Sunday, August 30, 2020

The lever of the valve is opened by your decree; the discipline of the law

-gold/electrum plate once in the Romanov family

 in a James Churchward book, having very ancient writing upon it



  The price is very high, and all that you give to God is given back to you in return, and this is the law of the tithe which comes forth from the very heart of Alpha and Omega.  When you give forth your energies in decrees God must return to you that which you have given.  As you give to your fellowman so it is multiplied unto you….realize that all within your sight and those whom you cannot see can receive of the Holy Spirit through your simple call.  Remember the simplicity that was taught to you by Saint Germain this evening past.  Remember that well--the simple call “O God, help me!”—the simple call to God “Break the body of the Lord among these Thy childen, o Father!”  And then return to your tasks….
  The prayers of your Holy Christ Self can be reaped in the world of form only as you appropriate them and ask that they descend into your heart’s chalice.  For all that occurs in the macrocosm is destined to descend into the microcosm.  The lever of the valve is opened by your decree, and until you make the call the valve is shut and nothing can come forth to you except the 
allotment for your embodiment of the pulsation from the mighty I AM Presence.  Anything in addition to that--the expansion of your heartflame and all that you need to have and do and be to go forth in the light--must come forth because you invoke it, because you decree it and because you accept it unflinchingly on behalf of the service of the light.
  Steel your minds, precious ones, and realize that the discipline of the law is the saving grace of mankind.  The discipline of the law is mercy, for as you align yourself and your four lower bodies with the Being of God you appreciate that there are vast spheres of power that may be released to you because you are one with the law.  The law is not bondage, obedience is never a chain, beloved ones.  Because you are one with the law you have and are entitled to reap the benefits of the entire cosmos.  Do you see how this is the key to your opportunity in the new year as you consider the law your own being as this law is set against the law of cosmos?…
  And conversely (to limiting yourself) when you declare  “I AM the full perfection of God!  I have the full potential of the seven mighty Elohim to go forth in their name!” that thereby you expand the law of your being and you are permitted then to reap the benefits of the law which you create?
  The law is a circumscription of energy, it defines what man can do and what he cannot do.  Therefore as you define in your world the sphere of your activity remember that all law that is based upon the infinite conception of God will fulfill in you your victory, the fullness of your service and mighty ascension in the light.  That which then circumscribes you to a round of mortal pleasure, of sensation in matter, of mortal consciousness will limit you and you can never tie into the great  infinite storehouse of light that is just behind the veil….we are ready and we are preparing for the time when you are individually held accountable to hold the balance for this planet.
  This time is coming soon, and as to the parable of the wise virgins, keep your lamps trimmed, beloved ones, for you will need every erg of energy that is given unto you, you will need it in that time…
  Look forward then to the resurrection of all life.  Go forward in the name of the Christ, go forward in the name of his flame and bear within you that diamond heart that is my own, that is the heart of beloved El Morya, that is the heart of the will of God.  As your heart becomes the diamond shining mind of God the wisdom of that heart will be unmoved, you will be unmoved.  And no riptide of emotion however great or small will be able to deter you from your course which is the course of freedom.  It is the cause of freedom, the cause of victory.  Develop then that courage and determination which says “I shall not be moved!”…
  As you receive our radiation this day and the sublimity of the rule of the Holy Family realize that this Trinity of manifestation is the true meaning of the threefold flame within your heart.  For in the balance of the Father, Mother and Son principles you attain the glory of your victory.  Receive it then for it is lovingly, freely given from the heart of your own mighty I AM Presence. 
 (by Ruth Hawkins)
-Archeia Mary:  12-31-1971 at Colorado Springs via Messenger of the Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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