The little book is the archetype of your Self. It contains the mystery of all that you are and all that you shall become in God through Christ. The Grail, it is the chalice of the Word that you shall become when you eat it up--all of it, it is His body and His blood--the little book is the consciousness of Jesus Christ in Spirit and in matter. Unless you eat it up you have no life in you. The little book is the gospel of Jesus Christ as he lived it and as he demonstrated it. It is the explanation by My Spirit to his disciples in the seventh age of how they may walk in his footsteps and indeed obey his command to manifest not only the signs of the Holy Spirit but the signs of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son--doing greater works than he did because they believe on him and because he is gone unto the Father. They are the chelas of the Lamb: when the Lamb accelerates they accelerate....The little book outlines the work of the Mother and Her children, the Woman and Her seed. -Sanat Kumara: Opening of the Seventh Seal, #20, 1979

72. The Community, as Fellowship, can unprecedentedly accelerate the evolution of the planet and give new possibilities of intercourse with the forces of matter. It must not be thought that community and the conquest of matter are found on different planes. One channel, one banner--Maitreya, Mother, Matter! -M: Community 1926
163. If a sense of co-measurement is a guiding principle, the energy will always accelerate through the shortest channels. -Morya: Supermundane 1, 1938
This flame of the ascension--which is the whitefire of the Divine Mother--begins to accelerate the very atoms and cells whereby the soul is filled with light, no longer therefore a candidate for reincarnation in these bodies we wear but a candidate for heavenly octaves in bodies celestial....The ascension is therefore the process, the ritual, the sacred adventure
of accelerating all that we are. -Messenger E C Prophet: 2-14-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles
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