Friday, January 28, 2022

There is a breaking now of the counterfeit magnet of Nephilim

  Out of the light of the Ancient of Days I come on this day of Pentecost to bring to you my heart’s love of the Mother-flame.
   As I brought to this land the light of the Chalice, so I bring a flame to fill your chalice with renewal of the ancient covenant that God-government might manifest in Earth in preparation for the golden age and that this government might be through each and every son of God and child of light who shall raise up that flame of  victorious Christ consciousness.
    I return to Glastonbury and to the site of our ancient focus.  I come to renew then trust of the Lord Jesus Christ, my son.  I come to recall to you that he as the great master of the Piscean age waits to initiate souls who will become his disciples in deed, in word, in service to the Brotherhood. Discipleship unto him through the mystery school of Lord Maitreya is the way that we have opened that this dream of Camelot might truly come into manifestation.

  We have called sons of our heart to the United States, but there are many in this land and in many nations who are yet to come forth in understanding of the mysteries of the Grail.  As your feet touch the ground which they have touched before and as you celebrate again the communion that we shared in his body and in his blood I am here to bear the light of resurrection of all that has gone before and for the conclusion of an age that must pass through the nexus of judgment ere the new age can dawn.
   You have come with an understanding that Morya has called astute—an understanding of forces of Armageddon, a penetration of causes of crumbling of our Camelot and of crumbling of the British Empire. These same forces of degeneration and decay have set in to the very roots of the United States.  And in the very roots of that nation they must be burned out by sacred fire and by consecration to ruby ray.
  There is the possibility to understand the nature of decay by studying modern British history.  And tracing that modern history back into the past one sees even further into the origins.  All of the nobility and light which Saint Germain brought through the dispensation of the Shakespearean plays, all that has been brought by Thomas More as El Morya has played his role of loyalty to the Church, loyalty to the inner matrix and to truth itself—all of this has been a foundation which could have been for the victory of these nations.  And yet seeds of degeneration and death sown by fallen ones who walk the way of death have manifested even the records of the decline of Rome and of other past civilizations.  Thus nation by nation it has been the work of  archdeceivers of mankind to implant seeds of unrest and coils of descending spirals.
    Now you come to match these and to supersede them with a great light and a great energy of resurrection flame.  Thus the reversing of the spiral is the call of the hour and arresting of those spirals as the Great Divine Director has taught us.
    I AM the Mother-flame in Earth.  I AM the very heart of the brooding Universal Mother-Spirit.  And yet I cannot enter in where there is not devotion and love given unto the Eternal Mother—unto that Mother of the Savior and unto the Mother in embodiment who does truly embody the Mother-flame of Camelot as  Community of the Holy Spirit come again.
   Thus the eternal Guru/chela relationship is always nucleus, is always magnet of heart in the center of every constructive endeavor.  And therefore destructive endeavors that have come to manifest on this soil and on the shores of America are composed of an anti-light forcefield, an anti-nucleus and an anti-magnet.
    This usurping of the light of Alpha and Omega has manifested in many ways—ways with which you are entirely familiar in the culture of drug, rock, sensuality and perverse misuses of the body of the Mother’s children and of the sacred fire of her light.  Thus crime and death and murder and rape and all forms of dishonor in the body of lightbearers, as seeds of the wicked, are the forces of corruption which are counteracted today.
    So knights went forth of old to slay these dragons, to redress social injustice and to challenge Nephilim who had set themselves up then as kings, as feudal lords and in holding their fiefdoms, holding bound children of light and depriving them of their energy and their very lifeblood.
    So the history of cycles moves on. There is an opening in these cycles in this very era and in this decade as the seven archangels bring into manifestation the mysteries and  initiations of the eighth ray under Sanat Kumara.  It is a moment in cosmic history and in planetary history.  And be ever mindful, my children, that it is a moment in your personal history when you also can redress all wrongs and injustices of the past.  In order to accomplish this you must be diligent on the path.  And this diligence must take care in understanding that the path of discipleship, the path of acceleration of the chela must be tended to daily. The very fires of heart must continually be enhanced and multiplied for sustainment of the Guru’s light within your heart.
