Saturday, January 8, 2022

Play our songs.

 1)   On this scene of Babylonian confusion—reminiscent of the “last days”—men now see the coming of the eternal Christ Presence as the only power on earth capable of providing a permanent solution.  This too is God’s mercy—a manifest talisman in the living Christ who cares enough to watch over the civilization which God so nobly created, and subsequently so lovingly entrusted to His own children as the legacy of Life and the inheritance of the elect.
  Last week Mother Mary—whose blessed heart should mean so much to all people—spoke on mercy.  As the Goddess of Mercy I here give a few additional thoughts.   The conclusion of the Darjeeling Council’s discourse or trilogy on mercy shall be offered next week with a lovely release from the heart of our own beloved Portia, the Goddess of Justice.  I AM sure you shall eagerly await Her words. 

                   -Kuan Yin:  Pearls of Wisdom 3:43
2)  The forthright statement of the Christ, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” indicates that ignorance is the first sin upon which the Babylonian tower of error, reaching for the skies, is constructed.  If then it be ignorance which is the first habit to conquer, it can be recognized that by the golden flame of Christ-illumination the realm of shadow is pushed back.
  Upon hearthfires of expanding illumination the horizons of men expand to pioneer a new frontier of spiritual knowledge and experience.  And the rocky abyss of ignorance is transformed thereby into a universal highway of light whose roads, like ribbons of glory, lead to the city of God-happiness and peace (Shambala).  
                            -Kuthumi:  Pearl 5:45
3)  I have stood in the atmosphere of Earth high over the city of Babylon.  I was present when the great love-ray of God descended over the Tower of Babel to cause confusion of speech to enter into the hearts of those who were there present, to divide them and separate them from one another because of the manifestation of wickedness.   
          -Archangel Chamuel, delivered through  Messenger Mark Prophet on December 30, 1962 at Washington, D.C, Pearl 25:47
4)  Think ye not that men of little faith in ancient Babylonian civilizations, dwelling in the beauty and splendor of the hanging gardens, and men and women of ancient Egypt seeing the grandeur of the Ptolemy dynasty and the mighty glory of ancient Egypt did not also witness miracles of nature and stand puzzled concerning the origin of life?  The injunction “Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you” applies more to the present day than even to the past.    -Archeia Faith:  Pearl 9:14
5)  Because of the conditions of mankind’s karma we are not always able to prevent destruction from taking place.  It should also be understood that all destruction is not physical; one must consider the destruction of ideals and religious and moral covenants to be even more dangerous to civilization than wars and rumors of wars.  Those who seek to destroy the codes and systems of the world that have evolved out of the dark ages of human history, from the old Babylonian Code, the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, the Code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States and other instruments of liberty—these would offer the world, in return for its imperfect state, one of nihilism and chaos; they are not the bearers of beauty and happiness to mankind or to themselves, but they are the harbingers of havoc whose name is Legion. 
                      -Casimir Poseidon:  Pearl  12:21
6)  Darkness has ruled in the land of Egypt.  Darkness has ruled in the hearts of men, creating a Babylonian civilization.  They have builded tall towers, monuments to their own vanity.  They have ignored the Lord God of Hosts.  They have sought in avarice and a false sense of security to amass to themselves fortunes in securities, in gold, and in good opinions of men.  But they have not thought upon the good opinions of God or the respect for His Laws which the great fire of initiation demands.  
         -Lord Maitreya, delivered through Messenger Mark Prophet on June 28, 1970 in Colorado Springs, Pearls of Wisdom 27:20

7)  For centuries of development, back from the time of the Babylonian code of Hammurabi through English common law, the Mayflower Compact and other instruments of freedom have created the evolution of freedom that has brought to humanity in this age the opportunities for democracy, for the expression of universal love, and for the reaching out for those cosmic initiations which are also administered to the nations of the world, determining their fate—whether they shall remain voices of freedom throughout all lands or instruments of oppression.   

