Monday, June 28, 2021

there were some very dark ones on staff and we needed to be alert and aware. -ECP to Maydell Goulart, 1999

  The test is not to be moved by whatever assails, whatever disrupts, whatever abruptly changes the course you are on.   -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:  Pearl 33:37


  Maydell Goulart in her Feb 2, 2004 email, "A Focus of Light in Peril", stated: 

In 1999, around the time the Messenger retired, I attended a Baptism celebration in a home near the Heart of the Inner Retreat.  Mother was a guest and shortly after she arrived she joined a small group of us sitting in an alcove.  We chatted for sometime with Mother and one of the comments she made to us was:  there were some very dark ones on staff and we needed to be alert and aware.  

  She didn’t name names and because of her condition I wasn’t sure how reliable this information was.  But as I have observed the unfolding of events these past five years I have come to the conclusion that she knew exactly what she was talking about.


  It takes an intense love to pull away from the magnetism, the very force itself, the desire in the lower octaves to go this way and that out of the center of the Life that is green, the Life that is joy, the Life that is God, the Life that is sacred!...You must beware then when you hear coming from a friend a declaration of independence which is not a declaration to be independent in God but to go the way of outer darkness.  You must beware and understand how that soul in some way or another has accepted into the subconscious levels of being some computer mechanic, some tie to the fallen ones which could even have occurred in a previous life.  And it is the voice of the computer speaking while the soul, helpless, believes that voice to be the true word of his own conscience.  This is happening to lightbearers in every nation.     -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:  1-3-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:13


   As you know we have separated the Office of the Messenger from the executive branch of the organization.  The Office of the Messenger then formulates the what and why, and the executive branch determines the who, when, where, how and if, along with the basic details of execution.  This is a very interesting role that has been placed upon me and it is the mantle of Messenger and it is the mantle of the spiritual direction for our organization.    -Guru Ma:  6-30-1997 at San Diego

  Certainly comment right here is so crucial.  The Office of the Messenger reserved for itself and not for RTR staff the focus/course of what and why for this activity of light under the Masters.  Then the Office of Messenger became vacated by 1-1-2000.  Therefore the Masters considered that the job of Office of Messenger--the what and why of leadership--had been completed by the Messenger; the dharma of adhering to Mother’s what and why then passed to the executive branch (and to all devotees one with Mark, Mother, Merlin and Morya who could execute in harmony what Mother had laid down as what and why since August 11, 1991 33 year dispensation by Hierarchy)  O yes! yes! yes!   -R.


  "Money problems, an awful boss, secret desires or allegiances can all be windows into small compromises that grow into larger and larger ones."   -Robert Baer (explaining how he manipulated people at times) in his See No Evil, Crown/Random House, NY, 2002, p. 59.

  What's behind the RTR going negative year after year on due process of the law?  I think they have accepted bureaucracy more than harmony, expediency more than unity and victory, and patterns of compromise more than holding the balance of energies between the dharma and karmas.  So, if you don't want this kind of Jesuit beast to grow and grow and grow, don't feed it, don't cater to it and don't defend it.  

   "I call to the mandala of Lightbearers to be magnetized by the magnet of Love that is now placed by Heros and Amora in this Community as a forcefield of Divine Love.  This magnet of Love is so great, beloved, that those who allow themselves to become out of alignment with it will not long remain here, for they will not be able to bear to be in the presence of that magnet while they entertain the perversions of the ruby cross in their beings."   -Rose of Light:  6-29-90 at RTR.   I recommend that chelas use the above affirmation by Rose of Light to expel the interlopers at the Inner Retreat.  -R.


  In late December 2004 the Board of Directors and Council of Elders by unanimous vote deleted due process from the Articles of Incorporation.  Before this key vote the Council of Elders eliminated the five Elders who upheld due process from the Council of Elders, and the Council of Elders did not notify the field of chelas that this key issue was coming up for a major vote.  Furthermore just after this key vote, on 1-22-05 the Ministerial Council put out the outrageous lie that due process of the law is not found in the Teachings, as you can see at point 4 of January 21, 2005 Letter from Ministerial Council responding back to Timothy Connor (PDF)



a) ...due protection of the law that they should have been given!   -Saint Germain:  Pearl 34:22

b) ...light of the Constitution of the United States, the original covenant made by Saint Germain with the lightbearers to protect them against the enemy within and without this nation.   -Portia:  Pearl 23:50

c)  Indeed until the rule of law afforded common people protection against wanton murder, the (Christian/Vatican) Church resorted to any means it deemed necessary to maintain its citadel of power.     -Archangel Uriel and Aurora:  3-27-97 at RTR

d)  Blessed hearts, the free enterprise system--the ability to enter into competition and to bring forth the highest work--as been destroyed by the monopolies of the fallen ones, by their interference with government controls against these monopolies.  

-Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  Pearl 24:10

e)  So let there be the judgment of the core of evil in all those who allow themselves to usurp the mandate of the people, whether appointed official or those elected who assume powers they do not have for they are not God-ordained.  -Gautama Buddha:  7-3-93 at RTR

f)  Challenge those who deny the God-given rights of the citizens of Earth.  -Gautama Buddha:  Pearl 37:23

g)  Therefore pray, I tell you this day, that the Sun Presence which I bring shall expose to you those illusions [of self] that you have come to lean upon and to imagine are real.  -Helios:  7-4-84 at RTR, in Pearl of 10-3-84

h)  Speedy Adjustment of Civil Inequities through Ombudsman

  Such a clearinghouse for complaints not only reconciles citizens to government but also prevents dedicated civil servants from unwarranted public attacks and arbitrary action by their own departmental superiors.  It is an implement of freedom and ought to be examined by all nations and instituted within the framework of their governmental systems as a safety valve and means of direct action to prevent tyranny and tragedy from holding sway while the mills of justice slowly and painfully continue to grind away with the passing of years. -El Morya:  4-9-63:  "Encyclical on World Good Will"

i)  As you know there are two Babylons: the ecclesiastical and the political Babylon, one the false hierarchy of anti-Christ in church, the other the false hierarchy of the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy.  Both of these false hierarchies comprise the world cult of idolatry and the abuse of power to which consciousness Susan was prey, and of which she made herself heir.  Thus with the judgment of the ruby ray upon the tower of Babel and Ninevah and the modern Babylon, those who have become drunk with power--the power of the blood of the saints, the essence of their light--are also judged.    -El Morya:  "The Hour of World Transmutation" (Susan Krister Case), ~9-8-1985

j)  Hierarchy is safe.  It has its checks and balances, and it does work.  And it does work to make you see how you are attached to your little ego and your little ways of doing things.  It forces you to give them up because you love the cause, you love humanity, you love the total work that's going to happen because you were able to give up a little bit of yourself.     -Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  "Chelaship as the Way to Leadership," October 20, 1977

k)   R, Mt. Shasta, says:  The dark force rides in to violate the holy circle at the weak point.  The weak point of the Summit Lighthouse is the deletion of due process of the law by the RTR, because the Masters clearly honor and advocate the United States Constitution--having "due process of the law" plainly spelled out within its Bill of Rights.

  Archangel Zadkiel stated:  "The choice is truly upon the shoulders of those who have been sponsored by Saint Germain to raise up the divine document of the Constitution and who in a Declaration of Independence--apart from and separate from those fallen angels--have chosen to be one nation under God."     -Zadkiel: 11-25-1987 at Washington, D.C.

  Now when the Masters are sending to us the divine design but the RTR staff are insisting year after year upon a different design that is dissonant to that divine design, then the Master Rakoczy stated this as the likely upshot of such doings:)  "Many may recall that several years ago (early 1960s) a major air disaster was occasioned because one of the motors of the plane set up what we may term an off-center vibration which was transmitted to the motor on the other side of the plane.  This acted as an amplifier of the epicentric vibration, and then in turn transmitted it back to the originating source where it was again built up and transmitted to the other side until the plane literally came apart from the action of vibration."    -Master R:  The Soulless One, "Harmony", S. U. Press, 1965, 1981

l) Consider the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, that you might be guaranteed defense against a government gone mad and an army of automatons following [their madness]. Recognize, beloved, that those students had not advanced in their astuteness to realize that it is the entire Bill of Rights and the entire Constitution that does guarantee and safeguard the independence of every individual citizen.    -Elohim Heros and Amora:  7-6-89 at RTR


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