   The very presence of Sanat Kumara indicates to the entire Brotherhood that this is a moment when we can descend to Earth to contact many chelas of  light.  Therefore it is an hour for intensity, for acceleration, for going after initiations that will propel you to new rungs of the ladder of God­dominion and self-mastery and ability to convey a greater and greater heart- flame unto children of the Sun.  Thus with fond hope for renewal of all that Morya and Saint Germain and Lord Jesus Christ and Lanello have held in their hearts we come and we gather with you on this site now made famous by excavations.
   So it is good that men come to consecrate a place, a place that they can go back to and say “This is where Camelot was.”  But we are more interested in defining where Camelot is today—not on ruins of the past but upon altar of heart do we build anew. For that mighty threefold flame that is God’s gift to every son is true record and place of all that Camelot has been and of every sacred mystery school ultimately going back to the original of Lord Maitreya.
   So the dream of Merlin, conveyed to Arthur and conveyed to all the knights is truly derived from yearning for the Edenic light, for return to the Source and for return to Maitreya.  All sons of light in Earth, all children of light have a longing for that return to the blessed Buddha and to the blessed Mother.
    And therefore when there is gathering on the hillsides of the world again and again, as there is this gathering in this hour, it is always celebration of master and disciple, Guru and chela who are one, the Lamb and Lamb’s wife.   And thus the marriage of the Lamb is come.  And the marriage of the Lamb can come only when the bride is ready. And the bride is truly chela who loves and loves again.  Therefore place yourselves in proximity to Maitreya and to Mother.  Understand that in your questing in the world and in the world of Spirit there is a need to be close to the flame, all the while increasing your prowess, your ability to deal with fallen ones through education, through professional experience and through founding of the holy family.  Saint Germain comes to sponsor you and all that you hold dear. 
  Therefore I take from my heart mighty fires carried from the very place where the Last Supper was held.  I take from my heart the body and blood of Christ as from the holy grail.  In blessing this bread and this wine I convey to you a physical and tangible focus of all these initiations which Life will unfold to you if you endure on the path.  I remind you to contemplate as we celebrate this communion that the disciples went forth, that many were blessed and baptized and received in holy church; but out of all that were received and consecrated only the few by comparison actually fulfilled the spiral and attained to victory of the ascension.
   Now at the conclusion of the age it is the hour for those mass ascensions on the hillsides of the world.  And I tell you that one day there shall be an ascension from this very hillside.  And the focus which I plant here in this hour through your hearts and prayers and heart of Messenger begins a spiral of ascension’s flame that will rest in the etheric octave until those devotees of Camelot and of all for which it stands can draw that flame out of the etheric into their physical temples and raise up a pillar of fire for the ascension current passing through then the lifestream; (the lifestream itself will pass through) from matter to Spirit and fusion of spheres will take place.  When the sphere of your causal body and your mighty I AM Presence fuses with threefold flame in your heart then is come the hour of the fullness of your ascension.
   I AM ever the Mother receiving you in the hour of your crucifixion, receiving you in the hour of your resurrection.  As I have sponsored Jesus so I sponsor you.  As you take the opportunity to be sponsored by me, O pilgrims of the Central Sun, remember that all is possible and all can be accomplished by you in this very life.  Will you not then seize the torch of Camelot and run with it and go and tell, tell them, tell all the nations that Camelot is come again, that Camelot is the real and living flame of Life—adequate, sufficient and God-victorious to every need.
   Let fallen ones challenge the light. Let light swallow up their darkness. Let Life prove in you that it as Light and as Life is God-victorious at every hand.  Blessed ones, go forth to conquer, for we behold the dawn of victory.   [Messenger invokes the Lord’s blessing of the bread and wine.  Communion is served.]    

