truly serve to set life free, beloved, God will give you many means to accomplish that end….
  Thus when you think your prayers are not answered be still and know that I, Leto, have heard and have answered.  And the call has compelled the answer, but you have not been willing to recognize the answer as it has come to you because you expected an entirely different answer to come to your life. …
  Do not depart from the sense of science when you enter the spiritual realm.  The spiritual realm is all science, the science that embraces a cosmos both in the mathematics and in the principles of physics.  So realize, beloved, that precipitation is based upon exactness….This very science of the Word itself that is yours by the gift of Saint Germain is an initiation transferred directly and personally to you by the Hierarch of the age of Aquarius.  You should appreciate what it means to have Saint Germain sponsor an entire lifewave to receive the violet flame.  It is indeed a cosmic initiation.  It must not be taken for granted.  It is the elixir of life.  It is the universal solvent.  It is the key to your victory.   
         -Leto:  10-28-1990 at NYC, Pearls of Wisdom 33:45
3)   For remember, all things within the household can be distractions of the mind’s eye, capturing you in this or that mandala that is not scientific or holy but simply the design of some artist who has painted something that might attract your fancy but does not have the matrix to charge the soul and uplift interior being….
Thus take care, beloved.  Rather treasure a blank wall for meditation than any imperfect piece of artwork or a piece of artwork that serves no purpose.  For remember, all things within the household can be distractions of the mind’s eye, capturing you in this or that mandala that is not scientific or holy but simply the design of some artist who has painted something that might attract your fancy but does not have the matrix to charge the soul and uplift interior being….
  See then how your eyes are given to you for translation of your inner blueprint to all levels of your being and for translation to your outer mind of the blueprint for each day’s challenges so that you might accomplish the work that comes across your desk, the work that is your sacred labor or mandate of your karma.
  The ordering of your projects is so necessary to the success of your day and your life.  When you outline the steps of your work and you do so methodically choosing a thoughtform for a project or mission you are beginning to draw down from the spheres of light of your causal body cosmic rays and momentums for regenerative purposes of your dharma.   
           -Maitreya:  7-3-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 37:14


5)   The Master El Morya, who has sponsored a number of messengers, speaks (in 1975) of their service and also of those who come as usurpers of this office:  “Down through the centuries we have appointed our messengers, prophets of the Law, teachers of the way of the Christ consciousness and of the Buddhic light.  Others whom we would call unappointed or self-appointed messengers have come forth to blatantly usurp their ministry and their Office in Hierarchy.  And so there is abroad in the land an enticing spirit, beguiling as the serpent that is not the true spirit of prophecy.  Nor is it come as the gift of the Holy Spirit; it is the voice of rebellion and of witchcraft, of vain talkers and deceivers.”  
         -Messengers Mark and E C Prophet, in Pearl 48:17 and in Climb the Highest Mountain

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