Wednesday, March 17, 2021

And into the hearts of men come the rays

 1)   Behold golden man and the reality of divinity!  And thus religion comes forth as the spirals of Alpha to reveal the spiritual nature of God to man!  And the spirals of Omega come forth to establish the sacred science!  You have a science in the world, but it is a science that is based on effects rather than on causes and on the First Cause.

  Understand, O mankind, that with the ascendancy of the Mother-flame comes the ascendancy of the sacred science, which is the outpicturing of the Mother consciousness is all of its manifestations and expressions.  For the Divine Mother is the sacred science.  And as man realizes Her flame he knows all science--the geometrics of the Cosmos, the mathematics of the sacred number of the sacred pyramid of life.

  Do you see then that mankind’s science has been perverted through the perversion of the Mother?  And since the Fall of Woman--the descent of her consciousness in to the lower levels of expression–science has not been true and the plumb line of truth has not been the measurement of mankind’s science….

  And into the hearts of men come the rays, come forth the spirals!  And I tell you that Earth shall never be the same again!   For the Earth shall be filled with the glory of the true religion, the true prophecy and the Law, the true science, the one science, the alchemy of God that is the all-chemistry of all elements of perfection unfolding themselves within man the microcosm and man the macrocosm!    -Leto:  Pearls of Wisdom 16:39   


2)   And so through our consciousness there is released from the heart of Alpha and Omega a golden-age spiral of victory!  A golden spiral of light now goes forth to claim the flame of that light of Helios!  

  So I AM come in the true light!  So I AM come in the true hour of the sun and of the Christed One!  I AM here to magnify the Word--the Word incarnate as the energy of God that flows now through you!  Let the fires of the Sun flow!  Let the brightness of the dawn of the New Day be upon you!    -Helios:  3-29-1975 at Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 62:17


3)  And this meeting of heaven and earth is that the New Jerusalem may appear as the golden age.  And the rising and descending of the spirals is for the establishment of light and the dispersal of all opposition to that light above and below—as the light of the mighty Spirit sphere above and matter below.

  Therefore strive, strive for the nexus of thy Christhood!  Strive to be at that point where error is denounced, truth is proclaimed and a holy science and a holy religion are wed by the cloven tongues of the Holy Spirit.  

                 -Archangel Gabriel and Hope:  12-31-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:9


4)  Your victory in this place beneath the Sun is determined by your consciousness of the spirals of victory.  And so, you see, you can make a wide spiral whereby your attainment is won in a thousand or ten thousand years as you please or you can tighten the coils of victory and earn your ascension in this very lifetime by the grace of Almighty God….

  I stand in the name of the Christ consciousness of mankind.

I stand in the name of the I AM THAT I AM

And I challenge every foe, every tyrant, every woe.

I say, Beware!  For the light of cosmic forces dawns

And you who have aligned yourselves with darkness, 

Beware!  For this is the hour

To align your consciousness with the Christ

And to proclaim your separation from the fallen ones….

   I say then, beware of the flow of energy, for you will give account of it.  If you would have and retain the spirals of victory, then reinforce light! light! light! upon the planetary body and use the life  God has given into your hands to proclaim the victory of every man, woman and child upon this planet.   

                     -Mighty Victory:  10-11-1974 at Los Angeles, Pearl 43:12


5)  I release now through your Christ Self the key to the unfoldment of your divine plan.  It is a golden key whereby the cycles of your self-realization in the Holy Spirit will be fulfilled if you pursue the will of God and surrender all plans and preferences, prides and prejudices for the fullness of Christed being.  By this key there is unlocked within your heart, and that spiral is for the cycling of the blueprint, the concepts, the feelings and the concrete manifestation of that destiny which is yours to fulfill through the balance of the threefold flame.

  I release the light of Elohim Peace and Aloha, and I anchor that light, by the arc of the ascended master consciousness, into the light within your own heart that you might walk this earth and be distributors for the flame of peace, that by your devotion, heart, head and hand, you can make this land the Promised Land for the Divine Mother and the divine manchild, for the fulfillment of the masculine ray and the feminine ray.   

                             -Nada:  10-11-1974 at Los Angeles, Pearl 57:15


6)  …I AM God-determination overcoming all that interferes with God-realization

I AM the fulfillment of the light of the Mother of the World

I AM a flowing fiery river, a crystal stream of God consciousness

I AM a perpetual flow of invocation to the violet light, to the whitefire light of golden hue

I AM bathed in the violet flam

I AM the Buddha inside the chamber of the heart

I AM the Buddha in the center of my island in the sun

I AM the mastery of the eight petals within the secondary chamber of the heart

I AM free from confinement to physical consciousness, for I AM boundlessness

I AM the infusion of life with the sacred flame

AUM Buddha  AUM Buddha   AUM Buddha [chant]

-Gautama Buddha:  12-4-1977 at San Francisco, Pearl 51:2


7)  I ensoul that golden light of victory.  Now let it blaze forth as the Sun of Helios and Vesta as the magnet of God’s love and wisdom multiplies the power and momentum of victory that I bear from the heart of God.  Let us see mankind come beneath the rod of the law of self-discipline.    -Mighty Victory:  12-29-1974 at Los Angeles, Pearl 43:13         Cycles of victory appear! (3x)  Spirals of victory descend! (3x)  I AM an electrode of victory in action here!  (3x)


8)  We come then to intensify the light of the heart, the action of the heart as the nucleus, the whitefire Sun.  Let this be the perpetuation, without cessation, of the light of knowledge that was once enshrined in these Twin Cities in ancient times so long ago, in golden ages vast.  From long into the ancient past these ages and golden spirals roll--rolling now as the release of sacred fire, as opportunity for all who lived in those ages to bring to a conclusion, a grand finale, the precipitation of the wisdom of the ages.    -Lord and Lady Meru:  10-4-1975 at Minneapolis, Pearl 62:33


9)  And there has been a coming to the fore of all records more recent than those of Atlantis.  Therefore one can anticipate what sort of records are coming upon the children of the Earth--the civilizations of mechanization man and of the fallen ones that were prevalent in those days as well as all manner of misuse of the sacred fire.  These things have been coming upon the earth now for a number of decades and in some areas even for centuries….

  You see, if there is sufficient pressure of light on the surface to balance that which is within, all that appears to be erupting in society and in the earth can be transmuted before it break forth in destructiveness to human life, animal life, to the vegetation, and the very process of the ongoing evolution of a planetary home.  


                 Gautama Buddha:  Wesak 1980 at Camelot, Pearl 23:43


10)  The New Atlantis rising is rising!  And because it rises there is a requirement of alchemy, of transmutation, as well as the tuning in to the original blueprint of golden-age civilization ordained for that continent, betrayed by black magicians and scientists who were the fallen ones, misusing the sacred alchemy and even some of the steps they had learned that came forth from the retreat of Zadkiel….

  Beloved hearts, the fallen Atlanteans were also a part of this crossbreeding of fallen angels with the races of men. Thus the fallow field for disorienting spirals is always the combination of the seed of light and its subjugation to the animal vibration. This is one of the saddest tales of woe to come to any planetary body. This is the plot of the arch­deceivers.

  Precious hearts, the lust of the fallen ones has ensnared many souls after the pursuits and pleasures of the flesh. If you could perceive how the extension of these momentums of temptation and intense magnetism comes out of those very forcefields of interconnecting auras of the Watchers, you would see through those temptations of life that come to you in order to steal that light just before its precipitation in the chemicalization of a God-desire.  

                                -Saint Germain:  12-30-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:7


…I AM God-determination overcoming all that interferes with God-realization

I AM the fulfillment of the light of the Mother of the World

I AM a flowing fiery river, a crystal stream of God consciousness

I AM a perpetual flow of invocation to the violet light, to the whitefire light of golden hue

I AM bathed in the violet flame

I AM the Buddha inside the chamber of the heart

I AM the Buddha in the center of my island in the sun

I AM the mastery of the eight petals within the secondary chamber of the heart

I AM free from confinement to physical consciousness, for I AM boundlessness

I AM the infusion of life with the sacred flame

AUM Buddha  AUM Buddha  AUM Buddha [chant]

-Gautama Buddha:  12-4-1977 at San Francisco, Pearl 51:2


12)   We must overcome and transcend, by that golden-ratio spiral ascending and descending, the entire momentum of the Kali Yuga so that out of the dark cycle of this age there might rise a pinpoint of light, my beloved.  And at that point of light, a seed of Cosmic Christ, the Cosmic Mother spins and weaves a garment and, lo, a star is born!

  And the star is you!  The star is a world transcending its former state and it is a world passing through the quaking and the quivering of putting off that cycle of degeneration and death, even as the passing of the serpent out of its skin unto the higher point.  And the point is always the all-seeing Eye of God.   

-Archangel Zadkiel:  12-30-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:6  


13)   Caring enough therefore, caring ultimately as the perfect love of Christ, must become the sign and the mark of true leadership.  The leaders of nations who love the Christ in their people become the true shepherds who lay down their life for their people--laying it down not in death but in the living sacrifice of service, of penetration and probing and going after that which threatens the community, the national security, and the internalization of the Word by every citizen….  Thus beauty and mathematics, proportion and the golden ratio serve to enhance the message of the Word itself.  Thus we sought and ever seek in our retreat to bring to life the ancient records of akasha of the great souls who have ensouled a living flame.  We study the geometry of virtue as it can be seen in the etheric plane.  We study the dimensions of the aura and how the vibrations of light and their harmony enable the individual to carry greater and greater light….

  Grave manipulations of genetics have occurred to destroy the divine art of Elohim in the mind of the offspring of God.  This process toward limitation, control and enslavement has been to the end to reduce the children of light to a capacity less than necessary to contain that quotient of love which the ascension process demands.  

                        -Paul the Venetian:  12-29-1983 at Camelot, Pearl 27:3


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