-Confucius by Jack Fang, 1973-4, at San Jose’s Overfelt Park
1) You see, whenever error is accepted as though it were real it becomes by the pressure of its acceptance a flaw in the foundation of the temple which each one is building. Such a flaw can throw the entire structure off-plumb for a lifetime (and succeeding lifetimes) unless and until it is corrected.
-Jesus the Christ: Corona Class Lessons, 1963, see http://books.google.com/books?id=1X2QVI5tIhIC&pg=PA163&dq=clare+prophet+off+plumb&hl=en&ei=S0ujTrvyOMjUiALY-vGCAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
2) We will warn when the engineering is not perfect and show how the plumb line of truth and justice must be drawn that it become not hooked in any angle but must always rise straight--a vertical ascent towards the heights of heaven’s purity.
-Morya: 6-5-1963 at Fairfax, VA via Mark Prophet, see http://books.google.com/books?id=6APeq8IzX-wC&pg=PA246&dq=mark+prophet+plumb+line&hl=en&ei=2OWhTouVDsaRiALN3eFU&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CGsQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q&f=false
3) 258. But as the white elephant of Maitreya, reality marches on.
-Morya: Community 1926
4) Men must see the dual patterns of the Supreme One: (1) Christ’s criterion for all men, the line upon which every master has walked--the plumb tried and true--and (2) the line of action and accomplishment that results in mortal harnessing of the immortal bestowing.
-Hilarion: Pearls of Wisdom of 2-4-1968
5) Behold, the domain of the ascended masters is revealed whereby former lives and consciousness are brought into the domain of the present and old powers are restored, and behold! the old boundaries of the ancient temples are drawn out and the plumb line of perfection that leads to your God Presence is beheld.
-Elohim Cyclopea: 7-1-1966 via Messenger Mark Prophet
6) Using the plumb line of truth the Great Geometer can bisect the cycles of man’s travail when man himself elects to accelerate the spirals of his being by intensifying the action of the sacred fire within them. Since time and space are spirals of energy in motion, the greater the motion of energy man can control within his forcefield, qualified with Christly virtue, the greater the quotient of time and space he will have in his command--compressed within a given cycle of opportunity.
-Messenger Mark Prophet, see
7) Let them judge according to the plumb line of truth, according to knowledge of cosmic law.
-Archeia Mary: 7-2-1970 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, see
8) The condition of human thought frequently involves the most trivial matters. Thus it is ever so wise to “take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself”; for the meaning of living today and thinking today is the key to progress. The now that is the day of salvation recognizes the potential of each day for accomplishment and sees each day as though it were eternity….
The snares that have destroyed great nations have first taken root in individuals. Either men have failed to be wayshowers, or the way they have shown has not been the way of peace. It is easy for humanity to rationalize their conduct; and cleverness in words and manipulation of ideas becomes a game that long ago prompted Jesus to say “Woe unto you, ye lawyers!”…
The time is overripe now--if world calamity is to be avoided--for humanity to understand that their pleasures of eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, of seeking the love and friendship of the world must be placed in their proper perspective. Then as staunchness of being and love of higher principle rise out of the morass of human personality we shall observe the building of men and women who stand for something above the level of mass ignorance.
-Goddess of Liberty: Pearls of Wisdom 13:25
9) The plumb line of truth by which the Great Geometer calculates the measure of a man must also be applied to nations and to planets at the hour of judgment.
-Messenger E or M Prophet, see http://books.google.com/books?id=NnhQHG05d-AC&pg=PA55&dq=mark+prophet+plumb+line&hl=en&ei=HuWhTq6xH-HbiAKAuqmIAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CF0Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q&f=false
10) Do you see then that mankind’s science has been perverted through the perversion of the Mother? And since the fall of woman--the descent of her consciousness into lower levels of expression--science has not been true and the plumb line of Truth has not been the measurement of mankind’s science. -Leto: 11-5-1972 or 9-30-1973 via Messenger M or E Prophet
11) for mankind shall know by the plumb line of truth that is the divinity within them that which is truth, that which is error, that which leads unto life everlasting and that which leadeth unto death and destruction. -Leto: 4-28-1973 at Los Angeles via Messenger ECP
12) The exactness of the secret rays as they are released from the centers placed within your form for this purpose goes forth into the world to draw all into the plumb line of divinity. I say then this is no time for dalliance, for sloppiness, for lack of cleanliness in your person. For this is the hour when God demands the allness of man. And perfection is the great standard.
