Blessed hearts, the love flame of the Divine Mother is the most hated element upon planet Earth. You will take note that once we as ascended lady masters determined to sponsor Summit University, for the very first time since 1973 a quarter had to be canceled for want of registrants. This is not only because there has not been enough outreach and bringing in of souls but also because there has been such hatred of the Mother directed against this Messenger and ourselves.
The key to the victory of planet Earth is the reinstilling and reinfusing in the hearts of all lightbearers and servants of God the true love of the Divine Mother; the love of the Father-Mother God, Alpha and Omega; [and] the love of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, so held in the hearts of those who remain in the Catholic Church and so taken [away] from many outside of that church.
-Lady Venus: 10- 8-1990 at RTR, Montana
by Ruth Hawkins ~1985
-Lady Venus: 10- 8-1990 at RTR, Montana
Blessed children of my heart, children of the whitefire light which descends as a mighty flame from the heart of the Creation, know ye not that the Father who gavest thou life and being and allies hath established thy purpose from everlasting unto everlasting?
O sacred fire, descend now I pray upon all those who read these words that they may know that the Motherhood of God is vested within me, that they may know the Fatherhood of God is as it was manifested by my son, the Christ, the Holy One who has become one with the Father and serves upon the cosmic ray of infinite Christhood on behalf of all mankind evolving upon this blessed orb.
Blessed ones, it is time to think upon immortal destiny and the origin of that destiny. Can you not realize that because you have come forth from the Great Source of all Life your destiny is preempted and preordained by the very nature of that origin….The teachings of the risen Christ are transcendent indeed and far in advance of those recorded in the scripture which he gave in parable to the multitudes….
Do you know what it meant for the Christ to remain to teach, to give the very ultimate of his being before his ascension and then, having said all, having given all, to walk up
the hill, Bethany’s Hill, to stand in that place marked by the sacred fire with a blazing white cross, to stand in the center of that cross and to feel the mighty ascension ray pulsating, pulsating, pulsating until it took complete control within his lower bodies and raised him into the final glory of reunion with the Holy One, the Mighty I AM Presence of all Life?
Those final hours of deliverance to the captives are recorded in akasha and the teachings are there for all who can become one with the mission of Christhood which is the joy and privilege of every man, woman and child who has gone forth from the heart of the Father. Blessed ones, I am calling today for a conscious reunion with the Spirit of Christhood that you might enter into the Holy of Holies, to that place where the allness of the divine teachings may flow from your own Christ Presence into the very cells of your brains to awaken you to the knowledge of life without end, life without beginning….Realize then that the Father who gave you life and birth could not have done so without imparting unto you the seed containing all that which you shall ultimately be as you discover your divine Selfhood which was created and is sustained in His Image and likeness, the fullness of your divine potential then is already a part of your true being. You have but to claim it, to commune with it, to adore it, to be one with the Presence of the Lord of Hosts….
The footsteps of the cross are not sorrowful ones, precious ones, they are footsteps of the overcomer, they are the steps of initiation which each one must pass….Give yourself wholeheartedly then to the pursuit of this high calling, for no greater joy exists….The joy of that crown, the joy of victory, the joy of freedom in the heart of God is worth all giving and all giving up of the earth….To praise God in all men is to know the true I AM, for He is in you all and all men are fashioned of His supreme essence and light. -Archeia Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 9:18
tops of 2 large firs on westside of Mt. Shasta
We know the accomplishments and the self-mastery of our chelas. You will not fall by these, but you will be found wanting by the sin of omission. Do not think that the strengths will be tested in the hour of the coming of the Christ. It will be the weaknesses--and these are amplified by the sinister force. -Serapis Bey: 4-8-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles
We know the accomplishments and the self-mastery of our chelas. You will not fall by these, but you will be found wanting by the sin of omission. Do not think that the strengths will be tested in the hour of the coming of the Christ. It will be the weaknesses--and these are amplified by the sinister force. -Serapis Bey: 4-8-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles
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