Saturday, September 29, 2018

“Much of what the drug industry does fulfills the criteria for organized crime in US law"

10-13-09   America spends about $2.5 trillion on health care annually -- including $315 billion in Big Pharma revenues last year.  They must be secretly exploring the untapped market in illicit drug traffic that siphons off an estimated $400 billion annually -- plus keep in mind another $175 billion on alcohol addiction.

2-21-15      “Much of what the drug industry does fulfills the criteria for organized crime in US law,” Dr. Gotzsche said in a recent interview.   “And they behave in many ways like the mafia does, they corrupt everyone they can corrupt, they have bought every type of person, even including ministers of health in some countries…The drug industry buys the professors first, then chiefs of departments, then other chief physicians and so on, they don’t buy junior doctors.”
  That’s because Big Pharma maintains exclusive control over the entire system of medicine in America – this is due to the fact that the only substances allowed to bear health claims are those that undergo the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) expensive drug-approval process.   Since Big Pharma is the only entity that can afford to pay-to-play, the industry is granted the exclusive right to use the descriptor of “medicine” for its products.

  As a result, no real competition exists in the field of medicine, which means drug companies are free to jack up drug prices on a whim – and there’s nothing that anyone can do about it.

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