-Cosmos: 11-11-1973 via Messenger ECP
13) (devotees of truth) pay the price for they know that without truth there is no standard, no mediator midst relative good and evil, no plumb line to separate the real from the unreal.
-Pallas Athena: 5-25-1975 via Messenger ECP
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14) when the hour of the Lord’s judgment is come he himself (the individual) will indeed be judged--whether he fall to the right or to the left of the plumb line of truth--and by his words and his work shall he stand or fall.
-Messenger ECP, see http://books.google.com/books?id=-8_lnEa5lHcC&pg=PA196&dq=mark+prophet+plumb+line&hl=en&ei=FeOhTu-VIIqqiALG442FAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEsQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15) You will survive because of diligent effort and understanding the plumb line of truth.
-Morya: 5-27-1979 at Camelot
16) Truth is the healing unguent and the agent of the Holy Spirit. When you are immersed in the fires of truth and all things within you are true to the plumb line of being, can aught else manifest, I say, than perfect health and wholeness? -Archangel Raphael: 8-16-1981 at Camelot
17) Now we come to the building (of the Inner Retreat). And the four sides must obey the plumb line of truth as they come from the north, the south, the east and the west.
19) Understand that the thread of my teaching is in all Teachings of the ascended masters….Indeed why is the coming (of Maitreya) so long? It is that we must be certain that the auric rings of light surrounding the bodies of chelas ascended and unascended, and the lightbodies as well, can hold the balance for Maitreya descending and the darkness that does assail them….
Thus I would say that the most necessary attainment is the perception of how powerful the Call and how nothing the Adversary!--the powerfulness of Christ and the nothingness of the Adversary.
-Maitreya: 3-24-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
20) If the foundation and superstructure, if the skeletal frame be not perfect, naught else can be according to the plumb line of truth. -Morya: 12-29-1985 at Camelot, see
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22) Neglect not then the plumb line of truth, no detail unworthy of effort, for the crystal of Self must be an alchemical/chemical formula that does vibrate and quiver with the spiritual chemistry of God.
-Lanello: Pearls of Wisdom 30:82, see http://books.google.com/books?id=v9-n6keDGDMC&pg=PA621&dq=clare+prophet+plumb+line&hl=en&ei=–ahTpfhOqb8iQLPyvF6&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CFkQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q&f=false
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23) Harmony comes with the determination to fulfill the qualities of God [on] the twelve [lines of the cosmic clock]. Therefore as you keep the flame of God-power in [the] balance of Alpha and Omega, you have [God-]harmony under the hierarchy of Capricorn [and correspondingly under the hierarchy of Cancer]. Harmony that is true as the plumb line is true, beloved, gives you contact with the hierarchies of [each and every] line. -God Harmony: 10-7-1989 at RTR
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24) Your calling is to keep up with the levels of darkness and keep them transmuted by joyous, joyous call to the violet flame and to keep up the corresponding light of your own Christhood whereby each day you can bow before your God and ask that your offering might be received as an acceptable offering and that it might be purified, rectified and brought in line with the plumb line of truth if it is not. -Elohim Peace and Aloha: 4-8-1993 at RTR
26) Modern taoist Ni Hua Ching says “The key to cultivating tao lies in the eyes. Be sure to remove all distractions that drain energy away from them.” -at 8:22 of http://www.mysticalpaths.org/TaoAudio2.html by Messenger ECP
27) Long ago I realized that people did not have mercy for the saints. They were all involved in these sympathy trips (to assuage their guilt trips), in their idolatrous loves and daydreams, collecting butterflies and other pet projects to the exclusion of the divine--let the building of God’s kingdom on earth wait while they condemn their neighbor and bury their dead! And it was and still is God who is the beggar!
-Kuan Yin via Messenger M or E Prophet

-Saint Germain