Thursday, August 16, 2018

Sons and Daughters of the Sacred Fire,


                       Pearls of Wisdom 13:2 from The Summit Lighthouse
  Sons and Daughters of the Sacred Fire,

       ...Being one with God is the infusion of the mind with the solar winds of precise and cutting cosmic purpose.  Oneness with Him compels the shedding of unthinking and unguided wanderings.  It invokes the definition of the Absolute outlined in consciousness and formed within as a hieroglyph of childlike wonder of the Father of All.  Divine oneness is the soul’s breathing in of the solar flame that can be spun into a universal garment of Christ-magnificence by the willing-hearted….
  “The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him” (Heb. 2:20).
The trumpet of life sounds the approach of a new age and of an invisible overshadowing of the energies of darkness currently in vogue by the universal handwriting upon the wall that clearly says unto humanity:  “You can go no further in material ways without acknowledging the power and perfection of your God Presence, I  AM.”  For the Law of cosmos declares that True Being Requires True Seeing—the perception of truth.
  We call then for cosmic morality and for thoughts of exaltation to flood the minds of the adults of every nation in order that proper examples be given to the youth, for all thoughts are cast upon the ethers as seeds upon the wind and many spring forth for good or ill in the fallow consciousness of youth.  Thus have many unknowingly sown good or bad karma according to the thoughts which they have nurtured in mind and heart.  Thus can hope be consciously strengthened in world thought and hopefully those who are responsible for making decisions of great consequence in the world community will become more receptive to the inevitable concept of the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.
  The Universal Father of All, so adored by every God-Parent in the heart of every Sun system, sets before the lifewaves of all worlds the singular example of Christ-magnificence; and He portrays to them by that supreme example the drama of perfection which signifies completion of His divine plan for the individual throughout the whole range of heavenly thought.  And thus the drama of the Son reveals the manifestation upon earth of the sons of God who shall see Him as He is and thus be like Him.
  When all perceive this living example of Christ-magnificence the faith of the world will not be content to rest in the dogma of the letter or in philosophical struggles which create competition among theologians; rather will the unity of the Spirit uniting East, West, North and South in the holy purposes of the Cross of Life create reverence and responsibility toward life in the hearts of all.  As these qualities live and unfold in man ministered to by the living angels, the flaming Spirits of fire, they will release cosmic distillations as of sweet incense within the temple of being.  Thus in token are revealed the consideration and care of the Father of All for every aspect of creation, from the greatest Sun system and Sun center to the littlest sparrow that flies through the air and builds its nest in the trees.
  Every part of life is precious unto us; therefore our role is to convey through the ascended masters’ councils and through the publishing abroad of the principles of the Great White Brotherhood the everlasting gospel of the Universal Christ that will open a new and living way, a high way of righteousness to the minds and hearts of men.  Thus will their goals be standardized to the perfection of the golden rule, these same goals providing heaven with the connecting links that are required to channel the glory of God into the earthly lives of men.  Then as We send forth Our rays to enrichen their hearts and minds We will not be confined by the limited aspects of organization or personality, but We will spread abroad the canopy of a living faith upon the earth and upon the hearts of her people….
  And so the Brotherhood in its many departments is coordinating a great inner network of Life-Light-and-Love directed through the Darjeeling Council, headed by beloved Master El Morya, with the glorious assistance of beloved Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Ascended Lady Master Magda.  The cosmic task of assisting the planet Earth out of the darkness and into the light is therefore being effected by the continual denial of the network of darkness that has been spun over the planet, and by the lowering from the heavenly realms of such a new level of light into the world that cannot help but evoke a response in those who are attuned to that light.
  It is our hope also to enlist the aid of countless individuals who do not as yet know our names and who are unaware of the great hierarchical network of universal light that is being invoked.  These are ready because of the inward response in their souls to acknowledge that which they have not seen as yet; and by a vital faith that no man can take from them they are willing to hold Our hands in the dark until such a time as that which is presently hidden to their eyes shall be revealed.
  We give no power therefore to the dark and surly mongers of human gossip, to the sordid purveyors of doubt and anguish, to the false accusers of the brethren or to the legions of darkness.  Ours is an activity of light, and from the Summit towers that light shall blaze forth and evoke tidal-waves of cosmic response in the hearts of the students until there shall form in the invisible world that dramatic reenactment of a universal ascension for a planet.  This drama will show the life evolutions of Earth that in the heart of God there is a supreme and universal purpose whose revelation will affect the lives of every man, woman and child upon the planet….

       Graciously in the name of the Living Christ, I AM    Helios of the Sun
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