Monday, September 24, 2018

Georgetown Prep: if one person crumbles, the whole system crumbles

9-20 and 9-24-2018  
First, just generally, I’d be interested in hearing what you remember about the culture of Georgetown Prep while you were there.
I guess you could call it a fraternity between a bunch of rich kids. All this shit happens, and then nobody really wants to talk about it, because if one person crumbles, the whole system crumbles, and everybody tells on everybody. And that’s not the way Georgetown Prep has ever been.
And you and Kavanaugh were there at the same time?
When Kavanaugh and I overlapped, it would have been 1982, and that’s when Kavanaugh was a senior. [Current Supreme Court Justice] Neil Gorsuch [who also attended Prep] would have been a sophomore. Now, as far as Gorsuch goes, he was so straight-up. He was like, “Golly gee,” one of those kids. And Prep has always been a very elite school with 400 students. One hundred per class — that’s all they would ever let in. Some of it was academic merit, but the rest of it was privilege . I didn’t have a lot of interaction with Kavanaugh, but I did know of Mark Judge, the other guy who was named. My first reaction I had was, “Oh, that guy.”
Yeah, that seems to be the general sentiment around him.
I mean, we were teenagers, but there was sex and drugs and more drugs and more partying and belligerence and disrespect, all going on at all times while I was there. Around 1986 is when Georgetown Prep really changed, and it went back to a more strict, Jesuit-based style.
A lot of the stuff that happened in the ’70s and the ’80s and the time that Kavanaugh was there and those parties that Judge described, it was common. That’s what happened all the time.
The police would be there, but they would say, “Oh, are you going to the party? We’ll escort you.” That kind of thing. And, you know, they’re escorting a load of teenage kids in a car who were all going to underage drink and party. And as I remember, it was hundreds of kids — boys and girls from different schools, all private. No public schools were involved. And what would happen was a lot of drinking. There was one room full of drugs, everybody would be doing coke. And in another room, everybody would be smoking weed. And then in another room, people would be having sex. And there would be all sorts of unwanted stuff going on.
These were the situations where, I think, you could talk to any prep school girl, and they would say, yeah, I was attacked or I was abused or I was touched or I was done in this improper fashion. And like I said, it was a fraternity, but it was also a situation where the girls wouldn’t talk about it later on, either. A lot of these women basically became kept women.
How would you hear about parties or meet kids from the other private schools?
Most it was based on the football schedule. Like, as a football team, we played all the other prep schools. That’s where all the parties started, and that’s where all the parties went. I don’t think it was something that we invented. I think that it was a culture that had been there for a long time, and then it just progressively got more abusive, and more and more and more and more abusive....It was a game of who could party the most, who could drink the most, who could get the most girls, who could get away with the most crazy shit. A lot of these kids at these prep schools had family homes at the beach. And if not, they rented homes for the week.
"'What are we going to do?' Shane said, laughing.  'Drink a hundred kegs and brag about it?'    "No one laughed.  For a second, no one even spoke.  'It's brilliant,' I said."
Judge and his high school buddies went on to create a newspaper called the Heretic, a riff on their school newspaper the Saint. One of the main objectives of the paper, as laid out by Judge in the book, was to chronicle "the 100-keg quest and everything that happened on the way."
According to his book, Judge and his friends continued to publish and anonymously distribute the paper on campus, with a continued emphasis on the 100-keg quest in the pages.  Judge wrote that by March of his senior year, the keg count was "into the mid-eighties."
-Facebook (before deletion)

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