Wednesday, January 12, 2022

not in a lukewarm way

1)  I have come for the fulfillment of the vow that I made so very long ago when I beheld the turning aside of my father and my mother by Serpent and his seed and the long journey into night that the children of the light must bear.  Many, many souls in that Lemurian epoch responded to the very same testings of their path. And therefore there is a collective burden of karma that now we lay upon the altar of the Lord that you might claim the burden of the Lord.  His burden is light.  His burden is also the very creation itself.  And thus you might call the burden of the Lord the Lord’s karma, for the light that He has set in motion is the effect of primal cause. And therefore you claim the burden of the Lord, and it is the burden of light that transmutes the burden of karma.
  This very mystery of the Holy Grail was given to me in those very hours when I submitted myself to Sanat Kumara, to Alpha and Omega.  Following my death at the hand of Cain I went before the Lord God, seeing full well what would come upon the generations of earth.  It was then that I volunteered to be the one who would redeem them from that fall.  And I was placed under Lord Maitreya, who overshadowed me in each succeeding incarnation.  And through him I knew the Lord Gautama, who preceded me in the manifestation of the light of the East.  And through him I was constantly aware of the Ancient of Days.  

         -Jesus Christ, delivered by  Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 25, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles County, Pearl 56:23
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2)  And while the fallen ones are rolled back, while they are confused and confounded let us march. Let us continue marching before they regroup themselves in a fainthearted, halfhearted attempt to roll back the light which they will never, never, never do as long as Keepers of the Flame in the physical octave are vigilant and are willing to reinforce my light.

