28, 114. Only the power of sounding of aum can bring harmony amid the discordant vibrations....Aum is not accessible to heartlessness. -M: Aum 1936

This is the testimony of the Lords of Flame: that the Word of Hierarchy be promulgated for the expansion of the teachings through hearts illumined by the Law, hearts consecrated by the sacred fire and hearts united in service to our cause. Let none forsake the establishment of the golden age through this activity or the building of the temple foursquare within. Let none forsake the Messengers whom we have chosen before the foundation of the world nor question their motives which are pure in the sight of the Lord. For the light shall surely come, and all that has been given by the devotees for the pearl of great price shall be multiplied for the expansion of God's kingdom upon earth. -Nada: Pearls of Wisdom 16:17

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