Saturday, August 26, 2017

His acceptance of this twofold responsibility constantly creates newness of life

-Greek Orthodox rendering

           Can you understand, beloved ones, how easy it is to relinquish your fears and your awareness of humanly contrived bondage--bondage to hatred and the creations of hatred and to the mental and emotional burdens that constantly cry out “I cannot!  I will not!”--seeing that the unity of Life and all that lives can be summoned as an act of Grace to intervene at any point of time or space to alter those conditions within yourself which need to be changed so that the fullness of the Godhead may dwell in you bodily as it did and does in my Son, Jesus Christ?

Your true Self can never be removed from those valedictory manifestations of the ages, from the Spirit of achievement that is inherent within the Godhead and the universe.  Chaos and confusion are no part of God!  For the sifting and sorting process within the natural order when it is allowed to function according to the natural selection of the Holy Spirit, that is, the natural elevation of the divine qualities in man without that interference which mankind by wrong thoughts and feelings continue to thrust upon the universe, is pure victory on the move.  In accordance with the universal plan nature herself is a beautiful selector of Grace on mankind’s behalf, contriving to adorn his being with the highest and noblest forms of self-mastery…..

Can you not see then that due to the presence of imperfection in the appearance world the letter of the Law is far more subject to human manipulation  than the Spirit thereof which remains inviolate in the world of perfection?  Yet it is to the letter of the Law that so many adhere rather than to the Spirit.  But God in all of His power and wisdom still looks at the motivation of the heart.

Ah yes, we are fully aware of those changes in the interpretation of both the letter and the Spirit that occurs betwixt the dark and the daylight of the human consciousness even as we are aware of those transformations of the human consciousness that occur in the  sunlight of God’s love and Christ-illumination.  While mankind persist in engaging in those dreary activities of mind that burden the soul, they can look upon the drama of religious nonfulfillment without ever recognizing that what their blind leaders have passed off as genuine religion has very little to do with God….

Just as man is intended to be his brother’s keeper so he is also intended to be the keeper of the domain of his destiny proclaimed in the fiat “Take dominion over the earth!”  His acceptance of this twofold responsibility constantly creates newness of life and recreates the Spirit of justice in all the earth.  Now the Spirit of justice is a part of the Spirit of divine love, for all things of God agree in one.  It is never permissible for anyone at any station in life or point of advancement in spiritual service to indulge in any action which would create further bondage to forms of hatred or result in a lack of true expression of divine love.

What a pity it is that humanity can allow themselves in the name of righteousness, in the name of truth to crucify one another over their disagreements on moot points of the Law or to allow their misunderstandings mixed with their understanding thereof to thwart their united effort….I seek to affirm and reaffirm those precepts of divine safety within the conscious awareness of each evolving monad so that in the hour of trial only light shall prevail….

If man desires to do the will of God and to hold fast to that which is good he must do so oblivious to all momentums of human destruction which have ever manifested in his world, for these have no power to perpetuate themselves except the power man gives to them….at any time, at any moment in the history of Earth man could have either failed or succeeded.  The elements of God-reality have always been there as the great pondering of the mind of God to produce the fruit of His holy will in the consciousness of man.  How fragile are moments in time as opportunities for the perfectionment of eternity!  Their use however depends upon the sensitivity of men’s souls and to what measure they can hold firmly to the great realities of God.

Stay with the dream of God and shut out the clamoring wakefulness of the outer mind, whether in self or in others, never losing touch with the components of reality in all parts of life--and you will succeed beyond your farthest dreams,... 

   For just beyond the mortal sunset/ Lies the light’s immortal dawn/ 
  Trembling on the face of morning,/ Shining promise from now on…
Like a dewdrop ever fairer/ You reveal the bright new day,/
In the fervor ever nearer/ Christ’s own face is seen today.
    Gossamer veil atremble/ With the thunder of the Sun,/

    Beauteous doorway of forever/ Swings wide open for each one!            
                  -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:32

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