Cycles of Victory appear! (3x)
Spirals of Victory descend! (3x)
I AM an electrode of Victory in action here! (3x)
(give standing with arms extended overhead in v-formation)

-Victory by Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907)
The sense of worthiness is something that the fallen ones have taken from Christians. What in you is worthy to receive God? Of course not that which has the sense of sin or of the sinful, but Christ within you is worthy to be Christ. And since we have established that Christ is able to be in you, for God has ordained it, then you must feel the worthiness of that Christ.
-Messenger E C Prophet: 1-25-1976 at Minneapolis
In the name of the Christ Self and in the name of the living God I call forth the energies of the sacred fire from the altar within my heart. In the name of the I AM THAT I AM I invoke the violet flame to blaze forth from the center of the threefold flame, from the whitefire core of my own I AM Presence, multiplied by the momentum of the blessed Ascended Master Saint Germain. I call forth that light to penetrate my soul and to activate my soul memory of freedom and the original blueprint of my soul’s destiny.
I call forth the violet transmuting flame to pass through my four lower bodies and through my soul consciousness to transmute the cause and core of all that is less than my Christ-perfection, all that is not in keeping with the will of God for my lifestream.
So let it be done by the cloven tongues of the fire of the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of the action of that sacred fire as above, so below. And I accept it done this hour in the full power of the living God who even now declares within my soul “I AM WHO I AM.”
(by Schmiechen, 1884)
-Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 18:6
You who have discovered the flame within have at last discovered the Christ as the signet of your true being. This Christ-flame is the sign, the living proof that you are a son, a daughter, of God. Let no man take thy crown, let no man take from thee this appellation. Behold, thou art the Christ forevermore! The Christ-flame is your claim to individuality in God, to immortality–to the perpetuation of Selfhood beyond the mortal frame and beyond the planes of time and space.
The Master of Galilee came to extol that flame, to set the example of a life lived in the flame. So you also have come called by God to be an example to the age, to set your mark upon the page, the mark of the life that is lived in God, of the love that is willed in Christ. As you claim the potential of the Christflame, as you affirm your individuality in God know that you do so with the absolute authority of your own I AM Presence and of the Holy Spirit….
Therefore those who would be chelas, those who would pursue the path of soul liberation will be happy to know that there are seven distinct paths of Christhood, that one of these paths is best fitted to your soul personality and inner calling, and that a second will complement the first….
Learn then, O chelas of the sacred fire, to behold one another as living flames. Learn to see the soul and the intent of the soul. Learn to judge by the motive of the heart. Learn to accept one another for what you are in truth and in reality–exponents of the Christ endued with power from on high, imbued with love from the heart of the Christ, exuding the wisdom of the flame whose origin is the universal mind of God.
-Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 18:7
I AM goal-fitting chelas to become representatives of Hierarchy in the new age. Indeed our representatives bring in the new age by exchanging the old man for the new. I would transfer to my chelas the momentum of my attainment in the mercury diamond-shining mind of God. For I too have come under the tutelage of the God Mercury, and thus I have become a transmitter of the will of God, stepping down the energies of that will for lesser evolutions in many systems of worlds. Being is electronic. Therefore another name for the I AM Presence is the Electronic Presence….
I say then come with me; expand the field of the mind; tread the cosmic highways which I have trod which lead to the throne of Almighty God. If you are to become a messenger of the gods, you must get out of the finite consciousness and the confines of the mortal dilemma. You must be able to see beyond the finite self, beyond your lilliputian world and by co-measurement perceive the vastness of the plan–the vastness of God’s being which you can make your own….
In order for mankind to break the cycles of a dead and dying world, to refrain from identifying with the spirals of disintegration and to ride instead the spirals of integration that lead to the Source of life they must be given a new perspective of life. This comes through the conceptualization of co-measurement whereby the measure of a man is measured against the measure of a cosmos. Look up into the stars and know that there identity has realized Selfhood in God….
We send forth a thrust for a purpose that the rocket of Self may be thrust into the galaxy of God-reality. The energy of our thrust is a grant that must be met in equal intensity by your own determination. Thus when the energy of your thrust for a cosmic purpose becomes equal to the thrust deposited in your account your soul will break away from the gravitational pull of the untransmuted karma of a planet and her people.