    -Archeia Mary, delivered via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the hill at Cadbury, England on Pentecost, May 25, 1980, Pearls of Wisdom 23:42 


  You have heard, Keepers of the Flame, the mathematics of joy transferred from my heart to your own. You have heard in this piece that bears the flame of my heart that very formula of violet flame, and yet its cipher can be decoded by no man.
   For that which you hear in this manifestation of my causal body is but a part of the spherical formula of life. Yet meditation upon its detail is for you means whereby you pass to those higher dimensions of my own purple fiery heart where I would receive you, yes, there in the round tower of my heart and keep you there forever and a day as you pursue here and now those glorious initiations of seventh ray, drawing down by light of Rakoczy, by the light of that march even those conditions for your own self-mastery that are distillations of my causal body and your own and of the fair flower of Portia’s own lily heart.
   Blessed ones, we are indeed drawing down strains of light—rhythm and beat and impulse of sacred fire that bursts by marching tempo, by threefold flame, by three-quarter time, by exactness of disciplines of Serapis Bey that rise, even as fragrance of your soul rises to meet the fairest flower of your own life, the blessed Christ Self who is in this hour the mediator of my own light whereby that which flows through the Messenger may reach your own heartflame.
   Blessed ones, I come with a multifaceted message, multifold in its application to Earth-scene in this hour.   
    First I would pay tribute to Ascended Master Cha Ara, and I would invoke his flame to be amplified by my own and that of the tremendous release of Zarathustra that legions of light might go into modern Persia and stand for judgment of fallen ones who have ransacked that nation, drawn it into war, mass executions and judgments of fallen ones gainst the children of the light.
  I am therefore calling for judgment of the fallen ones in the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy who have played upon the pride of her leaders and who have played upon  betrayal of light and even religion of mechanization man to attempt to set up that which has not been in keeping with the kingdom of God.
    We come then for the judgment of fallen ones not only in this nation but [also] in the Middle East and of those who have come forth out of the Soviet Union to capture hearts of light in Afghanistan and elsewhere.  We bring the light of the heart into the scene of chaos in the very base [chakra] of the Mother-light of planet Earth.  We bring legions of light and full power of judgment to deal swiftly with those who are the hordes of war and hordes of the oil of the Woman and her seed.
   We are demanding before the Karmic Board this day the exposure of OPEC and involvement shore to shore, nation by nation of these international conspirators, descendants of the original Nephilim gods.  We come therefore to deliver this people by wisdom’s flame and by the sword!
    Therefore I stand for judgment of the oppressors of the seed of the Woman and light of the Woman, the oppressors of light of ascension flame.  And therefore Serapis Bey stands with me and with my own beloved Portia, and mighty seraphim stand with you who are candidates for ascension for this judgment by the flame of the ascension of the fallen ones who seek to overturn the little children of my heart.
   Beloved ones, when you consider the landing of fallen ones in the Near East, when you consider that there they established their forcefield you must understand that their vast knowledge of magnetic forcefields of the planetary body called them to that fount of light.  And it was the light of the Mother that they would milk from this planetary body and others in the systems of worlds.
    Blessed hearts of light, they come to feed as vultures upon the light that God has implanted in Earth for the abundant life and ascension of His children.  Therefore that which has been seized by fallen ones must be regained.  I have come once again to declare war upon these Nephilim, and all of the hosts of the Lord join me.
   And therefore I AM Saint Germain, Messenger of Sanat Kumara unto the Aquarian age.  Therefore I AM Saint Germain avatara of this age initiating all people of light in the way of transmutation, in the way of sacred fires of Holy Spirit that are indeed for judgment and all-consuming fire that shall truly cause the greatest changes in the history of this planet that have been known since her inception in the Mind of God!
  Therefore light of Helios and Vesta does arc into the very center of Earth, into the very center of the Mideast; and there is isolation in this hour of those lifestreams who have pitted themselves against the light of the Savior Jesus Christ.  And therefore there is amplification of our causal bodies—all of us who have participated in the coming of Moses, in the coming of Abraham, in the coming of the prophets and Lord Jesus Christ, in the coming of Zarathustra and those saints who have gathered in the Near East and in the Far East for defiling of these fallen ones in their own defilement of the Word of God.
