Sunday, August 19, 2018

lake estuary photos



  If you allow your electrons to slow down to a sluggish state, you allow negative energy an opportunity to penetrate into their orbits.  If the electrons are whirling, nothing can penetrate….
 It is quite something how the human mind can produce problems at an extraordinary rate.  It’s like a problem factory and it looks around at life and it looks around at the world and it looks around at its forcefield--and suddenly every little facet of life can be a gigantic problem!  So we have to realize that we must be able to laugh harder than the demons laugh in their mischief-making….Now God wants us to have happiness, but He is weaning us from human happiness.  He wants us to have divine happiness—and when that happens the human will be silenced because the joy of the soul in God is so great….Your (real) joy, your laughter and the bubbling brook of your life is not due to outer events but is due to the inner containment of the soul in God—it is a fine line….
  Things will keep coming in tremendous abundance if our attachment is only to the flame itself.  This is very, very important.  You can march over systems of worlds with the flame of victory.  The victorious sense of Abraham, the prophets and the great kings of Israel, Victory says, as well as the wealth that they had, came from the inner God-flame….
  Fallen ones introduce the welfare state and socialism.  Pretty soon everybody gets his equal piece of the pie and nobody has the sense of karma, so nobody has the awareness that that piece of the pie is just a shell until it is infused with the flame.  The fallen ones inject into us an intense sense of jealousy and resentment because someone else has something we don’t have.  This is covetousness--coveting thy neighbor’s goods--and it is dealt with in the Ten Commandments.  We have to find our treasure and our wealth in the flame. …
  Human hypnosis is everything that takes your consciousness away from the core of being, and it is the attempt to lock (inherent) consciousness of your God-Self into unlawful patterns.  Mighty Victory tells us:  “This is the trouble on earth today.  Individuals want power and they desire to use that power not for their freedom and the emancipation of other human beings but that they might be thought wise by men and surfeit themselves in their own carnal longings.  We are aware of all this, but we refuse to give power to it.”…
  We hypnotize ourselves to believe that the combination of substance in our four lower bodies is actually our identity.  So we really need to develop a momentum on this mantra (O God, give me Your victory!) and on the preparation of our feelings to empty ourselves of our former sense of identity.  That takes enormous courage because what do you have but your sense of identity?  It takes a very strong sense of identity to reject the sense of identity.  However the stronger the sense of identity, no matter what it relates to, the greater your ability to get rid of it.  When you have no sense of identity you have nothing to give up, nothing to empty, you have no sense of being full of substance and darkness.
  What I’m saying is that sometimes the strongest egos make the best chelas because when the pendulum swings from unreality to reality all that was unreal in the ego obsessed with itself becomes the divine Ego in the exchange.  So when you have a strong identity God wants you to realize that that identity is God.
  Of course the one with the strong identity may often have the most difficulty releasing it, because he finds that with his strong identity he can make his way in the world quite well and he has no desire to exchange an identity that serves him well; whereas those with a weak identity, the poor in spirit and so forth, they sense their  impoverished consciousness and they are very happy to give it up….
  Call to your Divine Self to enter your being and then start pumping yourself up with light just like pumping up a tire by hand.  Pump that air!  Pump the fire of the Holy Spirit into your self-awareness and just keep on building the self as--(Surprise, suprise!  Affinitize!) God.  How do you build the self?  You build it through all the dictations, through everything the Masters tell you that we are:  not the limited but the Limitless, not the limited but the Limitless.       
     -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet:    1-25-1977 at Pasadena, at Summit University

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