Day by day you are required to invoke from the central sun of your own being energy that is sufficient for the overcoming of the gravitational pull of your own untransmuted karma….If you would be a chela of Morya or of one of the chohans of the rays, then I say, let your house be a house of light. Let your aura be filled with the joyous fires of freedom. Roll out the violet carpet and see how the masters will come to teach you and to lead you in the paths of righteousness (the right use of the law) for His name’s sake.
-Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 18:8
Indeed there can be no chela and no path unless the electron of being is free to elect to return to the center of God. Chelaship is the way of transition from the plane of the mass consciousness to the heights of God consciousness. Unless he can garner enough light in the aura of self to keep him free to orbit around his own sun center, the chela by definition is not the chela.
You then have a responsibility and that responsibility is to keep yourselves so filled with light that at any hour of the day or night you are found free-moving, a free agent of the sacred fire not bound by your own sense of limitation or the limitation which others would impose upon you. You must be free to accept the limitless reality of your being. You must not allow anyone to take from you the freedom to be unlimited in your God-Self. God made you free, and you must defend the Law of your being and your freedom to create after the image and likeness of your own God-reality….
As Thoreau said “What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?” So we say What is the use of the path of initiation if the planetary platform can no longer sustain its evolutions? Therefore the path of initiation is drawn with two parallel lines. The first is man attaining self-mastery in the microcosm of his being, and the second is man attaining self-mastery in the macrocosm of the planetary body and consciousness. Chelas who have garnered the thrust of energy necessary to sustain the first line of initiation are given the opportunity to sustain the second.
So many upon planet Earth ignore the Laws of God and their own opportunity to make any advancement whatsoever along spiritual lines that it is a requirement of the great Law that the few in every age carry the weight of planetary karma in order that the many might find opportunity for overcoming both in the present and in the future because the planetary platform has been preserved….
Now it is your turn. Your time has come. Now you can join the forces of your light momentum to that of the savior of the world and you can declare “In Christ I AM [God in me is] the savior of the world!” and thereby draw to yourself the energies of salvation that are for the preservation of a planet and a people….
This requires sacrifice–the sacrifice of the human consciousness. Hierarchy has sponsored many uplift movements. We have founded organizations before, and always there have been those factors of differences in the human personality which chelas have allowed to come between them and their cosmic purpose. “All your strength is in your union”--first with the God-Self and then with one another.
The principles of geometry must be understood when you determine to unite for Hierarchy. You must not allow gossip, misunderstanding or personal idiosyncrasies to stand between you and your service….When the chelas of the ascended masters will demonstrate their unity in the flame then they will see how their combined thrust of light energy will expand the Word and bring the planet into the golden age.
-Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 18:9
See yourself jumping on the trampoline of God’s mind. See yourself bouncing on the grid of energy that is pure intelligence--translucent, glistening cords intermeshed for the interplay of identities in and through the mind that is God. Yes, see yourself turning somersaults in your etheric body, performing the gymnastics of mind and soul that lead to total Self-identification with the Being and consciousness that is God.
I would move the mind of the chela into cosmic dimensions of Selfhood, and thus I give a visualization to stretch your imagination. Let the ball of identity bounce from the confines of the flesh. Let it leave the body and return at will as a ball bouncing across the miles of Terra, moving as a nucleus of energy over the surface of the Earth, then bouncing into outer space, spanning the space between planets.
Let yourself bounce across the cosmic highways and in and out of the planes of matter. So the ball of Self is free to explore a cosmos, and though a million light-years away on etheric planes of consciousness it can return in the twinkling of an eye to body temple and body consciousness evolving on Terra. Free your mind to be everywhere in the consciousness of God. Free your mind to roam His mind. Free your desires to merge with God’s desiring to Be, and let your desires take on the desires of Infinity. Deity sires creation, and the siring is the desiring of God to be more of Himself.
-Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 18:10
…realize in the bliss and meditation of this conference that you can be myself in form. You can invoke my casual body and my aura. You can approach everyone you meet, stranger or friend, in the vibration of Gautama Buddha. And I say, bring gentleness, compassion, but bring the sudden thrust of truth, for sometimes when truth is least expected it makes its mark and drives deep into the psyche and remains there for many days and many miles until it can no longer be denied. Do you know, beloved ones, that when you plant truth in the heart and being of an individual at that moment it becomes a focus for more of the momentum of truth to gather? It become as a lodestone.
-Gautama Buddha: 7-4-1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana