Friday, May 13, 2016

so long as compulsion is concealed somewhere there cannot be any conscious cooperation

III, vi, 19.  Growth of spirit does not tolerate compulsion.  This explains the slow evolution of humanity.  The spirit cannot be forced to grow.  One cannot even coerce by unsolicited counsels.  One can only respond to the knock of a sensitive heart.     -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925    

93, 347, 366, 580.  The Teaching cannot be bought or obtained by coercion.  Truly each one gains access to the Teaching only by proving his devotion by deeds.  It is actions, not words, that lead to the Community of Knowledge....But the path following these fires of the spirit must be built by each one for himself....When I say, "Do not coerce" I have in mind precisely the law of freewill.  Who would bend a sapling that is tensed with its own will?  And would not the recoil be worse than the bending?  Thus find ways to attract people without molesting their will....Our Teaching does not coerce but indicates the way.      -M:  Agni Yoga 1929

preface, 410.  Hierarchy is not coercion, it is the law of the Universe.  It is not a threat but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the general good....Again the deniers of Hierarchy will come and term it leadership by coercion.  Again you will tell them, "Hierarchy has nothing in common with coercion.  It is the revealing law which discloses."  We oppose any coercion.  We do not direct the energy without the consent of the co-worker.  We know the worthlessness of everything superficial and outwardly propelled.... Furthermore, the unavoidableness of the law of Hierarchy disturbs the limited, selfish mind.      -M:  Hierarchy 1931

571.  Discipline should be regarded as an organized voluntary cooperation.  Among the methods of educating the heart the voluntary organization of cooperation has great significance.  But so long as compulsion is concealed somewhere there cannot be any conscious cooperation or the desired results.  And let us hasten to understand cooperation.  It is impossible to hope for flowering and victory where there is disunity.  Let us accept this truth as a command.       -Morya:  Heart 1932

276.  But do not try to convince of the fiery world a heart that is ignorant of Fire.  Such coercion will only lead to the black fire.  If we could count the number of servants of darkness created by various coercions, we would be terrified by the enormous total.  One must possess the utmost sensitiveness in order to understand when one can turn the key the second and third time in the lock.  Neither dogma nor chemistry can say when the sacred word permitted can be pronounced.       -M:  Fiery World 1933

7, 533.  Compulsion is not an attribute of conviction.  It is impossible to command friendship, and especially does this apply to brotherhood.  These concepts require selflessness and an understanding of fundamentals....The ability not to coerce another's will is one of the most difficult tests.  Compulsion does not produce a good harvest, and yet it is necessary to guide and protect on dangerous paths. A great deal of experienced and solicitous guidance must be exercised.       -M:  Brotherhood 1937 
  God will not coerce us or force us in any way because the joy of freewill is truly the joy of cosmos        -Messengers M & E C Prophet:  Keys to the Kingdom, 2003, p. 51
other statements on coercion via Messengers M & E C Prophet--
1.  The coercions of the world have exactly the power humanity give it.
2.  One cannot impose a love for labor; any coercion here provokes aversion.  He who knocks should be welcomed, but to gather idlers from the bazaar is not wise. 
3. That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labors under coercion to satisfy another's desires.
4.  And yet we have never been in a position to coerce anyone, especially the fallen angels in embodiment.

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