            -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 15, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles , Pearl 24:59
3)  The One is accountable. Not the many, the One.
There is only one person who is accountable to make that payment.  This is what Morya said to me.  And I said “Who?”  He said “You!”
  And that is the whole point of this concept.  One person is accountable.  One person takes accountability. …There is only one person in cosmos.  It’s Almighty God. He’s accountable.  He’s individualized in you.  You are accountable….Look in your department, look at life, look anywhere you go—the person who takes responsibility is the leader. And the person who takes the most responsibility is the one who leads the most….
 Think about whether you are wholeheartedly doing it or halfheartedly doing it.   
            -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 25, 1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 40:23 or 25:21a
4)   For this is a prophecy, and all prophecy is fulfilled in the nexus of the heart of sons and daugh­ters of God whose hearts are one with the living God and the emissaries of heaven and the Brothers in White.
  Therefore remember it is necessary to name the beast, as it is a conglomerate of an ideology and a philosophy of pacifism combined with aggression, of a manifestation of death that claims to be for life.  For always the liar does promote that he is for truth when he himself not only tells the lie but is the embodiment of the Lie and its originator in those fallen ones who long ago swore enmity against the Lord Sanat Kumara—who is called “the Woman” because Sanat Kumara, the eternal Guru, is the light of Mother to a cosmos, to a planet and to each heart of light.  Therefore it is the divine Office of Mother and the under­standing of that person of the Ancient of Days whereby you will come to know what is that enmity of the fallen ones against the very womb of the Virgin out of which you have proceeded into       phys­i­cal embodiment, for it is the place of the nourishment of Christ.…
  I tell you it is meet while a nation is partially asleep that they should be awakened both by the lies of the Serpent as well as by the Word of God.  For the Almighty desires the putting on of the Lord Our Righteousness by the process of understanding and education, choosing right from wrong and learning by one’s mistakes—even one’s sins, beloved.
For there is no other way to learn than to go through the process sometimes of experiencing that error, however costly it may be. …Realize then that this experience in life forges an inner determination that is like the pulling back of the sling—ready to release not partly, not in a lukewarm way but fully the momentum of one’s life for the victory that is now clear because ignorance and error and the lie and the calumny have been exposed.
Understand therefore not only freedom but the process of freedom—the process whereby you indeed become a freeborn citizen of cosmos, whereby you walk the path and on your way choose the right as you see it and understand and learn by that pro­cess.  
           -Saint Germain, delivered through Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 1, 1983 at Camelot, L.A. Pearl 26:42
5)   Hail, sons of the Sons of God!  I AM Victory and you are suspended in the golden Sun of my causal body in this hour!  [29-second standing ovation]
  O golden victorious flame of God consciousness of the second ray, I AM Victory, Victory, Victory in the three jewels of initiation to which you shall attain if you are at all diligent and shun the dullard consciousness!
  I AM Victory!  I have come to see to it that you are not left in the ignorance and the twilight of a world that is neither here nor there. But I AM here and you are here and we are in the center of a Sun of Being.
  And surely you must have understood by this hour that we have come for a single purpose alone:  to see to it that in the permanent seed atom of thy being there is that nucleus of the rod of illumination’s flame, that it shall develop, that it shall be connected to the electronic and electromagnetic field of our aura and that you shall endure as an integrity in the divine whole of God–even through the Sun of the yellow sphere of your own causal body of light.
  And by this display of the fireworks of the Fourth of July, which are a white fire and a golden-yellow illumination of the Universal Christ, so be it known that we are absolutely God-determined that if you will make even a halfhearted effort to embody this light, you will discover that [that] ascending process does find you then so sealed in the shaft of illumination that you shall feel as though [you were] ascending in an elevator shaft of Victory’s own house….
  I come with a fiery discipline of excellence. I come through the spheres of the God and Goddess Meru to neutralize all patterns of witchcraft misusing the Light of your four lower bodies.  [I come] to neutralize all ancient misuse of the arts of light.  Records of the black arts must disappear and they do so by the displacement afforded you in the Presence of such beings of cosmic dimension [who are] of [the] Logos.
  Know then, beloved, that an arc of seven stars does appear in the heavens, though perhaps not to your sight.  And this arc of seven stars is the sign of the coming of those Solar Lords and of the Holy Kumaras.
  All of Hierarchy is determined that those who have the inner potential, [those] who have the past momentum and the desire [for a path of personal Christhood unto God] will now receive attention in the most needed areas of their consciousness, will now receive the tutelage of the Cosmic Christs and Jophiel’s angels.  
             -Mighty Victory:  July 5, 1988 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 31:75
6)  I place my hand therefore upon the fractured ones that they might be made whole and no longer feel the need to compromise this Community, to get even, to settle old scores, attacking the Messenger instead of their own dweller-on-the-threshold.
I am with you, beloved, each and every one.  And while there is opportunity I assist those [among you] from the least unto the greatest.  For the door has not yet closed and opportunity is to repent, to seek forgiveness, to enter the Holy of holies of thy God and to serve the Light in wholeness and in holiness….
  Now you must pass through the eye of the needle, beloved, and that is the supreme test for all.   You cannot expect another to pass through the eye of the needle for you!  You must create the needle and the eye and pass through it yourself.  Pity upon those [of you] who expect others to do it for you, for you already come to an hour of reckoning.  Yet I shall invoke for you the Divine Helper.  Pity upon those who have not heard or listened.  We know them well....
