Sunday, August 2, 2020

Open-mindedness and open-heartedness together with that contriteness of conscience work together

  The qualities of tenderness and earnestness together with that high standard of cosmic morality which is the fulfillment of spiritual law are always a part of the divine nature of man….
  Men and women of today should understand that each time they indulge in self-condemnation, each time they immerse themselves in feelings of frustrating guilt whereby sin is sustained and nothing constructive is gained there occurs an opaquing of the universal light of the Christ and a temporary dwelling of the soul in the tents of wickedness.  Open-mindedness and open-heartedness together with that contriteness of conscience which washes away all sin in the stream of God’s universal love work together to effect a clarity of consciousness, a soul transparency that emits only the purity of the Christ in the communion chalice of being….
  Thus the banal actions of mankind and those attitudes that are so far beneath the standard of the Christ cannot be permitted to endure--even in the name of mercy.  They must be dethroned, cast down and destroyed, preferably through the alchemy of transmutation; and through the light of reason and the recreation of eternal mercy mankind must come to the realization that life on earth is intended to be beautiful, but that this is possible only when everyone holds every experience as sacred.
  In this my epistle on an aspect of mercy’s flame I trust that all will gain an awareness of its inherent virtue as it pertains to their own unfoldment.  I trust they will see the wisdom in maintaining an attitude of non-condemnation toward themselves and their fellowman and of casting their entire being unto the mercy of God for safekeeping. Thus will the world begin to send forth a stream of avatars, men and women who are aware of their divine sonship and of their kinship with all that lives.  Thus shall we erase from the records of akasha mankind’s injustices practiced against both Creator and creation which have prevented the pure and beautiful plans of God from ripening unto a harvest of spiritual fruition for all.   
-Kuan Yin:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:5
 -Amitabha Buddha, in Prayer and Meditation, 1978

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