10-3-2003 The gang rape of a young girl by students from Japan’s elite universities has left the country shocked but silent. It has revealed the sinister rise of so-called campus rape clubs which methodically set up attacks and exposed a society unable to face the reality of its attitude to women.
7-15-14 DELHI —
The words “Uttar Pradesh,” the name of the largely impoverished and rural state in northeast India between New Delhi and Nepal, have come to be synonymous with rape. More than 3,000 cases were registered last year, according to official statistics. Nobody can say how many go unreported, and thehorror stories just keep on coming. Worse still, in the aftermath of the shocking gang rape and murder of two teenage girls found hanging from a tree on May 27 in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh, there has been an alarming spike in crimes against women there.
It’s not like the rest of the country feels much safer. https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-indias-elites-encourage-rape
© Joël Saget, AFP | Archival picture shows the 36 Quai des Orfèvres, the Parisian headquarters of France’s elite judiciary police.
French investigating magistrates have dismissed charges against two elite officers who were sensationally accused of raping a Canadian tourist at Paris police headquarters in 2014, judicial sources said Tuesday. https://www.france24.com/en/20160720-elite-paris-police-cleared-gang-rape-case-brought-canadian-tourist
Government parasitism is fueling a populist insurgency against the “political class,” said veteran pollster Pat Caddell. “The enrichment of the political class, by the deals and the things they do is so deeply corrupt… this is the real issue. It’s not just the swamp, it’s worse than that. It is a corruption that is corrupting the very soul of America where everything’s a deal, and everything is hidden, and everything is to benefit the political class.” https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2017/12/13/caddell-establishment-elites-want-manage-decline-america-american-people-rage-dying-light/
7-30-08 In an interview with the newspaper Vremya Novostei, “Grandpa Hassan” denied rumors of impending violence. “We are peaceful people and don’t bother anybody,” he said. “We are for peace, in order to prevent lawlessness.”
In fact the Vory have been linked to numerous brutal murders in the post-Soviet period. Authorities have accused them of ordering contract killings and carrying out kidnappings and innumerable financial crimes.
To be inducted into the Vory’s society involves a life devoted to crime, and, traditionally, an adherence to a strict ethical code, said
Lt. Gen. Aleksandr I. Gurov, an expert on Vory who headed the organized crime units of the Soviet Interior Ministry and the K.G.B. He is now chairman of the commission on ethics in the Russian Parliament. Compared with the Mafia in Italy, Mr. Gurov said, the Vory “have less rules but more severe rules.”...

In the last 15 years the Vory have spread around the world, from Moscow to Madrid to Berlin and Brooklyn. They are involved in everything from petty theft to billion-dollar money laundering schemes, while also acting as unofficial jurists among conflicting Russian criminal factions. Born of Stalin’s prison camps, the Vory grew into criminal barons that kept order in the gulags and governed the dark gaps in Soviet life beyond the reach of the K.G.B. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/30/world/europe/30russia.html
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