While the unit’s legitimate purpose is forensic investigations, former Soviet and Russian intelligence officers who defected to the West have described it as also running a secretive poison laboratory which, during the Soviet era manufactured poisons used for assassinations of Western diplomats, Ukranian nationalists and Soviet defectors. Former KGB general Oleg Kalugin told The Guardian in 2018 that one of the first projects by this KGB lab was preparing the ricin-filled micro ball used to assassinate Bulgarian emigre writer Georgi Markov, killed in London in 1979. A comprehensive analysis of phone metadata and travel data of a total of 12 FSB operatives linked to the Criminalistics Institute paints a picture of a specialized chemical weapons facility, run within this institute, that has a similar profile to that of the KGB-run laboratory described by the aforementioned Soviet-era ex-KGB officers. Furthermore, geolocated telephone data shows that members of this unit operate primarily out of a secure facility with an address at Akademika Vargi 2a – identical to the address named by the two KGB former officers. The telephone metadata also pinpoints a second location that the operatives from this unit spend a significant amount of time at: a secretive, highly secured FSB compound just outside Moscow, in the Stroitel micro-district of the city of Mytishchi. A third location frequently visited by the operatives is the administrative headquarters of the Criminalistics Institute’s parent entity, the Special Technology Center, located at Prospekt Vernadskogo 12.
Map showing the various FSB-related facilities related to the team trailing Navalny

Drone footage of the secure facility at Akademiki Varga (Source: The Insider)
Based on analysis of metadata from hundreds of thousands of phone connections, it appears that this program is supervised by Col. Stanislav Makshakov, a military scientist who previously worked at the State Organic Synthesis institute in the closed military town of Shikhany-1, also known as military unit 61469. Until the official termination of Russia’s chemical weapons program, this military institute provided research and development for new forms of chemical weapons, including nerve agents of the Novichok type as part of a total of 21 highly poisonous substances. Makshakov’s position within the operation is made clear based on his extensive experience, and the chronology of phone calls between on-the-ground team members and his superiors, including General Kirill Vasil and General Vladimir Bogdanov. The order and frequency of these calls indicates that these operatives were reporting up or consulting with Makshakov, and he serves a common link between both chemical weapon experts working out of Moscow and the on-the-ground operatives trailing Navalny across Russia.
Col. Makshakov reports to General Kirill Vasilyev, director of the FSB Criminalistics Institute. Kirill Vasilyev is a chemical engineer and specialist in, among other things, identification of substance metabolites in biomedical samples through mass chromatography and mass-spectrometric detection (the golden standard for identification of chemical weapons in biomedical samples). Without disclosing his FSB affiliation, he has also co-authored studies for SC Signal, the research institute we previously identified as linked to Russia’s resumed chemical weapons program. https://laptrinhx.com/news/fsb-team-of-chemical-weapon-experts-implicated-in-alexey-navalny-novichok-poisoning-n8AGkmd/
KGB Gen. Kirill VasilyevKGB agents Osipov, V. Paniaev
KGB team leader V. Sukharev
poet D. Bykov
In April 2019 in a coma for 5 days, poisoned probably by an organophosphate, is Moscow poet/activist and Putin-critic Dmitry Bykov. He was under surveillance by same FSB who shadowed Navalny repeatedly.
Bellingcat reports: two members of the FSB squad – one from the Second Service, and one from the Criminalistics institute, traveling under cover identities – stayed in Novosibirsk alongside Bykov on 13 April 2019, and on the next morning left back to Moscow on tickets they booked at the last minute....In 2013, Bykov was reportedly the target of a sting operation that sought to politically discredit him by Evgeny Prigozhin, the businessman and close ally of Putin who has been linked to the harassment of opposition figures. According to former Prigozhin associate Andrei Mikhailov, Prigozhin considered Bykov “second after Navalny [among opposition figures] in importance”....
Who are Ivan Osipov, Valery Sukharev and Vladimir Paniaev?
All three FSB officers who tailed Dmitry Bykov also shadowed Alexey Navalny prior to his 2020 poisoning, and two of them – Paniaev and Osipov – followed the target both during the Bykov April 2019 presumed poisoning and in the Navalny August 2020 poisoning.
Ivan Osipov is a decorated FSB officer who, judging from his network of co-travellers and telephone communication, is integrated with the FSB’s Criminalistics Institute. Based on an analysis of phone calls from two months around the Navalny poisoning in 2020, over 70% of the phone calls were to other officers from the Criminalistics Institute, and another 20% was with members of the anti-extremism department of the FSB’s Second Service. He also communicated with scientists from the Signal Institute which has been linked to the development of nerve agents.
Data from open-sources, including a now-defunct Odnoklassniki profile, suggests Osipov graduated from the Moscow Psychology University, but his phone number shows up in various contact-list sharing apps as “Ivan the Doctor”.
Vladimir Paniaev is a member of the FSB’s anti-extremism unit of the Second Service. Meta data from one of his phone numbers shows that his primary work place is at 12 Vernadskogo Bld – the headquarters of the FSB’s anti-terrorism and anti-extremism units. Paniaev, together with Ivan Osipov and Alexey Alexandrov from the FSB’s Criminalistics Institute, tailed Alexey Navalny to Novisibirsk and Tomsk in August 2020. During this period, Paniaev was in continuous communication with key members of the FSB Criminalistics Institute, including Gen. Bogdanov, Makshakov, Alexandrov, Osipov and Tayakin.
Valery Sukharev is an FSB officer born in 1956. Based on an analysis of his travel and communication pattern he appears to be the senior-most FSB officer involved with the series of poisoning operations of opposition figures. Sukharev tailed Vladimir Kara-Murza in 2015 and shadowed him on a trip to Kazan just two days before his first poisoning in May 2015.
After assuming a cover identity as Nikolay Gorokhov, born 1955, he tailed Alexey Navalny on most of his 2017 presidential candidate’s campaign trips – shadowing the opposition leader to a total of 18 destinations around Russia. He used the same cover identity to tail Dmitry Bykov in 2018 and 2019.
4-28-13 A former Olympic official who fled Russia, Akhmed Bilalov, after President Vladimir Putin criticised him for delays and cost overruns before the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi claims he has been poisoned by mercury.
6-12-21 The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 in the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US. That number is now at 5,997. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/shocking-jump-vaccine-deaths-reported-week-cdc-linked-vaers-tracking-website/
The CDC says, "Health care providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination…regardless if the reporter thinks the vaccine caused the AE." AE stands for adverse event and includes death.
That means that if a vaccinated person drowns, gets in a car crash or is struck by lightning, their death must be reported to VAERS as an adverse event. Since we've vaccinated over 140 million people in the United States, many deaths will occur coincidentally after vaccination.
As of May 10, there have been 4,434 reports of death following a COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS. Doctors at the CDC review each reported death, looking at death certificates, autopsy and medical records. They have no reason to believe that COVID-19 vaccines cause death. https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/does-vaers-list-deaths-caused-by-covid-19-vaccines
hotspots Sars2 infection rates: 6-12-21
Argentina 27/330= 8.2% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/argentina
South Africa 8/66= 12.1% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/south-africa
Iraq 4.3/61.8= 7% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/iraq
Afghanistan 1.5/23.3= 6.4% increase/day
Malaysia 6.8/72= 9.4% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/malaysia
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