Wednesday, August 16, 2017

the power over self-condemnation and self-belittlement, over fear and tyranny and self-love

-Florence Miller

             I come to you this day as the representative of the Divine Mother in the heart of the resurrection flame to bring to you that Christ-mastery--the power over self-condemnation and self-belittlement, over fear and tyranny and self-love.  And so I come to initiate you in the Order of the Sons and Daughters of the Dominion of the Water Element.

These are they who have overcome, as it is written, “by the blood of the Lamb.”  The blood of the Lamb symbolizes the sacred fire of the Christ, the pulsation of the essence of the Holy Spirit in the body of Jesus.  This is the flow of fire that becomes the flow of water, liquid light.  Liquid light within you in order to expand, in order to spiral into a magnification of cosmic victory must have the power of God-control….

The transfiguration is yours, the resurrection and the ascension.  The tests will come to you surely if you have shown the willingness to master the power of God’s love as it expands within you, for when the flame expands to cover the earth you must have the consciousness to travel with the flame, with the rays of the flame and the light that shoots forth.   And so you must be present in your body and also present with the Lord--or the Law of Being that is within the light that is emitted from your chakras….

You must remember, precious hearts, that as you rise in the stature of the Christ people will come to you for assistance and you will give it gladly.  But they will attribute the help they receive to your person, and if you are not careful you too will come to identify with your outer person because all around you identify with that person.  And then you will find that that person is not adequate to meet the tests that increase in difficulty and complexity--you will find that the outer personality then will fall if you identify with it.

And so you must come of your consciousness as a grid, a latticework through which the fires of the Holy Spirit flow and the winds thereof as the rushing of the sound of many waters….And so the form is there, and as long as you yourself do not become attached to it but only to the flame you will not be scarred in your service or hindered by other people’s opinion of what you are….

Do you see, precious hearts, if you do not have the correct awareness of your God-identity you cannot go forward, you will not master the tests of the Divine Mother, you will not understand the Personality of God--how God can be a Person and yet a flame at the same time, how you yourselves can manifest in this physical world as a person and yet not as a person, as a flame that is personal and made tangible and real to those around you.

I, Mary, will remain with you as I did with Jesus to hold the immaculate concept for you, and I will remind you of this key and this mystery which I gave you this day of identifying with the flame….and I will remind you of the permanent atom within the heart that is your true personality, your true identity.  I leave you with the fragrance of the resurrection lilies and of the white rose of my heart.  May the lily of the valley which my angels bear also rest as a garland in your hair that you may know that the fragrance of the love of the Divine Mother is upon you always.  I hold you close to my heart in a divine embrace and I place upon your forehead the kiss of the Divine Mother.       
                  -Archeia Mary:  3-31-1972 at Santa Barbara via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
          But I tell you when you have enrolled as a Keeper of the Flame pledged to keep the flame of life and of the Great White Brotherhood upon earth you do have that sponsorship.  You can thin the sponsorhip by breaking the laws of God and the code of conduct for a true disciple of Christ, a true bodhisattva of Gautama Buddha.  But, beloved, you have the same means as do all other devotees in the world--the means of confession, repentance and penance….

I counsel all who will hear me throughout the world:   to hear only the Teachings and the dictations  and to fail to put in the hours of invoking the violet flame  may well cost you your ascension.      
                                           -Jesus Christ:  4-19-1992, Easter, at RTR, Montana
      As all things are relative and relativity is as the tides of the sea, it is never quite possible for the individual so engaged in the human consciousness to know whether that point of human awareness does coincide with the Rock, with the Lighthouse and with its beams of transcendent light.       
              -Padma Sambhava:  2-28-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles

   For the first demand of the fires of initiation concerns a sense of proper perspective--to recognize that the light and life within is of old.  It was not created, for it always was.  
           -Maitreya:  6-28-1970 at Co.orado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
        By the grace of the mighty flame I AM:
  1. II affirm the code of conduct ffrst given to us by Maitreya that turns primarily upon “no sexual relations outside of the marriage bond”  and includes no meat-eating.  El Morya withdrew by letter read by Mother on 4-30-1997 his wide sponsorship of the Summit Lighthouse in favor of sponsoring those who live up to Hierarchy’s traditional standards.
  2. I affirm Guru Ma’s word at the 5-13-1997 staff meeting:  “we don’t need new holy orders, we need to strengthen the existing ones.”  The RTR has announced since then their “Order of Knights of the Ruby Cross.”  Bah!
  3. I affirm Guru Ma’s plan for a far less top-down structure of the Summit Lighthouse given 6-30-1997 at San Diego that the RTR keeps defying.
  4. I affirm the word of Mother’s secretary Florence Miller which Guru Ma revealed at the end of June 1998 at San Diego, that “dark ones had come into this Church and that she would counter them to the utmost.”  But the RTR deleted that part in their Pearl version of Mother’s memoir of Florence.
  5. I affirm due process of the law for the Summit Lighthouse, which RTR by early 2004 voted out of “Articles of Incorporation.”
  6. I affirm the effort of Timothy Connor, in 2003-6, to uphold the original covenant of church ministers with Guru Ma and not with the RTR administrators who act as if they are Mother’s spiritual replacement.
  7. I affirm that the spiritual directors of the Summit Lighthouse are the 7 founding father ascended master sponsors and not David Drye and/or his allies at RTR.
  8. In the light of these tests I humbly ask Hierarchy’s assistance in righting my lifestream and that of he Summit Lighthouse in the cosmic honor flame--in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.        August 16, 2017             (-r, mt. shasta, ca)

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