              -Lord Maitreya, delivered through Messenger Mark  Prophet on July 3, 1970 at Colorado Springs, Pearl  27:21
8)  The fierce determination of the hordes of darkness to capture the minds of the youth of the world that they may trap in one Babylonian world-government of chaos the very wave of the future generation is something to behold from inner levels!  If you could see as we do, I am certain that you would not let an hour pass without invoking assistance and protection on behalf of the youth.  
                     -Saint Germain:  Pearl 14:18
9)  So great was the abomination of those who had been chosen to bear the Word of the Law that the Lord God allowed them to be taken into Assyrian and Babylonian captivity and ultimately to be scattered over the face of the Earth.  Those among the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel who remembered their calling to free a planet and her people from idolatry and who had never compromised the Law of the prophets and patriarchs were allowed to embody upon a new continent.   -Djwal Kul:  Pearl 17:45
10)  From time to time by the wisdom of His Word God had sent them prophets and apostles filled with the Holy Ghost, veritable evangels of the Lord’s hosts, rebuking them as did Zechariah with the full authority of the seven archangels:  “Why transgress ye the commandments of the Lord, that ye cannot prosper?  Because ye have forsaken the Lord, He hath also forsaken you.”     
                     -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearl 22:7
11)  The covenant of Moses once again establishes the interaction of the Lawgiver through the one who is the embodiment of the Law--the Guru. Their violations of the Law of Moses are recorded together with the judgments of Jehovah.  And though prophets of the I AM THAT I AM were in their midst, their rebellious generation resulted in the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. And the Old Testament is the history of the living Word, born in flesh and blood, waxing strong in the Lord, entering into the inner retreats of the Brotherhood and emerging for the Messianic mission.    
              -Sanat Kumara, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, dated December 9, 1979, Pearl 42:2
12)  I demand the full power of lightbearers now establish true unity of hearts of all those who live in all nations who are of the light!  And I demand that this swelling of light and this manifestation of victory shall overturn the false ones and fallen ones who have encamped themselves in the Babylonian tower, the Tower of Babel that sits now in New York as the nest of fallen ones moving against the flame of true peace, the flame of purity, the flame of love, the flame of intense action of Elohim.  I call the American people to visible accountability of the Law by the sacred action of truth.  Hear our call and answer, O Elohim of God.  Hear our call and answer.  Hear our call and answer!  
               -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1982, at Camelot, L.A., Pearlt. 25:13  
13)  Beloved hearts, one must distinguish between that which is spiritual eternally in the heavens and not made with hands and that which is the Babylonian imitation of fallen ones.  Therefore understand that, in the early days of America, even the Nephilim sought to retain control of  lightbearers.  So it is true.  But they are not merely from Britain. They are from the entire planetary body and even encamped in America.   -Elohim b Peace and Aloha, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:14

14)  O Holy Spirit, come forth!  Come forth, O mighty Spirit of prophecy and of healing and of miracles and of discernment of spirits, and let this nation and this people perceive the oppressor in the midst, perceive Assyrian and Babylonian and roll them back and restore Israel as the light of all that is real, as Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, O God.  In Thy name we pray. [Give “I AM Lord’s Prayer”]   

                   -Archangel Uriel, delivered via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 8, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25: 23
15)   For when you have the stillness in soul, mind and heart, and the intense desire to be the reflecting pool of the Lord God, then when you do receive the vision, you may give that vision to others who have not seen it. And therefore, you become a fulcrum in your field of endeavor of the way in which others ought to go, for all have come forth out of the one Christ.
For when you have the stillness in soul, mind, and heart, and the intense desire to be the reflecting pool of the Lord God, then when you do receive the vision, you may give that vision to others who have not seen it. And therefore you become a fulcrum in your field of endeavor of the way in which others ought to go, for all have come forth out of the one Christ.   
             -Nada:  10–7-1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:51
16)   By that flame shall you discover the love of community, the building together, for this flame is God’s own skyscraper.  It is the power of that tower and rock, and it is the power that displaces Nimrod and his tower of Babel, the entire Babylonian civilization, the Assyrian gods, the Cain civilization.  This flame is for the testing and trying of the nations, for the setting of the Christ standard of the culture of the Mother in every nation, for reawakening of souls of light to their destiny on this path to a new sense of honor and a new sense of what is the meaning of Christhood.  
          -Serapis Bey, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 8, 1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 27:29
17)  It is the supreme test of raising now that alabaster pyramid in the physical octave, the test of building the temple of man when all obstruction comes through the degeneration, the very crumbling of physical matter.  Whether organic or inorganic matter, there is a disintegration spiral that works in the buildings, in the land, in the sea, and in the bodies which can be counteracted best by the violet flame.
  The violet flame turns around the spin of electron and atom.  It turns around the downward spiral of the chakras and the energy.  It is forever the power of conversion—and conversion means “to turn around”!  The violet flame is the buoyant joy of the Holy Ghost that turns around spirits and minds and souls and emotions!     
  Freedom has this power.  It has had this power in every age and century.  Let the flame of freedom descend anywhere and all rejoice and leap for the power of their own divinity—else they leap to misuse that freedom if they operate on the dark side of life.  But freedom itself is a power that moves, and it moves for change. And when it is misused, that change does not become constructive but destructive.  
            -Saint Germain:  12-2-1984 at Camelot,, Pearl 27:61
18)  Realize, beloved, that the structure was used to perpetuate that which was anti-truth or anti-Christ in all who were imprisoned there—a Babylonian/Assyrian building of a tower of Babel, of Babylon the Great where souls would be lost and some of them not to find the living Word until the hour of the Redeemer and of the Holy Spirit and the coming of this dispensation today.
Beloved ones, institutions are necessary, but the church we have called Church Universal and Triumphant is more than an institution.  In manifestation it is the effect of the inner cause that is the New Jerusalem.  In other words, beloved, it is drawn out of a blueprint and out of a reality in the kingdom of heaven that does already exist.   
               Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 6, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angelesm Pearl 29:67

