Monday, March 22, 2021

the rhythm of destiny

  The geometry of the soul is impelled into manifestation by discipline.  And so I come sent by God as the Guru of initiates of sacred fire.  If you would wait a million years for mastery, go find another, for Serapis is impatient for perfection.  If you would while away the hours in self-indulgence, find another teacher.  Find one who is willing to wait with you for the sands in the hourglass to fall one by one until, after the indulgence is spent and the most precious beads of life are gone, you come to the feet of your God empty-handed.

  This is an hour when those who desire initiation through self-discipline are called to Luxor.  For the Lord has need of those who will be true of course to the Self within, true of course to the hierarchy of light, but above all true to the cause of truth itself, true to humanity.

  It is one thing to love the inner Self.  It is another to serve for the sake of God.  But I say, I am looking for initiates who come forth to be disciplined, not for self-mastery, not for the universal order but for humanity.  I look for those who are willing to make the sacrifice to lay down their lives if necessary, as it was said of the Buddha, who laid down himself in the path that another of the hierarchs of light might pass over.  And in the face of this humility of the Buddha the great Hierarch declared that that humble servant—that one who had placed his body in the rut in the road that another might walk over—that that one would one day be the Buddha.  And so it came to pass in evolutions beyond evolutions, the realization of the Buddhic light and the Christ consciousness because selflessness reigned.

  Therefore serve the light, serve the real Self, but above all serve humanity.  For they require your love, they require your ingenuity.  And to attain these, you must have the discipline of the Master, the Master Harpist, who would play the strings of your souls. A string for each soul shows the necessity for interaction, for one string is not a melody but a tone of the arc of the Infinite.

  Therefore understand the group mandala in Hierarchy--souls meshing tonal qualities, souls pitched for the perfect harmony, souls ready to act in unison; an army of light, if you will; a snowflake of light, as I see it, each crystal a soul.  Moving as one across the cosmos, you find that the greatest reward is in group effort for group action for humanity.  But I tell you, working for humanity you will not find the rewards from that humanity, but the reward is always from within, from the real Self, from the energy source of life.  For you see, inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

  To serve the Christ in all is to receive the reward of the Christ.  To that end, I discipline.  To that end I initiate.  And I am concerned with the top flight, the gold of consciousness.  I am concerned with those who have the discipline, the military sense of the geometry of God, the rhythm of the “Triumphal March,” the rhythm of destiny, of the conquering hero who conquers the self and thereby becomes the champion of humanity.

  O, I say to you, come apart.  Come out from among them! Come out from the density of the lesser self, and be the ennobling factor of the real Self of all.  You can endow life.  You can impart a flame.  Within you is an energy that can be conveyed.  As a fan flows from the hand of the Mother so the facets of life flowing from you are the transforming energies of God.  We need not complicate cosmic law.  Cosmic law is love in action.  Cosmic love is law in action.  Cosmic love and law are your faith, your hope, your joy.

  If you would be initiated, then I say be willing to come to the feet of your own reality first.  Then be willing to accept that there is a reality which God has vested in beings, in masters, who have gone beyond this phase and this plane, who have a greater grasp of the real Self than you now do, though you have equal opportunity to attain that grasp.  They have reached for the Infinite and they have won!  But they look back and extend a hand, for they won by love for humanity.

  Therefore I say, take the hand of Hierarchy, take the hand extended.  Walk slow or swiftly, but walk with measured beat, steady in the rhythm of your own reality.  Press toward the mark and the prize of the high calling--the calling of the law of your Inner Self.  And know that if you would attain swiftly, I am there to impel you forward.  I am there with the sword of the ascension flame to strip you of your human consciousness, to strip you of your preferences of self over and above that vital link in the chain of Hierarchy, humanity itself.    

                                        -Serapis Bey:  12-7-1974 at San Francisco, Pearl 57:20

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