Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It is not as though men cannot; it is so frequently that they will not.

           What shall I say then of the synthetic overlay fed by the constant drippings of human dreariness?  Long ago Paul said “Let us not be weary in well doing.”  There is a human tendency which the scientists understand as inherent within metal for the very atoms of substance to rebel against the constant outpicturing of sameness.  Hence as a result of their rebellion there sets in what is known as metal fatigue, the weariness of the particles of substance to their continual manifestation within the matrix of a specific object or activity.

When men understand life better they will see that unless the joyous dancing electrons of which substance is composed were able to express spontaneously the beauties and perfection of the ongoingness of God, they could not possibly bear the burden through the millenniums of those undesirable forms and endowments of the human consciousness which are such an abomination to the progress of life.

O hearts of light, the shadows of the world are not of God!  The fact that they are permitted at all is a manifestation of Law and forward movement.  It is ever God’s hope that men will do better, that men will accept the great legacy of life which He has so generously given to all, and that they will restrain themselves from dipping into those caldrons of seething human emotion which regurgitate upon the screen of life those awful manifestations of pain and hardship which are no part of the reality of God….

We pray that men will swiftly learn to discern the differences between the glamor of those unfortunate astral sequences and scenarios of half-existence which offer a shadowland of enticement to the human monad….One day the lesser aspect of man must joyously relinquish the little stairsteps upon which he has climbed to enter into the magnetic pull of his God Presence.  Rising then into his essential greatness the soul claims at last all that God envisioned for it.  Heaven conspires to give every advantage to the individual monad and remembers his iniquities no more, casting them aside as though they had never existed….Would it not be wise then if embodied mankind began to consider the accuracy of their reason and the integrity of their own souls and to attune with the blessed focus of the eternal coal of fire upon the altar of being?

By being Self-true men are able to see what is real instead of relying upon the words of men.  Can’t you see, beloved ones, that we are simply trying to give you a greater measure of perspective?  Be careful that you do not use this perspective to reject what is real, but do learn to discern, and that well….Hence out of the crucible of experience, trial and error, continual faith and a determination to know God will man come at last to the place where he will know himself as God….As His offspring all men are expected to follow the stream of the Law as it pertains to the perfect life.  It is not as though men cannot; it is so frequently that they will not.  And for what reason do men despise the higher Law of their being when by adhering to it they can--once the negative momentums of their life are overcome--walk with less effort into the domain of the Christ consciousness that overcomes the world and into that perfect life which is God?…

One day humanity will perceive en masse the goal of life after they emerge from the crucible of their self-created trials to that position where they will summon that great measure of understanding which will make of all men the Universal Christ in consciousness….The elect are usually those who elect to pursue the higher path.  This means that they have chosen even as they were chosen, and their generated response precedes them upon the path that leads to regeneration.

The Universal Mother would gather men and women from the four corners of the Earth into the court of the Temple of Understanding which is a spiritual temple built out of the giant hopes of God….The pities of life must go down under the triumphs, but so long as men ally themselves with darkness and with their failure to exert upon life the pressures of their own understanding they will continue to manifest in the mirror of consciousness those warps and waves of imperfection in which they dwell….

Like the pale and pastel morning/ The dawn of Life appears to all/ Expressing warning….              Devoted to the fire mist of creative essence within your heart, I AM    
                        Mary      Pearls of Wisdom 15:38

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