Friday, June 25, 2021

The power of the Word to create is the power now to translate fact into a momentum for change

1)   All roads lead to the great central hub of your own mighty I AM God Presence....As a child in the lap of its are forever and forever and forever the fullness of your own mighty I AM God Presence in action.  You have the master key that leads to contact with every ascended being and cosmic being, every archangel, every angel, the seven mighty Elohim and our divine complements.  You have the key to heaven itself locked right within your own heart’s treasures.  You ought to receive peace from God by divine decree, by your own demand and by your own demand you ought to give peace unto others….You are a part of this magnificent cosmic drama that comes from the very hub of your being and expands out into the exterior world….

  Every life that is taken from the screen of life by the acts of murder which are practiced in the name of warfare brings distress remindful of the crucifixion upon Golgotha.  There is nothing releasing a tirade of energy upon anyone….When you master yourselves until as the Master Jesus you could go to sleep and let others rock the boat for all they were worth and you would know that the sea is God’s sea, that the boat is God’s boat, that your body is God’s temple, that your mind is the dwelling place of God, that your soul is the soul of God, that the wind is his to command, that the wave obeys his voice--you could rest in that great cosmic tranquility that refuses to be affrighted and refuses to be disturbed, regardless of outer conditions....This is the condition your souls require….

  The imperfect individuals upon this planet are far outnumbered by the perfect creations in heaven which abide all around this planet,...a great deal more happiness occurs, precious ones, upon this planet than unhappiness; mankind have recognized their cosmic make a great nation out of a few people.  Mankind are finding peace in the midst of turmoil,…mankind are coming to a state of consonance over a state of dissonance,...mankind are attaining cheeriness of spirit over the morbidity of past ages.  (I look forward to) when mankind are able to bring forth, under the direction of God, those wondrous vessels which shall utilize cosmic rays to move through the great interstellar reaches of space according to divine decree...and find great happiness where peace everywhere abides in the cosmos and world without end….

  (I call to) the blue-flame angels...waiting in abeyance, to whitefire beings...that have volunteered to serve to form a tremendous amphitheater of light over the city of Washington....Let this nation under God be a nation of peacemakers!   Let this people accept the peace of God and peace of Christ into their souls, and let them also be ready for any eventuality to protect the holy cause of freedom....Angels of blue flame, release now your bolts of blue lightning for and on behalf of world peace!      -Elohim Peace:  1-3-1965 at Washington D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet, in Elohim and Their Retreats  


2)   Understand that victory is a perpetual joy!  It is a joy that is not compromised.  It is without alloy.  Joy must be the bubbling of your consciousness that dispels all darkness, doubt and fear and makes you know the eternal Presence of the I AM, who speaks the Word and speaks the tone so clear:  “Behold, I AM here.  Behold, I AM there. Behold, I AM everywhere!”  And so my legions come with drawn swords--blue-flame, fiery swords of the sacred Word.  And this is the light of the holy will that implements your victory still.

  O precious ones, do not be beaten down with those forces of misqualified energy that come to surround you.  For you must understand that I am even here creating a vortex of sacred fire intensifying the Word so that these energies will come, and come even at a greater rate to be transmuted.  And therefore I say, I say in the name of the Christ, let all darkness be consumed in the flame!  And let the flame within these hearts, who have given their invocations to me and to God, be increased for the action of transmutation, for the consummation of all energies in fulfillment of the light Spirit of Almighty God!

  And so as the waves of the sea leap to meet the sunlight in the air, so let the fire in each heart blaze forth and seal the light of the maiden’s prayer--for the transmutation of planetary darkness, for the challenge then of the carnal mind.  For I stand with you, in the name of Jesus the Christ, yes, to challenge that carnal mind, that Antichrist and all satanic power!    

     -Archangel Michael:  9-22-1974 at Santa Barbara, Pearls of Wisdom 54:8    ……………………………………………………………….......................

3)  Souls from every nation and continent are being prepared.  Many are in need of the key.  The key is the Science of the Spoken Word.  The key is the awareness of the Self as the I AM Presence, the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother.  The key is contact with Hierarchy!  The key is direct knowledge of the ascended masters and their intercession in this hour!  The key is knowledge of the dispensation!  The key is the Teaching.