   Therefore do they stand judged!  And I ask you to stand in the very midst of this congregation in honor of the coming of Sanat Kumara and in the presence of this judgment in this hour. For, beloved ones, I come to announce to you the release, from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun, of immense light and power whereby there will be changes in the Middle East and there will be changes in the balance of power in the planetary body and there will be changes in the balance of power in the hearts of  children of my people and in the sons of God!
   Therefore let us continue to rally around the Banner of the World Mother and to make invocation for the cutting loose and setting free of Her children and Her seed that they might rise in the very midst of this descent of light and amplify the flame of the Mother, flame of ascension, to see the tyrants of fallen ones now overcome.
    Therefore let the purveyors of false religion and false economics and false distribution of light and abundance upon the planet be bound!  Therefore let the false teachers also be bound and let anti-Guru and anti-chela usurping the light of Alpha and Omega in the Middle East also be bound.  And let all who are servants of the Most High God be set free.
    Let those who are Moslems, Christians and Jews who are children of light be set free and let those false pastors be bound.  Let the word of Jeremiah go forth and let the Word of the Lord unto him now be physical manifestation of the binding of the false pastors of my people.
    Burn right through, O living Word!  By the fire of the causal bodies of the Ascended Masters, blaze forth the light!  And there in the very seat of betrayal let the false prophet be bound.
   Bind that false prophet!  Bind the Fallen One!  Bind the replica and  clones and carbon copies of that false prophet!  [Let them] be bound!  Burn right through!
    I, Saint Germain, therefore come in this hour for binding of that false prophet and those who are betrayers of light who have gone here and there to spread their gossip and their lies and their calumny against the Messengers and this community of light.  This day is he judged!  This day is she judged!
   Burn through, O living Word!  For the decree has gone forth, and therefore watch the receding of those who have gone to make war against the Woman and her seed in the name of the dragon.  Therefore let the mouthings of false prophets and evil spirits through them be bound.  Bind then this misuse of throat center and of the power of the spoken Word!
   Bind then and bring to judgment, O God!    For let the oppressors of children of light in the media, even Serpent and his seed and the Murderer and his murderous intent be bound by the Lord’s Spirit.  So does the light, the incoming light of victory of the Lamb proclaim the hour and day for that victory, for that transition into the great cycle of Aries, even the spring equinox.
   Therefore the light of Helios and Vesta does go forth.  And this mighty release is for acceleration of the coming of the Lord Our Righteousness into Earth and the amplification of the Christ within you, that Christ who is the Word, the true Word!  And therefore that Word does overcome the anti-Word of the false prophet who does not speak the certain Word of prophecy, of edification, of exaltation of Almighty God.
   And therefore I AM come.  I am come planting the fire of violet flame into the heart of Earth.  And as you continue to invoke my name you will also see that that which is taking place, beloved hearts, is a mighty alchemy, an alchemy of the entire planetary body bathed in the great causal body of Omri-Tas and priests of the sacred fire.  For this, lo, is the promise and it is fulfilled, even activation of the seventh ray by beloved Omri-Tas throughout the four lower bodies of Earth.
    Now see how in your mind’s eye you perceive violet flame blazing and rolling in a mighty momentum of light and freedom throughout the planetary body.  Behold and stand fast!  Stand fast to behold the salvation of our God.
    For Elohim come forth in the full power of the flaming Word.  Elohim come forth!  Elohim come forth, and they do manifest in this hour an amplification of victory, an expansion of your own heartflame and rapprochement of your own Mighty I AM Presence to your own soul aflame with the will of God.
    Yes, I am outpouring unto you the very fire of the Holy Spirit!  And it pours upon you who hear my Word, who receive my prayer, who know my Presence, who hear my voice and who know the Master’s voice, who know the voice of the Good Shepherd and who know the vibration of the Great White Brotherhood in Earth to deliver the people of God in this age.
