Friday, June 25, 2021

Therefore beware of spiritual pride and the ambitious

1)   I have witnessed the descent of the fire of the crown in the people of God upon earth, for they have gone after other gods.  They have worshiped those fallen angels and they have taken the alternative to individual accountability for divine wisdom.

  Who is the chela of the sacred fire who will raise the Mother-flame and keep the crown of rejoicing as the bubbling brook of the stream of light?  Who is the chela who values the River of Life so completely as to let no man take her crown? 

  Now, blessed hearts, do understand the meaning of the Son of God.  Understand the blessed head of the World Mother.  Understand the fiery, piercing, golden illumination’s flame of the eternal Buddha!  It is not only a corona.  It is a blazing consciousness of fire until the whole fire of cosmos is contained inside of the head of the Mother of the World.

  Know the meaning of Mother and you will find the Buddha—the Buddha of thine own soul’s appearing, the budding divinity that must blossom as the yellow rose in this year and hour of service.  Let it be, if you will, the yellow rose of Texas or Montana, California or New York, of Siam or wherever upon the planet Earth you hail from.  But let it be the yellow rose that does blossom….

  I call you as I called Saint Patrick of old.  I call you, I pummel you, I chasten you!  I love you!  I hold you in my arm and I sit you on the chair before me and I rebuke you for your failure to internalize more of the Word!  For I know the potential, and potential never was enough!  For all they who have fallen have had grand potential and grandiose ideas, but they have not delivered the blessed babe of the eternal Christ-mass.

  Blessed hearts, break now the barriers of self-limitation! Understand that people suffer and die every day for want of the cup of illumination’s flame.  If one is taken and another is left, let us at least begin to reduce the percentages.   

                   -Archangel Jophiel:  12-31-1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 28:5     ……………………………………………………………………........................

2)  What with the brief attention span of the Western mind we often find that those who come with joy to the fount and leave with promises to keep do not always understand that promises must be kept if the alchemy of your desiring is to be filled….

  The Word then sustains the pattern which you have called “matrix.”  Matrix then is the womb, it is the crucible where life appears and grows and expands.  Let thy word then be the Word of God for sustaining the momentum and the very spir­itual force behind anything which you undertake, be it building or a job or a business or a work in this Coming Revolution.

  You must sustain the fire and now come to understand that it has been the alchemists and members of societies who have pursued the mysteries of God who have held a nucleus of fire upon which all civilizations have been built….My, beloved, how they would impress the world that they are healers or favored by God!  It is a travesty that the position in which they have placed themselves forces them to demand and demand more money, and yet they have not the Spirit that flows freely to all.

  Therefore beware of spiritual pride and the ambitious in fields of religion.  And understand that though there be a surface bubbling of religion it does not carry the profundity, the depth I say, of the inner balance required to sustain the building of so great a purpose….

  O beloved, call forth the protection of your light and resources, that you might stand independent of the entanglements with foreign powers that lust after your light and resources.  In the day when thou must stand and stand alone for God let not these ties to darkness defeat thy mission.    -Archangel Raphael:  5-25-1986 at Vancouver, B.C., Pearls of Wisdom 29:55


3)  Let the union come forth for a holy purpose, and that purpose being the successful challenge of these fallen ones who have controlled the Earth for thousands of years.  Beloved, it will take many hearts of fire, and ye are the flaming ones.  Understand that where others have failed, ye shall succeed!  For the Lord thy God has decreed it this day….You come at a moment of destiny when the portals of heaven are opened and you may see stepping through the veil angel bands who not only summon but train and teach and tutor your hearts for the disciplines required in the victorious accomplishment of the new age at hand….

  Let the diversity of accomplishment come, then, into this unity of purpose.  Let all see this day what they might accomplish with the work of the hand, the meditation of the heart.

  O let the Teaching go forth.  Let the Great Central Sun Magnet draw you together to face the issues in the worldwide prayer vigils.  Let them begin again.  Let them continue.  Focus on one issue until, beloved, you have cracked to the very roots of that conspiracy against one nation or many….