  May you not forget, beloved, that harmony is the key not only to your victory but to the victory of many on the planet.  You cannot direct light for their salvation if you allow yourself to become [overly] conscious of your own and others’ personalities and to become embroiled in argumentation and discord….
  There are enough volcanoes to erupt on planet Earth, beloved, without our having to contend with [the eruption of the astral bodies of] our chelas.  Take caretherefore that you exercise restraint and take dominion [over the forces] in this body….
  I profoundly pray that you will abandon those lesser ways and those out-of-alignment states and with love pursue the holiness of God with your attention upon the Lord, your Mighty I AM Presence….
  Now I say, do it and I will do it through you.  If you do not do it, I can do nothing through you.  This is the physical test of the physical octave in the physical sign of Pisces.  And you have been preparing to it for long centuries….
  We will not fail you, but you must be in your right place.  We need the listening ear.  We need the listening ear.
            -Lanello, delivered by  Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet ob February 25, 1990 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 33:14
7)   It is time for the lukewarm to not be present, beloved, for you must be hot or cold!  And if you wax hot, you will have the power of the yin and yang.  And if you wax cold, you will have the power of the yin and yang.  But if you wax lukewarm, you shall have neither, for the polarity of being and the divine dance of Lord Shiva is based upon the t’ai chi and only this.
  Therefore, my beloved, let there be the pruning again [of the rose bush] and let you go forth, my beloved, to the four corners of the earth to be a beacon light of our Summit Lighthouse.  Yes, I have come.  And I stand with the stalwart ones and I stand with the weak and the undecided.  For at this moment of our anniversary I stand by all, the frail and those who God-identify.
I have come to help you and to give a final opportunity to those of you who are halfhearted.  I,
           Morya, cannot carry you much longer.   via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 11, 1991 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 34:51
8)  The crooked places must be made straight and the crookedness of consciousness must be undone.  The rough places must become plain.  There are many who have not ascended because they have not been willing to purge themselves and to pore over those elements of being that are not in alignment with their own Holy Christ Self.
I ask you not to shun this path of self-correcting through understanding of the cause and core of why certain elements of yourself are in this wise or in that wise.  And that tremendous joy of equilibrium is what I give unto you….
  You see, beloved, Christianity, Judaism, Islam—as a trinity of Western and Eastern religions—these three must allow their people to receive the violet flame.  But there is always an entrenched leadership, a priesthood if you will, beloved, that will deny to the people this greatest of all gifts.
  Understand this, beloved. Those who have been at the head of the world's major religions unto the present hour have not accepted the violet flame….
  But first you must build the tower of the violet-flame bricks, the tower of power upon the rock.  This is the summit of being.  This is the highest frequency of light that the Maha Chohan has delivered to the planet.  Let it be spread abroad.  Let it be there for healing….
  And I speak of the subtle pride that also entails greed. You must pluck out those elements that are listed according to the teachings of the Five Dhyani Buddhas [or] you will become ensnared and entrapped by your own folly, your own greed, your own sense of pulling out of thin air riches when the only true riches are the riches of the Spirit and the only matter that you can fulfill is the perfecting of knowledge, the perfecting of mastery, the perfecting of a profession.  Work while ye have the light…. I think pride is the most difficult of all, for pride is like a shadow that darts behind you: you never quite see your pride but others see that pride.    
                      -Jesus Christ was delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 25, 1995 at RTR, Park County, Montana, Pearl 46:34
9)   Ho!  Let the living Presence of the archangels enter your hearts—we come in the mantle of the sixth ray.  We are that manifestation, and we are Archangel Uriel and Aurora.
  We therefore move through the Earth for our reinforcements.  We come to collect those who embodied long ago to defeat the fallen angels.  We look for new contingents.  We look to you, beloved, to take up your place at this juncture where angels have committed themselves to hold the line of victory for thousands upon thousands of years if necessary.
…Our determination is to fight, to continue to fight, to take up our swords, to rest upon our swords, and to fight again and again on behalf of the souls, minds,  bodies and hearts of innocent children.
  Blessed ones, the fury of the Divine Mother is in our sails.  Therefore we are determined that where there is life there is dignity, there is transcendence and the ability to move on in the cycles of being--no matter the roadblock!  And all who embrace the Great Mother Kali shall be protected by the archangels and her legions of light.
  Our beginnings and our endings come full circle in the sixth ray of the sacred heart of Jesus Christ.  There we take our stand. …
  And beyond that there are many areas where scientific understanding is kept from the people, such as the medical establishment which withholds the understanding of how to cure cancer and many other diseases.  It is withheld because of the amount of money the medical establishment has vested in medical equipment that has still not served them nor brought ultimate healing to the people.  Money and the money beast are a part of the entrenched health-care system, beloved. And that beast is humongous, its tentacles reaching into every area of human life….
 There is either the victory that comes because all are determined and know that they will have the victory come what may, or else there are those who are so halfhearted that if they could, they would even give away slices of this nation.
               -Archangel Uriel and Aurora, via Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood E C Prophet, 3-27-1997 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 40:23 


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