    I stand before you, O people of God!  O Keepers of the Flame! O sons of light and liberty in America, hear me!  For I deliver unto you the mandate of Almighty God to seize the Banner of the World Mother, to seize  light of ascension’s flame and to rise unto the hillsides of the world and to proclaim truth in the very midst of the people from the mount of your own inner attainment!
   So proclaim the Word as you stand in the midst of the congregation of the righteous and rebuke fallen ones as even the Savior rebuked them in the very face, in the very teeth, in the very manifestation of physical life on earth!  So his was the challenge that rang forth and declared them to be of their father the Liar who speaketh of his own counterfeit creation, his own lie manifestation.
   And therefore he denounced them, and therefore they took up stones to stone him.  And therefore those stones in this hour that are taken up against you by the false prophet, by fallen ones, by tail of the dragon in their woeful tales of intrigue and treachery are dissolved byviolet flame, by  sacred fire of Holy Spirit.
   Beloved hearts of light, they cannot even reach you, for the mighty flames of seraphim and fiery salamanders swallow them up as you roll back, as you roll back, as you roll back this darkness and it is consumed.  And  light does go forth by publishing of the Word, by preaching of the Word, and by you, my beloved, now become the Word incarnate!
   This is a living Word!  This is a living God!  This is a living victory of the hour and it is by sacred fire which I deliver unto you this day.
   And therefore I affirm and I confirm this Messenger as the open door of my own light that you may see and know and feel that power and be secure in Almighty God, and therefore know that you also may call upon me to be delivered from your diseases, from your burdens and from burden of your own rebellion which you place upon the Lord.
    Let it be consumed and let the fire spin within you now!  And let there be a throwing off into the flame of all that is not of light within you, all resistance to my light, all pride, all ambition outside of the Lord God Almighty.
  And discover now the greatest power in the universe, in all of cosmos that is delivered by alignment of the Messenger with my own forcefield and by your own alignment through the sense of victory and not the sense of sin or struggle with my own God- flame!  This is the meaning of the purple fiery heart:  it is the eternal fount of release of the Holy Spirit unto you, my beloved.
    I AM Saint Germain!  And I am prepared to deliver this land into light everlasting, into the golden age!  And I demand reinforcement for binding of organized crime, for binding of the fallen ones who misuse the light of my people      I am here and I demand reinforcement for exposure of manipulation of this economy and this money system by fallen ones.  But I need reinforcements, beloved ones!  I am prepared to deliver this people.  I am prepared to deliver the people of Mother Russia and of Poland and of Eastern Europe, but I need reinforcements.  I need reinforcements for securing of the Caribbean and Central and South America against inroads of these hordes of death whose hour is very, very short.  And therefore they can be turned back by the light.
   Therefore I am demanding and I am commanding souls of light to set up now my own mighty forcefield in Puerto Rico.  Let it be used as the island of the Sun, as the island of Helios and Vesta, as a fiery vortex, as the fire infolding itself whereby all that are World Communism and anti-Christ and Mafia activities and drug activities are truly drawn into the vortex of sacred fire, even as you have heard of that phenomenon in the Caribbean of the very swallowing up of ships and physical objects and men.  Beloved hearts of light, the vortex of sacred fire that I plant there is far more powerful.  And it will draw astral hordes and  astral plane and the very energy of the pit that comes out of the Caribbean into the vortex of fire infolding itself that is your own Mighty I AM God Presence.
   Therefore my five-pointed star, a brilliant violet flame star, does now seal Puerto Rico.  And I demand that the Class of the Archangels and that the ascension flame be established there by stumpers who are still stumping for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness and who will not be stumped, will not be turned back, will not be put down but will raise up Old Glory and the new glory of the New Age and New Jerusalem!
