Nothing that happens in this world, because of its temporal nature, should cause undue concern to anyone. Whether it be life or death, sorrow or joy man’s nonattachment to circumstance and his complete adoration of the purposes of God will free him forever for that immortality which is hid with Christ in God. Won’t you understand then why sympathy is a pit of delusion and compassion is born of understanding?
Be compassionate to one another and extend the balm of grace to yourselves in order that the glories of the kingdom may shine through your countenances, through your minds and through the joy that is within you, one and all. What matters it that human opinion may attempt to invalidate you? Each day, each hour God is validating and reaffirming the implantation of His seed within the garden of your heart. -Kuan Yin: Pearls of Wisdom 12:20
Where the titillation of the senses is the sole object of individual life expressions the instruments of bribe, blackmail and fear of personal destruction are ever at hand. But when the great winds of freedom that fan the threshingfloors of the Almighty flow untrammeled through the universe and are allowed to reign unchecked by human pride they can elevate an age to new heights of achievement….
There are many in the religious world who would cast aside the water of Life because the tin cup in which it is conveyed does not flatter their egos. Others see the waters of Life and the chalice of its conveyance as a holy grail; it matters not to them what frail form or ungainly hands may pass that cup. Their concern is that harmony, love, beauty and happiness be the inheritance of their posterity. To this end patriots and leaders of the past have fanned the flame of love in myriad hearts; but the opposition also has had many adherents and these too have made their mark, infamous though it be, upon the pages of history….
Personal liberty as well as the liberty of nations is important, and the freedom of worship God according to the dictates of one’s conscience must be preserved at all costs, for it enables men to continue in their search for divine understanding and in their probing of the mysteries of the universe….Let men stand guard over the school systems of their nations, for succeeding generations will either be turned out as regents of order and discipline, respecting age and youth alike and welcoming the opportunities of life to extend the balm of peace and peaceful pursuit to all men, or they will espouse the violent destruction of those values their fathers held dear….
The Christlike values that have made all nations great must be rekindled where the flame has gone out, and they must be fanned into renewed activity in the great forges of life. Enduring happiness cannot be conveyed to flesh and blood as a temporal measure, for happiness is derived from eternal levels of value….
The mysteries of God are immense, and those who are prone to condemn quickly the “false allegiance” of men of the Spirit whose vision exceeds their own should reexamine their own hearts according to the divine idea. -Meru, Lake Titicaca: Pearls of Wisdom 12:22

Confucius statue at San Jose, CA by Jack Fang, 1973; Messengers Mark & Elizabeth Prophet;
drawing by Auriel Bessemer, ~1971

Confucius statue at San Jose, CA by Jack Fang, 1973; Messengers Mark & Elizabeth Prophet;
drawing by Auriel Bessemer, ~1971
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