Friday, January 21, 2022

Repressing issues is not healthy, especial in spiritual work


Amitabha Buddha
     Neroli Duffy, born 6-30-1954 at Perth AU.  Astrochart shows Sun opposite Mars. Sun in parallel declination to Pluto and Jupiter, Sun in a Cancer cluster.  Sun progressed to natal Pluto at year 2000.
 Spring 1997 Mother helped place due process of the law into the Articles of Incorporation   By Dec. 2004 Neroli had managed to get a unanimous vote to take it out.
 Neroli and her clique got rid of the 2002 push for “Four Principles of Governance” blueprint, perhaps since Ketino Lutidze had been part of that paper’s formulating team and since it had “local autonomy” as a principle.   (The 3 other principles are in lineage of Sanat Kumara, delegation of authority and tithing.)
 Neroli and Peter Duffy coup of 2003-4 ousted Ketino’s Moscow leadership which Mother had formulated.  Five dissenting Elders at RTR who were standing for due process were pushed out unceremoniously; and in came a new holy order and “White Paper” announcing the new oligarchial model that has very little in common with Mother’s “Paradigm Shift” lecture of June 1997 given at San Diego.  Morya dropped his sponsorship of the Summit Lighthouse–the thread of contact–on 4-30-1997 in favor of backing those with momentum of decree service.  Mother paused for two weeks until 5-13-1997 when she announced that she herself would from that point be sponsoring through her lineage–“Morya is no longer overseeing”–this community.
  On 5-14-1995 Gautama issued a tremendous judgment (see . 
  But 9 years afterward much of this judgment was due to crystallize--considering the framework of a 12 year cycle.  Yet, what occurred then?  In the 2004 freedom class the Duffys pushed onto the whole activity their “Sponsorship of the Summit Lighthouse in the 21st Century and Beyond” as blueprint to cement in place and anchor their own clique’s leadership.  So that document must be examined closely because principles are the hardcore of things.
  I believe that that document had to replace the “4 Principles of Governance” of 2002 that "scapgoat" Ketino Lutidze had had a hand in composing.
  Of course Mother had had 12 Tenets of Faith for C. U. & T. for decades--so neither the 2002 nor 2004 documents were all that necessary, but both documents represented the emphasis, if you will, of which factions’ ideas would prevail at hq--Neroli’s or some group that might include Lutidze. Then C.U. &T. ministers needed to sign a new contract with hq or else be booted. 
  Of course factions tend to vie for the command, but understanding via the RTR’s sponsor, Kuthumi, should have been the keynote for the hq and field.  Notice that the yellow ray is distinct from the fiat-mode common with the blue ray throat chakra.  But some do not even get through the heart initiation very well, yet any sincere one potentially may through any and all chakra initiations. 
  To review historically, 1995 saw a major streamlining of staff at hq on Saint Germain’s direction--all staff were required to resign and then Mother picked those who were needed and who elected to further serve.           
   Then on 5-14-1995 Gautama gave one tremendous dictation.  I decided to progress the Sun and Moon of that astrologic chart forward to see what showed up in summer 2004 when the Duffys’ “Sponsorship of Summit Lighthouse in the 21st Century and Beyond” was released. I’m not saying, though, that Lutidze consciously sought to be #1 but she did need to record the only Moscow meeting with the RTR team:  the Moscow group like the rest of the chelas just needed to submit to the new clique OR ELSE.  No accident, I believe, in all of this history to date post 12-31-1999.
  Why I went to this trouble:  because of course the Duffy clique has acted primarily covertly and never has to date desired the whole case to be out in the open to chelas, so I and some others feel deeply that the cosmic honor flame has been regularly trampled upon.  Thanks for your sincere interest in the organization’s history.   I have tried to avoid all bias/blame but report what I hope is the core truth of the matter, given the means available.  I accept of course all responsibility for all I post, especially for bringing this matter to the fore; it is overdue for real review, transmutation, deep examination, demagnetizaton and judgment by Karmic Board.  The field has so far had very very little say in this matter, but the lessons are there for those who go deeper than surface level     
-r, Mt. Shasta     Sept. 16, 2019

“It is not necessary for a student on the path to judge the merit of another disciple or of another movement in order to be effective in his own particular calling.  We of the Hierarchy are not so much concerned that people work together in the same avenue of expression as We are that they learn to concentrate their energies and their attention on the purification of their individual worlds and whatever avenue they have chosen as an outlet for their expression of the Christ.  Only when individual man has resolved his personal problems by improving his attitude toward his fellowmen can he become an effective mediator in the arena of world action where he will encounter many schools of thought.”    -Vaivasvata Manu:    Pearls of Wisdom 12:41
  For those interested further in the documentation of 2003-4 events in detail, see

and for the “4 Principles of Governance” of 2002 see
1-21-22  The longterm picture:  self-correction and self-monitoring are essential for the path.  The Venusian hierarch dictated:
 It is then in the certain knowledge held deep within the soul of your Messengers that unless the original thrust of a cosmic purpose be pure and undefiled and uncomprom-ised, all that proceeds from that original thrust will bear the taint of impurity.  And, beloved ones, as centuries pass it intensifies and becomes larger and larger by the very nature of the movement of energy. ….....................................................................................
  This is the true meaning of the circle of oneness.  It is invincible, invulnerable, invincible, invulnerable, invincible, invulnerable, as long as all who are within that circle are pure in heart and are not in themselves the opening, the weakening and finally the breaking of that great wall of light.   
-Sanat Kumara:  via Guru Ma, July 4, 1978 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 42:20


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