  Be not entrenched in the very ways that have been put upon you by false doctrine, false theology of the same [breed of] Serpents who preach their lies in the economic systems in states and nations….The quotient of light (Christ consciousness) in the Earth ought to be greater for my Son’s giving of his life alone!  It ought to be greater for the exposure of the Liar and the Lie that he did manifest, not only in preachment but, beloved, by example….This diamond heart is Christ’s own heart of the will of God.  Nothing can withstand it, for its light intensity is greater than all darkness of the dark ones in the Earth.  

                         -Archeia Mary:  12-25-1987 at RTR, MT, Pearl 30:83    ……………………………………………………………………...............…

4)  This life is intended to be joyous.  If you become merry in violet flame, [elementals and angels] will become merry and [that merriment] will reflect on humanity.  And when that joy comes it is so powerful it bursts the bubble of [humanity’s] delusions and illusions.  For you see, precious ones, this level of being deluded cannot stand in the place of joy, for joy dispels the need to find delusions and illusions as an escape from reality.  Whatever is contained in reality on this Earth and the levels of actuality in which you live it is better to contact it, be pricked by the pain and name the pain and cast it into the flame swiftly! swiftly! swiftly!…

  And thus you love to go out in nature.  But I tell you nature will serve you more on your hikes and walks and forays into the mountains if you will take the occasion to make supreme attunement [with your Mighty I AM Presence] and to give fiats on behalf of these servants of God and to send forth the glory that they have sent to you, to return fire for fire and call for violet flame to saturate them and for Astrea’s cosmic circle and sword of blue flame to encircle those who have become bowed down under the curses and the matrices of the black magicians and those who practice witchcraft.     -Prince Oromasis of the fire element:  7-8-1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:32


5)  The invincible protection of the light is invincible for you when you are made whole and you can contain it!  And therefore some who are so bad off as to be as a sieve and not able to contain any light should be decreeing daily for a re-creation, a reestablishment by the Elohim of God of that very aura of light that would begin to secure their soul that the soul might make progress.

  Some who do not seem to make progress do not do so because the light goes in and the light goes out.  And that is the sad fact of the day.  And yet by their longevity on the path they consider themselves to be wise in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.  Well, beloved, it is not what you know; it is what you are….

  It is up to that discarnate to perpetuate itself by taking the light of others.  Thus you see, they are by nature vampires….You need never be fooled again by anyone anywhere, as long as you remember that pride itself blinds the individual, as does stubbornness and other qualities.  And therefore be willing to see the truth that you do not wish to see.  When you have the desire to know those things that may be unpleasant, that may puncture your balloons and pierce your bubbles then you will have that gift.   

                       -Maha Chohan:  5-19-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 48:9     ………………………………………………………….......................................

6)  Therefore you are the issue of God:  beware, for those who are not the issue of God who wander about, as I have said, seeking whom they may devour, have played with you and with some of you they have had a heyday.  You have been moved this way and that way. You have been seized with an idea that they have planted. You have followed it and it has burst as a bubble, taking with it your supply and your very lifeblood.  And then you have gone another way and a-this-way and a-that-way instead of first seating yourself in the place of the Holy of holies of your heart-chakra with your Holy Christ Self and simply saying:   Be still and know that I AM God and that the I AM THAT I AM within me is that God!  And I will not be moved from my course of service to my God.

  Any distraction will do, any stray thought just to get you away from your own interior castle, your own inner altar and the altar of the Most High God.  I want you to know that the angels of the Lord have so moved in on planet Earth that they are just waiting almost breathless for someone of any religion or walk [of life] but especially for you, beloved, since you understand the science of the spoken Word, to utter the call for the binding of this and that fallen one.    

                            -Saint Germain:  6-27-1992 at RTR, MT, Pearl 35:26    ………………………………………………………………………..................

7)   Whenever someone does something that is not to your liking, precious ones, this is your great opportunity.  This is your opportunity to say “I will use God’s energy and love to erase one more blight upon the universe!  I will see to it that the blackboard of life becomes a radiant screen of white perfection, and I will put my perfection-patterns into manifestation.  For these patterns are from the Father, and I am the son representing the Father and I must show forth light and not darkness.”    -“The Path of the Bodhisattva, The Historical Maitreya” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet,        


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