Whereas individuals may differ in their comprehensions of life and in the speed with which they grasp divine principles or even human principles, men should understand--as in the fable of the hare and the tortoise--that what is important is that they arrive at the place where the knowledge of God has meaning to them and where their faith is anchored in that magnificent achievement of divine perfection which will one day manifest as fruit upon their Tree of Life. -Mother Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 15:40
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…they see Him only through their eyes and the limited aperture of their mind, hence they see only the limitations of eye and mind that hold a focus of limitation and never relinquish it, no, not even for a moment. O embodied mankind, won’t you allow within the domain of your thought and feelings a penetration of the mercy flame of God, of the flame of His universal compassion for each child--each child of His heart?…If they would only permit barriers between hearts to be set aflame by the Holy Spirit, how quickly would human problems melt away in a great gust of divine Love!…
No matter how long I pondered in my embodiment as the Mother of Jesus I could never conceive of anything more precious than heaven’s will. It was with this thought in mind that I mused hour after hour upon the rightness of the divine intent, upon the supremacy of universal purpose and the means to exercise that intent and that purpose within the framework of my own life. The trivial tasks of the day seemed at times far apart from me. At first I sat as one dazed…but gradually through the ritual of contemplation the obscurities were dissolved and I was able to see those elements of divine Grace which are not always real to the average person but rather dimly perceived if at all. Much later I came to realize that I could dwell both in the consciousness of God and in the consciousness of man….
Quite frankly much human difficulty is involved with human jealousy and with patterns of resentment of the achievements of others. We have found it of great help for those who desire to overcome this type of situation to recognize achievement as God’s. For when men perceive all human achievement as the mark of wonder upon the page of the ages, when they begin to understand that their achievement can be greatly enhanced through their calls to God for assistance, when they understand that true greatness is the greatness of God made manifest in man they will not resent the achievement of others nearly as much. They will look behind the screen of the human monad and behold the hand of divine Grace helping to mold a better world, a world of understanding in preparation for the coming of the kingdom.
The tearing down of the old city of Jerusalem was not only an act of prophecy but also a leveling of man’s false concepts of himself, of those limiting concepts which in the old man had a tendency to go unrecognized because each man sought to exalt himself. Once the destruction of the human ego with its false set of values takes place the New Jerusalem--symbolizing spiritual recognition of all achievement as God’s--comes into view in individual man. When man’s energy is not expended in a manifestation of carnal-mindedness, when he is able to retain the perspective of the working together of mankind for the achievement of universal values to the end that all may share in those values, he is able to sunder his connection with those nefarious acts of karma in his own life that have held him back for so long….For man himself in the domain of his expanding consciousness is the City of God….
For born out of the Oneness of God is the oneness of man’s union with God--“I and my Father are one!” How beautifully did my Son express this concept! How complete is the work of the City Foursquare, the New Jerusalem which is lowered into every man’s consciousness as he becomes one with the foundations of perfection. These heaven is ready to convey to each monadic expression as that expression determines to have and to hold its eternal oneness in the never failing light of God. -Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 15:41
To Those Attending the Rebirth of the Christ in Human Hearts:
…Because his ignorance or his ignoring of the Law is no excuse, the man of faith cannot rightly persist in allowing elements of doubt in the Creator’s Word to color his mind and emotions without paying the penalty of being cut off from the answers to his calls. For doubt is the wall that man erects between himself and his God, and it is a self-imposed penalty that only he can remove through corrective measures….it is the inexorable Law of cosmos which governs the return of energy misqualified by erroneous thought and feeling to those who send it forth that determines the burden man shall bear for past mistakes.
I wish to convey the immense yet simple knowledge that every gift of God given to man in answer to prayer must either be kept/used or dissipated. It is always hoped by those among the heavenly host through whose hands the gift is bestowed that if it is kept and then used, it will be for the constructive good….Unfortunately those who dissipate the divine gifts of Mercy and Grace either through misqualification of the God-ordained intent or by spending the light upon paltry human desires will one day find that they are without the answers to their prayers. For one day the karmic hammer will surely fall and they will have dissipated God’s energies for the last time….
Those who seek us will realize almost from the beginning of their search, and then again when the moment of truly knowing us comes, that our hearts are full of love for embodied humanity and that our only desire is to create through proper education a spiritual uplift in human consciousness that will enable mankind to avoid the shedding of tears for human failures and their remorse for divine ones. The fact that individuals have turned the pathway of selflessness into the pathway of selfishness is due not alone to their lack of knowledge but to their lack of conclusive faith in the ultimate goodness of God….
Thus the wonder of His love is measured out of the very heart-steps of God Himself. And there is a focus, a place prepared within each one’s heart where He shall abide if man wills it so. All that man is and does is by the Grace of God…--this evidence of things not seen can be kept by man as a divine gift. Those who desire to increase their faith may call for an intensification of the measure of Grace given unto them and see the miracle of immortal Life as it unfolds before them the magnificent faith of cosmos in its own fiery destiny. Expectancy is a much needed virtue, blessed hearts of love, and this cannot be the expectancy of personal fulfillment through another but the expectant hope that waiteth on the LORD day and night.
And when the triumph of an individual’s faith brings him at last out of the smoke of doubt and self-delusion into the fire of cosmic purpose how very wonderful is the counsel of God to each one concerning his life that is so precious. Each life like a locket around the neck of the living God is the fulfillment of a wish He made as He fashioned the soul, a wish for its creative expression and for the best gifts to adorn the Christ aborning in each one of His children….

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