   I AM Saint Germain!  I am pouring out over Earth violet flame and it goes to every heart of every lightbearer in this hour for whom you have called to be cut free.  And legions of Victory answer that call.  Legions of the mighty archangels answer that call. And I do answer the call.  And I AM the flame of freedom speaking in the hearts of the free!
    Beloved hearts, they know not the way to go.  Tutor them, teach them. preach to them the Word.  Love them, feed them, omfort them, exorcise them of all demons and discarnates and hordes of war.  And enlighten them, beloved hearts, by the flame of God-wisdom.
   Blaze forth, O legions of light!  I claim Puerto Rico for statehood!  I claim it for my heart.  I demand the binding of all those who would put down the light of my heart in that island of the Sun.  Blaze forth the light!  Blaze forth the light!  Blaze forth the light!  Keepers of the Flame, I claim the Caribbean for Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst. Will you claim it with me?  [“Yes!”]
  Beloved hearts of light, though  judgment of Castro has already come, though judgment of World Communism has already come, it must be anchored in the physical dimension. Have you seen anyone in the last twenty years who has been able to put Communism out of the Caribbean?  [“No.”]
   Therefore let Keepers of the Flame march!  Let the violet flame begin!  For I, Saint Germain, will turn them back!  I will establish my beachhead.  I will be the fire infolding itself.  I will manifest that God-dominion and I will raise up hearts of light.  And you will see how history will reveal when you look back upon this day and date how light of golden age and light of Zadkiel’s retreat did begin to pulsate for the very consuming of the cause and core of Soviet interference in the Caribbean, in Central and South America.
   It is Nephilim interference East and West.  It is surely, surely as I stand, the Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. And surely there are fallen ones within this nation who have established themselves as the magnet to attract these fallen ones.  Therefore I say, by the magnet of Saint Germain and Portia let that counterfeit magnet be broken!  Bolts of blue lightning from the heart of Almighty God and my own Guru, the Great Divine Director!
   There is a breaking now of the counterfeit magnet of Nephilim East and West.  They have no power.  They have no power, they have no power!  I tell you, beloved hearts, they have no power to manipulate forcefields of planet Earth.  And Mighty Victory and his legions confirm my message in this hour as legions of Victory now descend to become more physical than they have ever become before.
   Beloved hearts of light, the physical presence, the near physical presence of Victory as a golden light can be seen in early dawn hours as a coming of the Sun.  It is the coming of the Son of God.  And therefore friends of freedom are on the march north, south, east and west.  And while fallen ones are rolled back, while they are confused and confounded let us march. Let us continue marching before they regroup themselves in a fainthearted, halfhearted attempt to roll back the light which they will never, never, never do as long as Keepers of the Flame in the physical octave are vigilant and are willing to reinforce my light. 
    I summon you, children of light of the British Isles—of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales!  I summon you to manifest the four pillars in the temple of being.  Let there be the rolling back of international terrorism manipulating people of the light.  Let there be the rolling back of people of the shem, even the fallen ones and their UFOs which hover and yet hover to manipulate electronically and psychotronically the people of light upon Earth.
   I am standing in Earth and the Lord God Almighty raises His hand. Beloved hearts of light, they have no power.  And the Lord God Almighty takes in His hand and crumbles the mechanization spacecraft of the fallen ones that would position themselves.
   They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!  They shall not pass into  physical dimensions of planet Earth, for the great Lords of the God-star Sirius do stand.  Lords of Form, Lords of Mind, Lords of Creation, Lords of Individuality, hierarchy of the God-star—they do stand.  They send forth a wavelength and you will see the receding of nefarious deeds and consciousness of fallen ones in the very Earth.
   Therefore I send my souls of light.  I send you near and far, I send you throughout this golden state, all the way to the Golden Gate and to Half Dome.  I send you on a mission for  rescue of children of light, stumping with a message of Kuthumi, of El Morya, of Djwal Kul and of Mother Mary.
   I send you stumping with my own message of the MightyI AM Presence and violet flame that will surely deliver this nation when and if it is invoked, when and if it is invoked daily by hearts afire with love of God.
    Beloved hearts, all will proceed according to divine plan from the very causal body of the Great Divine Director if you will play your part, if you will affirm your oneness, if you will stand and still stand with Archangel Michael for the Defender of the Faith, for the defender of the Woman and her seed, for the defense now of Church Universal and Triumphant.      Now I stand in the very vortex of the living light of freedom and I AM the binding of that fallen one!  I AM the binding of that betrayer of this community of light!  I AM the binding of fallen ones!  I AM the binding of those angels who come and who mock the word of light, even those fallen angels, every last one of them who has come into the midst of this Community only to betray the very light and Teaching and privilege of intimate communion with the Mother.
    Beloved hearts of light, you have manifested a valiant effort of the science of the spoken Word.  Therefore I confirm that Word and I add to your energies of praise my own. And therefore there is the fusion and creation of the real and not the counterfeit—the real Magnet of Alpha and Omega by the Guru ascended, by chelas unascended and by the nexus of heartflame of the Messenger. That mighty figure-eight flow of the Magnet, that mighty manifestation of the Great Central Sun Magnet does precipitate in the very etheric focal point of this forcefield and physically, if you will, wherever you will find it—physically within your very own heart, within your very own threefold flame, and with the hidden man of the heart who is no longer hidden, for he stands forth among you truly as the Word, truly as the Word who is come.
   Therefore I am the deliverer of my people.  Therefore I confirm both now and forever my own causal body for your invocation of judgment of every false prophet that does not speak the truth or clear prophecy of Sanat Kumara.  I confirm my Presence with you for the rebuke of these fallen ones. I confirm my mantle and the mantle of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood for judgment of the false prophets who speak against the true prophecy of the Messengers and Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood.
    Let them be challenged!  Let their gossip be challenged!  Let the entire hordes and entities of gossip be challenged.  Burn right through!  I send the fire of my heart.  Roll back their death wish!  Roll back their death will!  Roll back their insidious attempts, all of which will fail, to destroy the Church Universal and Triumphant.
  \ Beloved hearts, even Lord Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu stand as the replica of the Trinity in your heart and on this altar for rolling back of these fallen ones. Therefore I say, they shall not pass, they shall not pass.  They shall not pass because the Lord God Almighty has decreed it.  And I AM the embodiment of that divine decree. I AM the decree in manifestation.  I AM the very Word of the decree.  I AM the science of the decree where you stand.  And I recite the decrees which you recite with you!  And I spin that Word into an accelerating action of sacred fire whereby there is infolded in that sacred fire that you build by your decrees all astral substance, all contamination of the seed of the wicked in the hour of their judgment.
   For, beloved hearts, you must understand that in the hour of their judgment they are in a state of contamination; and therefore they are removed from the body of God, even from that mystical body.  For they are contaminators, as Archangel Gabriel has explained to you, of astral viruses that affect the very fabric of consciousness and of soul.
   Therefore understand that in the hour of judgment all light is withdrawn from these fallen ones and they are bound, and they must not be allowed to have intercourse with  children of light.  For that contamination does therefore affect the service and momentum of light that is being garnered and accelerated within each activity and each forcefield of Keepers of the Flame throughout the planetary body.
   Therefore understand the Word of the Lord God Almighty unto Enoch. Understand the Word that when the hour of judgment is come there is no mercy for Watchers and their godless creation.  Therefore understand lest you enter into sympathy with those who have betrayed the light and do not understand that that sympathy is a magnet into your very Community and body of that substance of contamination, even astral substance of their own decay, which decay is the result of their own rebellion against the living Word.
   It is altogether plain, beloved hearts. If the Savior, my own son Jesus, had not told of the parable of the one who is cast into outer darkness because he came not in with a wedding garment,  then you would not have understood that there is a circle of Guru and chela and there is the place prepared for  betrayers.  And those who are betrayers cannot remain within that circle no matter what you may think, no matter what you may feel, no matter the burden upon your heart,  I say.  Consider the mercy of the Lord God unto His people in this hour, for truly angels have come to bind this mechanization man into bundles.
   And therefore sacred fire burns in Earth.  It is the burning of fiery salamanders.  It is the mighty flame, the sevenfold flame of the great causal body whereby on all other rays all who have usurped the eternal Christ must stand in that fire and if they are of God, they will be as Daniel in the lion’s den; and in the fiery furnace they will not be consumed!  They will not be devoured!  They will not even have the smell of smoke remain upon their garments.
   Children of the Sun, understand that all must pass through the fiery trial, and even in this hour you stand in that sacred fire.  You are in the fiery furnace with me, for I am in the fiery furnace as fallen ones have put me on trial in the nations of Earth. Yes, they have placed Saint Germain on trial as they have placed you on trial and this Messenger on trial.  Beloved hearts, we enjoy the fiery furnace!  We are there with fiery salamanders!  We say, let it blaze forth and let it burn and let it consume all darkness, for we will emerge with the Son of God firmly ensconced within our hearts.  And we will make room for fallen ones to enter that fiery furnace after we have emerged, and we will see how they will endure the same fire which the Lord God has prepared for His sons and for His daughters.
   Therefore they have been envious and jealous of the light and of all abundance and love of God unto His children.  Well, let them know then that that love is truly sacred fire.  And if they are of God, they will endure; and if not, then they are unreal and had neither beginning nor ending from the very first unto the last.  Thus, beloved hearts, of a truth the fire will try every man’s work of what sort it is.  And if it is real, enduring by light of love kindled in the center of that work, then it will be fired by  violet flame and it will come into the great golden age.  And if it is not, that light [which was used by man to sustain his untoward creation] is set free and sent back to the Great Central Sun.
   I am the miracle worker midst my people.  Fear not.  Cast out fear and doubt and enter into a real living relationship with your own God-Self and Christ-Self, with the Messenger and with the Ascended Masters.  Let all fantasy and illusion be put aside and let the reality of Christed ones spring forth as we enter into the springtide of Aries, of Helios and Vesta who do now expand their light in the very heart of Earth for this spring equinox!
    I AM the resurrection flame that does swallow up death and fear and doubt and every record thereof.  Lo, I am standing with the Son of God Jesus Christ, with the Son of God Maitreya, with the Son of God Gautama Buddha, with the Son of God Sanat Kumara!  And we are the confirmation of violet flame, of resurrection flame and of  ruby ray preparing the way for the Easter conclave of light, preparing for that Feast of the Resurrection Flame.
   Therefore fast and pray.  Empty the four lower bodies of all that is anti-light and let them be filled, filled, filled with Holy Spirit and resurrection’s flame that you too might be reborn in the renewal of Aries, in the renewal of Helios and Vesta.
    Lo, I AM come!  Lo, I AM here to stay!  Lo, I will not leave thee!  Lo, I AM the Electronic Presence of the God of Freedom surrounding you now, and as long as you keep your heart one with my own you will retain that Electronic Presence.  And how do you keep your heart one with my own?  By love, perfect love, by being a champion of freedom and a worker in our holy cause, by entering into the joy of Cha Ara and being willing to call forth the Ascended Masters one by one who are the deliverers of the nations. Lo, I call forth El Morya.  I call forth Kuthumi and Djwal Kul and the Great Divine Director for the deliverance of the nation of India.  Burn through, O living Word!  Burn through, O living Word!  Burn through, O Maha Chohan!  Maha Chohan, Maha Chohan, come forth now for  deliverance of the nations by the preaching of the Word, by transmission of dictations of the Archangels, by the image of the Mother which image is impressed in the very souls of her children throughout Earth.
   Therefore I say, let them see her image!  Let them hear her voice!  Let them hear our voice through her own and let them know the true voice of Sanat Kumara and therefore that the hour is come for deliverance, for  judgment and for the challenge in  Earth of all that is unreal.  In the name of the Great Divine Director I say, I AM real!   

         -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 15, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 24:59

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