  How many of these keys do you now have in your heart?  I daresay, you have all of them.  And yet you have brothers and sisters who have none.  Go forth then in the only lawful and righteous role that you can play to deliver the key safely, and each of the keys one by one, to brothers and to sisters….

  Blessed ones, when you make the call to God to send to you His children and His servants hundreds of thousands of angels assemble.  And they go their way in the streets of the large cities, and they make their way here and there.  And they arrange for those accidental meetings on the corners of life, in the terminals, in the airports.  And beloved ones, there the contact, there the fusion of the heart, there the cosmic cross of whitefire is established, as two coordinates of the sacred fire of Hierarchy become the one flame of love in the wisdom of the Buddha.   

         -Gautama Buddha:  12-4-1977 at San Francisco, Pearls of Wisdom 51:2    …………………………………………………………………..................…

4)  Compromise is never the solution to international relations.  Compromise is never the solution when the soul meets the living Christ within.  Compromise is not a word in the lexicon of the Great White Brotherhood and yet we contain every solution to every human problem….

  Do you know that the crystal of mercy’s flame will penetrate every condition?  Mercy’s flame brings justice and judgment and the bubbling of joy in the heart….I AM the Bodhisattva of Mercy because I believe in mercy as the solution to all human pollution.  You see, I understand supremely the mercy of God, that ultimately God is merciful unto Himself.  He lets light flow, He lets light glow in the very heart of Himself/Herself and all extensions of the great hand in all dimensions of being.

  So by mercy’s flame your hearts beat in consonance with the beat of Gautama Buddha.  By mercy’s flame step by step you approach the fount of living truth.  By mercy’s flame in certain cycles the wicked are apparently free to manifest their wickedness, and this is mercy.  In other cycles the wicked are bound by legions of light, bound hand and foot by cords of mercy.

  Now mercy on the other foot brings forth opportunity and justice for the children of the light to catch up in their attainment, to wield a mighty sword to slay a dragon or two or three.  Do you see, if the children of the light would make hay while the Sun shines, they would be ready for the fight when once again the seed of the wicked must be unbound.   

             -Kuan Yin:  6-30-1979 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom  59:14    ……………………………………………………………………..................

5)  In order for individuals to choose they must have fact, they must have logic, they must have conclusion.  Thus the details of fact become the fastidiousness of the first ray.  Line upon line, carefully research and set before the people that which has been the lie concerning drugs, concerning imbibing of alcohol or tobacco, concerning all things that plague body and mind which they take in.  Let them be liberated from the addictions that come--come into the body through the senses and orifices of that temple.  You drink in pollution inadvertently by the chakras, by ear, by eye, by mouth.  Understand how the very pores of the skin take in the lie of pollution.

  There must be a crystal-clear perception of what is reality, made clear by illumination.  Let fact then be set forth as irrefutable!  But you see, fact is refuted.  Why is it so?  Because desire is not quenched and therefore, no matter what you say that is fact, that can be proven, the individual who retains the desire (which means the entity’s consciousness, the demon of his addiction) will not be convinced and will not be freed.

  Thus from fact proceed to the Logos of divine reason.  For the Logos is the embodiment of the Universal Christ and is the Word from the beginning.  The power of the Word to create is the power now to translate fact into a momentum for change in the individual.  And yet this Word made manifest is not complete until the grand conclusion of the Holy Spirit as divine love comes into the world of the individual and comes between him and those vipers that assail him—and cuts him free by the devotion, the innocence, the purity of one Shiva such as Lanello!

  Understand the many faces of Shiva in the Ascended Masters. Understand the cutting edge of the sword of each one and know well the implements needed to divest the individual of the shroud of death they have placed upon this race.  

    -Archangel Jophiel:  12-31-1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 28:5

6)  And this Ascended Master Moses has gone here and there to make peace with those very ones who could not make their peace with him as they crossed the wilderness.  Yes, beloved ones, though they sense him and even see him at inner levels, though the contact is made yet they hold a grudge and they still gripe about the disciplines they were subject to under Moses!

  See that you are not counted among them, whether your argument be with Moses or Buddha or Zarathustra or an unnamed saint who today is far beyond you in the echelons of light and yet with whom you once had a strong disagreement.  See to it then for the sake of your own soul, that you make your peace with all people.  For you cannot make lasting progress on the path until you do.     -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  4-8-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 36:21    


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