Wednesday, August 30, 2017

let men learn to be in contact with the living essence of the Spirit of truth

at Lake Siskiyou near Shasta

           I urge upon all the understanding that the mind of man in reality need not be so vulnerable that those who have pursued God for years will allow themselves to be cast down and destroyed by a sudden wind of doctrine or some new religious philosophy.  For men can submit their hearts to God without necessarily submitting their minds to dogma.  Dogma is like unto dead letter—it does not contain in and of itself the spiritual potential, which man himself must invoke, of bringing comfort and understanding to humanity; the  Holy Spirit does, the Presence of God does.  Therefore let men learn to be in contact with the living essence of the Spirit of truth rather than with the manifestation of the letter which killeth….There are those who feel that if a man even contemplates an idea that is foreign to his established beliefs or accepted tradition he is consorting with evil.  Oh how many more evil things there are in the world than that!…A man’s actions remains the supreme test of his philosophy, and these are far more important than his meat or his drink, what he concedes in his mind or what he does not….

Nevertheless it is very necessary in the disciplining of the mind and tethering the heart’s devotion to the Law for men to adhere to some form of ritual and certain tenets of faith….Will you think about that razor’s edge, that fine line which enables you to contemplate the nature of truth, to understand the precepts of the Law, and ask God to lead you into the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake?  How mighty indeed would be our thrust for light’s purpose if men would bring themselves into harmony with the universe and with one another!                 -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:39
 by Ruth Hawkins
       How strange it is that men are so often caught up in the glamor of economic station or social position; they do not seem to understand the greatness that God has placed within the heart of the divine seed which He has also placed within them….They think that balance is not within their grasp because of aberrations in the human consciousness which swing to the left or to the right of the Christ mind.  In reality even a middle-of-the-road position is not the desired position when it is sought from the level of the human ego, for the perfection of God is more than a human standard--it is a tangible reality that comprises the whole spectrum of man’s divinity.  This reality can never be subject to human opinion….The best position for any man to take then is one of trust whereby he recognizes the concern of the Holy Comforter that does not necessarily involve itself with human problems and human solutions but rather inculcates within the consciousness of embodied humanity an inner sense of God’s reality that adapts itself freely to meet the needs of any situation….

How difficult it seems for people to maintain their patience, their fortitude and their perspective long enough to keep their hands off the ark of God.  But if they would have the perfect solution to every problem they must be willing to wait for the salvation of our God and the moving of His Spirit upon the troubled waters….It is almost as though they thought that the perfection of God does not have the ability to invade the world of man’s imperfection!…

Because that which is beneath the allNess of God has willingly forfeited its position of the temporal disposition of its own affairs in an attitude of complete trust that the allNess of God possesses both the means and the end to produce perfection, it becomes the immediate benefactor of the divine intercession….This may seem hard at first, but when you call God into action in each human problem His response can result in a perfect outpicturing of the divine ideals for you.  This attitude of letting God in and letting the human out is the best means of achieving greater peace of mind and greater involvement in your affairs by the Godhead….

In the days of old Sanat Kumara and his retinue kept the flame at Shamballa on behalf of embodied mankind who had lost the thread of contact with their divinity….Albeit many among mankind neither know nor understand cosmic Law as it has been given unto the devotees to know and understand, they have been given an inner assurance within their souls that is strengthened and intensified by each effort of the devotees to keep the flame….Trust is the chalice of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, trust is the beneficent activity of the Holy Christ Selves of all mankind.  Trust is a universal blessing to the planet, providing a bonanza of the Holy Spirit’s manifestation of comfort to all….Often just at the hour of victory they (people) are ready to separate themselves from an activity which God Himself has ordained as one great doorway to His heart….Right in the midst of a service that requires the greatest constancy they suddenly become unwilling to submit their being and consciousness to that great cosmic Law that requires every man, woman and child upon the planet to balance every erg of energy they have misused….The magnetization of cosmic Love in itself gives new courage to the mind, strengthens the bond of spiritual reality and reveals at last those hidden mysteries which the soul has ever understood….

Beloved hearts:  
Be slow to condemn, be swift to love,/ 
Be firm in your endeavors and look above!
The way of hope He does make plain--
The rule of Christ fore’er to reign!…
Where Life reveals the God of Love
And casts down idols, sense of blame
As man becomes a living flame.      

  Devoted to the expansion of your light, I AM      Mother Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:40

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