Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I have determined to plant my light and sacred fire

1)  Among the heritage of the free world are treasures of document, of precious lives and of love’s labors.  To see that these never become love’s labors lost, people must learn with greater diligence the safeguarding of the gifts and privileges of Life and protection of their own feelings of God-happiness.  A Constitution, a Magna Carta, a Bill of human Rights, a doorway through which our words come (many of which are a heritage and an actual windfall from the love of someone else’s service and labors in God’s name) is only of value as long as esteemed valuable by a world of free men willing to defend if necessary these hard-won blessings for themselves and their posterity.

  The great scroll of the Law, that magnificent document, which is the only true Magna Carta of freedom, is extended to the mankind of earth by the entire breathing, living body of infinite love, the Great White Brotherhood.    

                              -Saint Germain:  Pearl 4:7


2)  You call me Kuthumi, your Brother of the Golden Robe, and I call you friends of light.  And so I point tonight to the great scroll of the Law, written not by the fingers of mankind but by the hand of God. 

I point to it, for its release and interpretation have ever come about through the individually attuned consciousness of mankind who dedicate themselves to be receptive instruments to its interpretation….

  Remember, beloved ones, the concept of the Magna Carta.  What would Runnymede have meant if it had not been for the concept of freedom embodied therein?  Beloved ones, what does a message from Kashmir mean unless you believe that I have spoken?  Thank you and good evening.    

                     -Kuthumi:  7-3-1962 at Washington D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 50:8-9


3)   O blessed and beloved people of earth, the celestial planet Venus, turning in its glorious orb, sends its blessing to the earth, and the flame of the Seven Holy Kumaras is sent earthward like a giant star.  May it spread out now in your midst and blaze unto earth the power of the secret love star, the love of God, the love of God in manifestation, the purity and holiness of the sacred fire and all that raises, transmutes, changes, elevates, ennobles and blesses man with the fullness of his divine stature, the nobility of his soul, the shining raiment of his garment that strips from him fear, doubt and sinful conditions and raises him into a state of sinlessness, fearlessness, purity, exaltation, resurrection and dominion over all the elements that were given into his hands by the first fiat of God, by the power of the first Magna Charta, the spoken Word that became flesh.    

                          -Mighty Victory:  3-25-1962 at Washington D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 42:45 


4)  Because Sumedha–your own soul and mine--had determined to find the path and to let nothing hold him back, his heart was filled with joy when he heard that the Buddha called Dipamkara was coming by the way.  While Sumedha was clearing the path for the holy one of holies, he meditated on the name of Buddha, and within his soul he did proclaim, “The Buddha comes!  All hail, the Buddha comes to reign!”  And as he was meditating upon the law of the three and three, the six powers of the star of God-mastery, and visualizing the image of the Buddha enthroned within his heart, lo, came the Buddha, came Dipamkara!…So then Dipamkara the Buddha approached Sumedha prostrate in the mud and, stopping there, proclaimed to all the company that he, in vast cycles yet to be, would be crowned a Buddha, Lord of All the World. The destiny not only of Sumedha but of every living soul was proclaimed that day. But the difference between Sumedha and all other living souls that day was that he accepted his God-ordained destiny, his responsibility to be the Buddha.  The soul that accepts future attainment and the presaging of that attainment in the ever-present now is the soul who seizes the fiat of the Lord of the World “Thou shalt be the Buddha!”  with the vow “I AM the Buddha here and now!”…

And so the Lord Dipamkara

Prophesied the future

Of the future Buddha.

Behold the disciple of the Lord!

Behold the devotee of the Word!

Behold the one!  Lo, he has come!

Sumedha in the world to be,

A Buddha in the world shall be.

He spoke of his great retirement

And of his struggle fierce.

He spoke of his austerities--

The conqueror--Dipamkara--

Of his sacrifices

And of the compassion

Of that one, Sumedha,

Who would be known

As the Compassionate One….

Dipamkara spoke

To all the people gathered there

Of events foretold

And the law of old

Written in the Book of Life

Whereby the sons of prophets and of kings

Would come forth

In future time and space

Recycling energies of karma and of dharma

And the distillations of the law,

And the poetry of the songs of angel devas.

So this son of sons,

This king of kings,

This Buddha of the Buddhas

Would come forth

To meditate beneath the Ajapala-tree

And, tarrying there,

Receive the rice pottage

From the maiden fair.

Then to seek and find

The stream Nerajara,

To bathe therein,

To put on the adornment of the saints,

To form the pellets forty-nine

Of the rice pottage all refined,

Then to go the way,

The conqueror’s way,

To the place of the tree of wisdom.

And Sumedha–

A soul fearless in the right,

A soul brilliant in the light,

The one of glory

Descending from the throne of grace–

Would take his place

Where every Buddha

From the beginning to the ending

Had sat,

From Alpha to Omega wending

Over spirals of cosmic destiny--

The place for entering the heaven world,

The place on earth

Consecrated by the Lord of Lords.

  When thus Dipamkara had spoken to mortals and immortals, when he had prophesied the prophecy of the Buddha yet to be, he and his procession moved onward, ever onward and upward in the law and on the path of the Lord of All the World while Sumedha, soul of souls, archetype of humanity, patterned Buddha, archetype of the stars, arose from the way where prostrate he lay, to rejoice and to reflect, to prepare and to protect the light of the Buddha yet to be. had spoken to mortals and immortals, when he had prophesied the prophecy of the Buddha yet to be, he and his procession moved onward, ever onward and upward in the law and on the path of the Lord of All the World while Sumedha, soul of souls, archetype of humanity, patterned Buddha, archetype of the stars, arose from the way where prostrate he lay, to rejoice and to reflect, to prepare and to protect the light of the Buddha yet to be.had spoken to mortals and immortals, when he had prophesied the prophecy of the Buddha yet to be, he and his procession moved onward, ever onward and upward in the law and on the path of the Lord of All the World while Sumedha, soul of souls, archetype of humanity, patterned Buddha, archetype of the stars, arose from the way where prostrate he lay, to rejoice and to reflect, to prepare and to protect the light of the Buddha yet to be….


Gautama in the flawlessness of the Buddhic flame   Pearl 18:19-20


5)  Therefore O my soul–soul of Sumedha, soul of humanity, soul of chelas on the path of the Buddha–clear the heart, the sacred chamber.  Expand it wide and long. Increase the height, the breadth, the depth.  And when the way is all made clear, welcome the mastery of Dipamkara here.  Welcome the Buddha, the lord of lords, the conqueror on the way….

  I dwell upon this initiation of the third of the secret rays that you might understand that it is for the entwining of the flame of the Buddha and Mother within your own fiery core.  Cells of being marching in pairs emulate the twinflames of Alpha and Omega.  And when, therefore, you find no other explanation, no other consolation for the sorrow and the suffering that for a little while precedes the rejoicing and the overcoming, look to God on high, look to the Lord Dipamkara and the disciple Sumedha.  Look to the soul within and hear the voice of hierarchies echoing from the Central Sun of life….

  Let the shavings from the soap carving of a little child–his carving of the image of the Buddha–demonstrate to parents and to teachers who would instruct these little ones in the law that if you would prove to souls the light of God without flaw, you must shave away the propensity, the density, the superfluity of vanity of vanities….I AM the Buddha in adoration of the Mother flame within you.  Raise up now that Mother-flame that I might behold the object of my adoring.     Gautama Buddha:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:23, 25


6)  Come to me as I come to you.  Is there any other oneness than the oneness of the Buddha and the Mother?  Is there any other way to go than the way of Sumedha?…

  Now the angels of Sanat Kumara, angels from out the Great Central Sun, angels of cosmos are winging their way carrying the scroll, the sacred scroll, on which is written the thoughtform for the year 1976. They place it in my hands and I unroll the sacred scroll.  And there is given to Terra in this year a focus of the diamond heart of Mary, the diamond heart of the Divine Mother.  And this focus is the diamond pin which the Divine Mother has worn upon Her breast for centuries and centuries.  It is a diamond pin which you have seen as you have come to the altar of the Divine Mother even thousands and tens of thousands of years ago.  In your eye, your very eye there is a record of this diamond pin which you have seen.  And therefore it is a sign of home, of Mother’s love, of Her caress, of Her heart.  And it will be a sign to all of the children of Terra that the Mother is nigh.   

                           -Gautama Buddha:  12-31-1975 at Anaheim, Pearl 55:1


7)  I AM Chamuel.  I have determined to plant my light and sacred fire within your hearts.  And so I have come.  I have determined, magnetized by your own God-determination, to accelerate, to rekindle, to cause the ascent of light in the hearts of lightbearers everywhere.   -Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  11-2-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 55:17   


8)   Be wise.  Choose the flame of God-harmony and know it contains all others….I bid you welcome to the plane of perpetual joy.  May you know this--that by your love and your calls we five have come closer to Earth than in many thousands of years.  And truly you have brought the delight of illumination’s golden flame for the quickening, the rebirth and the resurrection of the true path of Buddhism and of Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya [and] Lord Dipamkara, our Sanat Kumara.   

-Ratnasambhava:  7-5-1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:29    


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