19)  Yes, it is planned, it is a possibility, and it becomes expedient for the East to wage war upon the West for economic reasons, for reasons of survival, and for reasons of Evil. For absolute Evil will outplay itself that it may be no more.  Thus the Assyrian and the Babylonian, each in his own time, are the instrument of the judgment of Israel.
  If a remnant is to hold the balance and be, as it were, the sacrifice of a nation, then let the remnant know who they are and what is their mission and reason for being.  The mitigating factor in economic debacle, in nuclear war, in plague untold and death is the nucleus of lightbearers and the quotient of sacred fire they invoke.     -Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thanksgiving  November 27, 1986 at Los Angeles, Pearl 29:75
20)  Let deliverance come, I say!  And resist not going forth into the wilderness, America, to come apart from this Babylonian civilization that will swallow you up even as malefic flowers do close and consume the very soul itself.
  Blessed hearts, be in this city but not of its downward spiral.  And therefore, by the spiral of light and ascension flame so conquer what thou art where thou art and be in the heart of the living pyramid of Mater at that point of resurrection’s flame.   -Saint Germain: October 3, 1987 in New York City, Pearl 30:55   

21)  And if you would carry a greater light of the Brotherhood, you must be ready to bear it on each and all of the rays, and you must recognize that initiations come on a daily basis and they must be met.  For this Community must be tried by fire if it is to survive in the physical octave, and that trial by fire must come upon you.  Let it be first and foremost the emerald fires that you might be realigned with truth so that when the initiation does come, beloved, you have already been purged of those substances [of misqualified energy] which would cause you pain if you did enter the fire [while still] retaining them.
  Let the living flame of Truth prevail, for I, Raphael, have spoken! …
  Thus by the cosmic cross of whitefire and through perception gained by your devotion you are blest in the light of clear seeing in this hour.  May you retain it and remember that in the keynote “Whispering Hope” (by Hawthorne) you may bring us to your side instantly. May children and adults alike cherish both the hymn and orchestration of it and know that the power and Presence of Raphael is instantaneously in that manifestation, even as Mother Mary does come in the “Ave Maria (by Schubert).”
In the service of light of your heart we are obediently the witnesses of truth. [intonations, 21 seconds]  So it is done, and the light does now pass through the sword into the ground and the earth receives the charge of truth for realignment.  And Elohim and Archangels and hierarchs of the elements do stand guard; for, beloved, this increment must not at this time cause cataclysm or disturbances in the nature kingdom who have all to do to keep the balance for you in this hour.  Pray for them and love them, for they love you much.
  Though we take our leave, from this hour forward we do not leave your side in this Community.  For you have greater need of us, beloved, than you can realize in this hour.  Play our songs.  We shall be there.  Our love for you is infinite, unspeakable cherishment.       -Archangel Raphael:  4-9-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:24
22)  Yes, the other side of Atlantis embodied there,  the other side of a mighty continent.  It must rise, beloved.  And now is the hour of the Keepers of the Flame who are there or who have come here and shall return there to keep that vigil.  An economic unity that is not based on the living person of the Universal Christ in all shall only be a weight even though it may bring, and I say may bring, prosperity.   
-Omri-Tas. via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 10, 1992 at Atlanta, Georgia, Pearl 35:64  

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